
If Liu Feng went to save Guan Yu, what would be the consequences? Throwing away the mediocrity or not saving Guan Yu at all?

In the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an (219), Guan Yu was attacked by Cao Cao and Sun Quan in the Battle of Xiangfan, especially Sun Quan sent Lü Meng to cross the river in white clothes and sneak into Jingzhou, and the Jiangling defender Mi Fang and the public security general (Fu) Shiren surrendered to Sun Quan, causing Guan Yu to lose his base camp, the rear road was cut off, and Guan Yu had no choice but to take refuge in Maicheng.

At this time, Guan Yu, to the point of exhaustion of mountains and rivers, could not attack Fancheng for a long time, although it was said that the flooded Seventh Army defeated Yu Ban in the early stage, but after being defeated by Xu Huang's reinforcements, he was attacked by Lü Meng in the back, and Mi Fang and Shiren surrendered to Sun Quan, Guan Yu can be said to be fighting alone, running out of food and food, and cornered.

If Liu Feng went to save Guan Yu, what would be the consequences? Throwing away the mediocrity or not saving Guan Yu at all?

If Mi Fang and Shiren had not surrendered to Sun Quan at this time, it was estimated that they would not have been able to save Guan Yu, because Guan Yu had drawn a lot of troops from Jingzhou in order to be able to capture Fancheng, and the capital of Jiangling City was basically empty, and the public security forces were not many, and they had no ability to rescue Guan Yu at all, which was equivalent to a cup of water.

Even if Liu Bei knew that sending troops from Chengdu to rescue him was too far away to be too late. At this time, the only force that could rescue Guan Yu was Liu Feng, who was stationed in Shangyong, and Meng Da, who was stationed at Fangling.

Because, liu feng and Meng Da had at least five thousand troops, and Liu Feng sent five hundred to one thousand people to rescue Guan Yu, which was theoretically possible. Five thousand troops, one out of ten, five hundred cavalry, can still do it.

Where are Maicheng and Shangyong again? How far away? Maicheng was in the territory of Lianghe Township in present-day Danyang City, Hubei Province, and Shangyong was in the southwest of present-day Zhushan County, Hubei Province. The distance between the two places is about three hundred kilometers, and now people drive about four hours by car and about thirty hours by bicycle.

If Liu Feng went to save Guan Yu, what would be the consequences? Throwing away the mediocrity or not saving Guan Yu at all?

The ancients rode horses, did not drive fast, from Shangyong to Maicheng, it was estimated to take two days, and moreover, it was still light cavalry, and the rush march was the kind that selected elite cavalry, without weight, and only three or four days of dry food. The cavalry is three hundred miles a day, and the history books are recorded, and Zhuge Liang said that Cao Cao pursued Liu Bei and marched for more than three hundred miles a day and a night, which is proof.

The "Biography of Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms" records: Wen chased Yuzhou, and traveled more than three hundred miles a day and a night.

Some people say that Xiahou Yuan swept through Qiangxi, the tiger stepped to the right, attacked the enemy for thousands of miles, five hundred in three days, one thousand in six days, five hundred miles in three days, and only walked a thousand miles in six days, but don't forget, Xiahou Yuan's troops are tens of thousands, there are many troops, and large-scale marches and wars are to bring grain, grass and weight, otherwise, what will tens of thousands of troops eat? How can you fight for a long time? With grain and grass and weight, five hundred in three days, and one thousand in six days, it is already very fast.

Similarly, Sima Yi attacked the enemy for thousands of miles, killed Meng Da, from Wancheng to Xincheng, twelve hundred miles, it also took several days, don't forget, Sima Yi is also tens of thousands of troops, large troops marching to fight, of course, also to bring grain and grass and heavy weight.

If Liu Feng went to save Guan Yu, what would be the consequences? Throwing away the mediocrity or not saving Guan Yu at all?

And Liu Feng sent light cavalry to rescue Guan Yu, saving people like fighting fires, demanding fast speed, the number of people can not be too much, five hundred to one thousand fine horsemen can be, only three or four days of dry food, do not weigh heavily, fast horse and whip, two days of rapid march, enough to rush from Shangyong to Maicheng.

When Liu Feng's rescuers arrived at Maicheng, Guan Yu killed from the city, inside and outside, rushing out of the siege should be no problem, but the hope of retaking Jingzhou is not big, or there is no possibility, as long as you can rush out, as the saying goes, stay in the green mountains, not afraid of no firewood.

If Liu Feng went to save Guan Yu, then Shangyong and Fangling could only be guarded by Meng Da alone, and the task of two people was entrusted to one person, and the foundation was unstable, in this case, Shangyong and Fangling might be lost, either by the Eastern Wu Luxun army or by the Cao Wei Xu Huang army.

If Liu Feng went to save Guan Yu, what would be the consequences? Throwing away the mediocrity or not saving Guan Yu at all?

Although Shangyong and other places were lost, there was hope for the rescue of Guan Yu, and even if Eastern Wu besieged it hard, with Liu Feng's five hundred elite cavalry guards, Guan Yu should be able to rush out. Liu Beifa was defeated by Wu, and was burned by Lu Xun to burn the camp, all the way in pursuit, or did he rush out of the siege of the Wu army and hide in the White Emperor City?

The "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" records that Liu Bei ran away and was only spared by his body.

Guan Yu's bravery was much stronger than Liu Bei's, Liu Bei could rush out, and Guan Yu might not be able to rush out if he was rescued by Liu Feng.

Some people say that Guan Yu Tushan was surrounded around three times, why didn't he rush out? That is the interpretation, not the history, even if it can be discussed, don't forget, when Tushan was about three things, Guan Yu had Liu Bei's two wives by his side, Guan Yu could not leave the two sisters-in-law alone, Guan Yu had concerns, was dragged on his hind legs, otherwise, Guan Yu would have rushed out earlier.

Unfortunately, Liu Feng and Meng Da did not send anyone to rescue Guan Yu, and sat idly by, Guan Yu had to break through with more than a dozen retinues, and on the way, he was unfortunately ambushed by Ma Zhong, the general of Pan Zhang's army, and was captured and killed, which was deplorable.

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