
The three famous ministers of Shu Han in Xiangxiang City, Hunan Province, are all from Xinxiang Road, and one is one of the four famous ministers

Today's Xiangxiang City, known as "Dragon City" in ancient times, is located in the central part of Hunan Province, and is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Xiangtan City, a county of Lingling County in Jingzhou during the Eastern Han Dynasty. In the Shuhan Group, there are three famous ministers from Xinxiang Road in the urban area of Xiangxiang City. One of them was a new generation of leaders after Zhuge Liang, and the other two were killed by the rebel army during the restoration of the country with Jiang Wei.

The three famous ministers of Shu Han in Xiangxiang City, Hunan Province, are all from Xinxiang Road, and one is one of the four famous ministers

First: Jiang Huan. Jiang Huan (蒋琬), courtesy name Gongyan, was another important minister of the Shu Han Clique after Zhuge Liang, and one of the four famous ministers of the Shu Han Clique. Since childhood, Jiang Huan has been brilliant and studious, and when he was a teenager, he was known for his transcendent talent and extraordinary posture. After the Battle of Chibi, Liu Bei occupied Lingling County. During this period, Jiang Huan also joined the Liu Bei Group. However, the early Jiang Huan did not show enough talent, but almost lost his life because of one of his own mistakes.

The three famous ministers of Shu Han in Xiangxiang City, Hunan Province, are all from Xinxiang Road, and one is one of the four famous ministers

Here's how it went. After Liu Bei defeated Liu Zhang and captured Yizhou, he transferred Jiang Huan to Yizhou and served as the county magistrate of Guangdu County, the agricultural center of Yizhou, in order to let Jiang Huan have a good experience at the grassroots level. However, after Jiang Huan arrived at his post, he rarely sat in the hall to govern the government, and drank drunkenly all day, and this scene happened to be caught by Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang and others who were inspecting the local area. Liu Bei was very angry at Jiang Huan's performance and immediately wanted to put him in prison and behead him, but fortunately Zhuge Liang strongly dissuaded him, Jiang Huan was able to save his life, but he was still deposed from his official position.

The three famous ministers of Shu Han in Xiangxiang City, Hunan Province, are all from Xinxiang Road, and one is one of the four famous ministers

After that, Zhuge Liang advised Liu Bei in front of him, saying that Jiang Huan was a talent who could shoulder the heavy responsibilities of the state, not a talent who could only govern a hundred miles, hoping that Liu Bei could reuse it. Liu Bei listened to Zhuge Liang's advice and transferred him to the imperial court when he was proclaimed King of Hanzhong, and Jiang Huan entered the center of power from then on, with the official Shang Shulang as the official. After Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang was very attached to Jiang Huan and left him in the Chu Xiang Mansion to serve as Eastern Cao Tuan. During this period, Zhuge Liang often corrected and encouraged Jiang Huan, hoping that he could fully display his talents and contribute to the construction of the Shu Han court.

The three famous ministers of Shu Han in Xiangxiang City, Hunan Province, are all from Xinxiang Road, and one is one of the four famous ministers

During his tenure in the Chancellor's Mansion, Jiang Huan did not disappoint Zhuge Liang, and he worked diligently and dutifully. During Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, he left Jiang Huan in the palace and jointly took charge of all the affairs of the XiangFu with Zhang Yi, and was later promoted to join the army because of his merits. Later, Zhang Yi was promoted to the position of Chancellor Changshi, mainly responsible for the supply of grain and grass for the Northern Expeditionary Army, and Zhuge Liang, Zhang Yi and others would always say when talking about Jiang Huan: "(Jiang) Gong Yan Zhi Zhongya, when he praises Wang Ye with me." Zhuge Liang also said in a secret message to the later lord Liu Chan: "If the subject is unfortunate, the matter will be paid to (Jiang) Huan." This shows Zhuge Liang's appreciation and importance of Jiang Wan.

The three famous ministers of Shu Han in Xiangxiang City, Hunan Province, are all from Xinxiang Road, and one is one of the four famous ministers

After Zhuge Liang's death, the later lord Liu Chan, in accordance with Zhuge Liang's dying instructions, ordered Jiang Huan to take charge of the imperial government, and Jiang Huan became the leader of the Shu Han Empire in the post-Zhuge Liang era. Jiang Huan successively held the posts of Shang Shu Ling, Du Hu, Yizhou Assassin History, Great General, and Lu Shang Shu Shi, and was in charge of the military and political affairs of the Shu Han Dynasty. In the first year of Yanxi (238 AD), Liu Chan specially ordered Jiang Huanjia to be made the Grand Sima and the governor of Kaifu.

The three famous ministers of Shu Han in Xiangxiang City, Hunan Province, are all from Xinxiang Road, and one is one of the four famous ministers

Unlike Zhuge Liang, who carried out the Northern Expedition for many years during his lifetime, Jiang Huan paid more attention to the restoration and development of the national strength of the Shu Han Dynasty. During his reign, except for a few small-scale battles, the two countries did not have large-scale armed conflicts, which also provided favorable conditions for the restoration of the power of the Shu and Han dynasties. After several years of hard work, the agricultural and economic development of the Shu Han Dynasty has been greatly improved. After that, Jiang Huan summed up the lessons learned from Zhuge Liang's several defeats in the Northern Expedition and decided to build a large ship from the waterway. Unexpectedly, before the war had begun, Jiang Huan fell seriously ill, and eventually died of unpaid ambition.

The three famous ministers of Shu Han in Xiangxiang City, Hunan Province, are all from Xinxiang Road, and one is one of the four famous ministers

Second place: Jiang Bin. Jiang Bin, the eldest son of the shu Han dynasty minister Jiang Huan. After Jiang Huan's death, Jiang Bin inherited the title of Marquis of Anyangting and continued to serve the Shu Han clique, successively serving as the general of Suiwu and the protector of Seoul. However, in the late Shu Han Dynasty, it was already in decline. In the sixth year of jingyao of the Shu Han Dynasty (263 AD), Sima Zhao launched the Battle of Shu, and the famous Cao Wei general Deng Ai crossed the Yinping Trail deep into Hanzhong and threatened the Capital of the Shu Han State, Chengdu. At the suggestion of the ministers, the later lord Liu Chan Kaicheng surrendered, and the Shu Han Empire collapsed. At this time, Jiang Bin, who was on the front line in Seoul, came to Chengdu with the Wei general Zhong Hui. After that, Zhong Hui conspired with Jiang Wei to rebel and was killed. In the midst of this chaos, Jiang Bin was also killed by the rebels.

The three famous ministers of Shu Han in Xiangxiang City, Hunan Province, are all from Xinxiang Road, and one is one of the four famous ministers

Third place: Jiang Xian. Jiang Xian, the second son of the Shu Han dynasty minister Jiang Huan. Jiang Xian's situation was the same as that of his elder brother, and after Jiang Huan's death, Jiang Xian,served as a prince servant on behalf of his father. When the Shu Han Empire fell, Liu Chan ordered Jiang Wei to surrender, and the minister who went to the Sword Pavilion was Jiang Xian. After that, Zhong would leave Jiang Xian by his side and appoint him, and bring Jiang Xian, along with his brother Jiang Bin, to Chengdu, where he was eventually killed along with Jiang Bin.

Reference book: Romance of the Three Kingdoms

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