
Stay young and strive to be a happy old man

Stay young and strive to be a happy old man

When the years pass and the years are gone,

We are afraid to grow old.

In fact, the real old age is not in the old age,

And in the psyche.

If the heart is young, why be afraid of the years?

These psychological problems should not be ignored

If the elderly want to establish a positive and healthy view of aging, they need to pay attention to the following psychological problems.

Inferiority complex

Case: As soon as Aunt Wang retired, she came to Beijing from her hometown to help her son with her children. Although I have been here a few times before, it is all a small stay. This time is a permanent residence, travel, shopping, shopping and cooking, are different from the hometown. Aunt Wang is always worried about using bad access control cards, afraid that her hometown dialect will not be understood... Aunt Wang, who was not confident in the first place, seemed to be very inferior, always cautious in every word and deed, afraid of doing something wrong.

Comments: Many elderly people, like Aunt Wang, come to live in a different place after retirement. These places have something new that they have never touched before, which is both novel and stressful. In the process of adapting to life in a different place, the elderly are prone to inferiority complex. For new things, older friends should be willing to accept and have the courage to try, and the sense of achievement obtained after trying to succeed helps to eliminate inferiority complex. Especially electronic products, there will be a certain degree of difficulty in learning, but once mastered, it will still bring a lot of convenience. Sons and daughters should also help the elderly to try and learn more.


Case: Teacher Zhang is an old expert, retired and rehired a few years later to go abroad to accompany the child for two years, and then came back nearly seventy years old, wanted to continue to re-hire, but was rejected by the original unit. Teacher Zhang found it difficult to accept, felt that he had no value, and even felt abandoned.

Comments: When retirement really comes, although the elderly are psychologically prepared, they will inevitably feel a sense of loss. Retirement means the loss of social identity, when the elderly need to accept themselves and accept reality. From a positive point of view, although the elderly cannot continue to create value in the workplace after retirement, the time is completely their own. This freedom is very precious, and it can be said that there are losses and gains. Older people can try to shift the focus of their lives from work to themselves. Work is only one way to define the value of life, not the whole thing.

Twilight psychology

Case: When Grandma Ge was seventy-one years old, she began to worry about herself, and when she encountered a cold and fever, she would say, "I'm almost finished, this is to tell me to 'go'." Although every time she turned "danger" into a disaster, Grandma Ge still lived in fear.

Comments: Some elderly people or elderly people with poor physical condition often have a negative psychology, thinking that their lives have entered the end, and there is a sense of pity that the west is thin and the life is late. Especially when it comes to the so-called "hurdle" of "seventy-three" and "eighty-four", I am even more worried that I will not be able to pass. If this state of mind has seriously affected life, you should try to change it and let a positive attitude bring you a happy life.

Stay young and strive to be a happy old man

If the heart is young, do not fear the years

The elderly should establish a positive view of aging and strive to be happy to be the elderly, and the following two aspects should be done specifically.


Dilute the "old age" label

Breakthrough Psychology Limited

In life, there are some stereotypical sayings about old age, such as "people come to seventy years old" and "people have loose skin when they are old, why they are not in the middle"... In fact, many people in their sixties and seventies now do not look old, regardless of energy, posture and appearance. Therefore, elderly friends should not use these statements to hypnotize themselves, otherwise they will unconsciously over-strengthen the label of "old age", exaggerate their aging, and give up their curiosity and participation in new lives and new things.

The elderly should be wary of this psychological self-imposed limitation. Without that kind of self-limitation in the mind, life will be much freer. Some positive and optimistic elderly people, seventy or eighty years old will still maintain a young mentality, they will go around the world, will dress fashionably on the catwalk... Forgetting age, we forget aging.

Children do not have to overemphasize the age of their parents, do not have to deliberately let their parents do nothing, and let their parents do what they can to benefit their physical and mental health. This pattern of getting along with parents will dilute the feeling of old age of parents.

Stay young and strive to be a happy old man


Change your stubborn personality

Embrace modern civilization

As we age, some older people become stubborn and hard to convince. They know that some new things are good, but they are not willing to experience, accustomed to the existing way of life, accustomed to the simplicity, familiarity and safety of their comfort zone, and do not want to leave. Stubbornness means refusing to change, refusing to try, conforming to the rules, and closing oneself off. Stubbornly sticking to the old ways will isolate the elderly from the civilization and beauty of this world.

Older people should be wary of their stubbornness and try to change. For example, there is an old man who was once afraid to use a smartphone, but later with the help of children, he can finally master the operation. Now he can not only buy vegetables and shop on the Internet, but also chase dramas online. After the old man tasted the sweetness, he lamented the convenience brought by scientific and technological civilization to modern people.

Stay young and strive to be a happy old man

In addition to this, some healthy behaviors should be established and reinforced.

Develop a reading habit. The brain, like the muscles, has the characteristics of going in and out. The elderly should read more, memorize frequently, and use their brains. This will not only slow down the aging process, but also help sleep and enrich the spiritual world.

Maintain social interaction. Man is a social animal, and he has the original need to belong, the need to communicate and interact with others. Elderly people can actively participate in community activities, chat with friends, play chess, bask in the sun, etc. This not only relieves loneliness, but also gets the understanding and support of others. If you encounter something that you can't think of, someone else's words may make you open up.

Do more outdoor sports. Choose the right exercise methods such as walking, tai chi, fitness qigong, etc., and do what you can. Exercise can promote blood circulation, enhance muscle strength, improve mood and sleep, and is good for the physical and mental health of the elderly.

Source: Geriatric Health News

Author: Song Chongsheng, deputy chief physician of the first clinical department of Beijing Huilongguan Hospital

Review: Expert of the National Health Science Popularization Expert Database

Professor Wang Shaoli of Beijing Huilongguan Hospital

Planner: Wang Juncong, Tan Jia

Editor: Lu Yimin

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