
Women's armpit hair is too dense, and it will be more difficult to prepare for pregnancy

In today's society, women's requirements for external image are getting higher and higher, especially with the arrival of summer, clothes are getting cooler and cooler, and the days of "beautiful people are confident, ugly people are panicking" have begun again.

Summer is a season that troubles many women, obesity, darkness, etc. will become a factor of inferiority, at the same time, "hairy" is also one of the headaches for many women.

Xiaomei is a young and fashionable girl, as the name suggests, she is the most beautiful of her friends since she was a child.

However, no one is perfect, under the exquisite face, she also has her own troubles: due to the pressure of work, she often has insomnia, coupled with irregular life, usually does not pay attention to diet, in recent years she has found that her armpit hair is getting thicker.

Women's armpit hair is too dense, and it will be more difficult to prepare for pregnancy

Instead of removing her armpit hairs, her armpit hairs became denser. Xiaomei, who is preparing to get pregnant, was also told by the doctor to be mentally prepared, because the pregnancy rate of axillary hair is too dense may be reduced.

What causes thick armpit hair in women? Women's armpit hair is too strong, and the difficulty of preparing for pregnancy may increase, is there a scientific basis for this statement?

The thick armpit hair affects pregnancy preparation, which sounds like it is not marginal, but experts say that it is not alarmist, and there is a certain scientific basis.

The study found that there are three main reasons for the thick armpit hair in women:

Women's armpit hair is too dense, and it will be more difficult to prepare for pregnancy

1. Genetic factors

Genes are a major factor in the characteristics of the human body, and like other characteristics, hair has a certain heritability.

If the parents' armpit hairs are thick, the children's armpit hairs may be more, and if the armpit hairs of both parents are thinner, the child's armpit hair may be less. The vigorous hair caused by this condition is congenital and generally does not affect pregnancy preparation.

2. Endocrine disorders

If it is not a genetic factor, a sudden increase in axillary hair may be caused by endocrine disorders. Endocrine disorders, too high male hormones in the body can lead to increased armpit hairs.

In this regard, women must be vigilant and adjust as soon as possible. Because this condition will affect the stability of menstruation, menstruation is irregular, and the difficulty of preparing for pregnancy will increase.

Women's armpit hair is too dense, and it will be more difficult to prepare for pregnancy

3. Physical abnormalities

A sudden increase in a woman's armpit hair may also be a sign of a physical abnormality. If the hormones in the body are imbalanced, the hair will grow vigorously, and severe inflammation may also occur in gynecological aspects, increasing the difficulty of pregnancy.

Nowadays, it is becoming more and more difficult for young couples to get pregnant, and many people are prepared to not conceive a child for a long time.

How can couples properly prepare for pregnancy and increase the fertility rate?

1. Change bad habits

Staying up late is a very bad living habit of modern young people, long-term staying up late will lead to female endocrine disorders, inhibit the secretion of estrogen in the body, resulting in difficulty in conception.

The quality of sperm in men staying up late will also be reduced, affecting the preparation for pregnancy. So both men and women plan to have children, starting with changing their schedules.

2. Strengthen activities

Doctors believe that sitting for a long time is a very bad harmful behavior to the ovaries, and sitting still for a long time will increase the difficulty of pregnancy preparation. In this regard, women should strengthen exercise, avoid sedentary, and men should also actively exercise to improve the motility of sperm.

Women's armpit hair is too dense, and it will be more difficult to prepare for pregnancy

3. Refuse junk food

Now many young couples like to eat irritating junk food, some women do not pay attention to diet during menstruation, eat too cold things, these behaviors will cause great harm to the body, should be eliminated. Healthy eating makes pregnancy preparation a simple task.

4. Stay in a good mood

Studies have shown that good mood can also affect pregnancy. Reducing the pressure of life and maintaining a happy mood have a positive effect on improving the psychological state, and can invisibly increase the pregnancy rate.

Rejecting sub-health begins with prevention. Women should pay more attention to their physical condition, adhere to good diet, living habits, strengthen exercise, and maintain a pleasant mood in order to successfully prepare for pregnancy.

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