
How to fight the fierce fire of the Japanese bunkers? Our generals will organize god throwers and crush the enemy with grenades

Originality is not easy, please pay attention!

Author: Yi Pin Wen team a constant single step, no authorization to ban the transfer!

In October 1939, in order to completely control the cities of Zhangjiakou and Laiyuan and ensure that the two cities were in a so-called state of safety, the Japanese army decided to build a road between the two places.

[Founding Major General Zhang Yinghui]

Considering that the construction of this Zhanglai Highway would certainly be destroyed and harassed by the Eighth Route Army, the cunning Japanese army mobilized a battalion of puppet cavalry and stationed it on the hillside of The West River Camp, the best location of the road. The purpose of the Japanese army was to use the condescending way of the Motianling Mountain and the method of rapid movement of the cavalry, and once it was found that the Eighth Route Army had come to sabotage the attack, it could quickly attack and eliminate and drive out the Eighth Route Army, so as to ensure that the Zhanglai Highway could be completed as scheduled.

How could the Japanese army so easily repair the road to plunder our country's resources and strike at the anti-Japanese troops? Zhang Yinghui, then commander of the 10th Company of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, received instructions from his superiors to adopt a sneak attack and make sure to completely annihilate the puppet cavalry battalion stationed at Sky Ridge to stop and delay the speed of the Japanese army's road construction.

When Zhang Yinghui led his company through a rapid march to the side of the Sky Ridge, he saw in the distance that a cavalry battalion of the puppet army was stationed in the middle of the mountainside, and if he attacked from the front, neither the weapons and equipment of the Eighth Route Army nor the mobility were as strong as this puppet army, and the frontal attack would certainly have no chance of victory.

How to fight the fierce fire of the Japanese bunkers? Our generals will organize god throwers and crush the enemy with grenades

[Commanders and fighters of the Eighth Route Army entering the ambush position]

Zhang Yinghui was instructed by his superiors that he must find a way and use his brain to bypass the front of this puppet army and launch an attack from a place where the puppet army is not easy to find. Zhang Yinghui then led several warriors to conduct a careful reconnaissance around the Skyscraper area, and he found that he had climbed up the mountain from the cliffs in the northern foothills of the Skyscraper ridge and launched a battle from the rear where the puppet army thought it was very safe and had no defense at all, so as to achieve good results.

After hearing Zhang Yinghui's report, the superior leaders immediately expressed their approval. Zhang Yinghui then led his company to the northern foothills of the Skyscraper Ridge and began a difficult climb along the rugged and steep slopes that resembled cliffs. Since climbing the cliff is to reduce unnecessary weight to climb faster and safer, Zhang Yinghui ordered the fighters to bring only rifles and a few grenades and other light weapons, and then quickly assembled to the cliff, he took the lead in climbing up the mountain, and soon the whole company of fighters climbed to the top of the mountain one by one.

How to fight the fierce fire of the Japanese bunkers? Our generals will organize god throwers and crush the enemy with grenades

Finally, when Zhang Yinghui and the soldiers climbed to the top of the mountain with great perseverance, what appeared to them was that this puppet army cavalry was very leisurely wandering on the hillside, some were still feeding horses, and even humming a small tune, a scene of leisure and happiness, and they did not expect that the Eighth Route Army had quietly approached them.

Under the hint of Zhang Yinghui's gesture, the warriors quietly spread out, unfolding to both sides with extremely rapid movements, and quickly occupied the commanding heights to surround this puppet army. Amid the shouts of the commanders and fighters, this frightened puppet army, never dreaming that the Eighth Route Army would turn over from the cliffs of the back mountain, panicked, ran and hurried, and shrank into the barracks to resist.

Because the company led by Zhang Yinghui came from the most dangerous place of climbing the cliff, the weapons they carried were almost all rifles and grenades, and the firepower was not strong enough to organize a powerful attack. If we are caught in a war of attrition with this puppet army, not only will we delay time, but this puppet army will also be attacked and will definitely call the Japanese puppet army in the neighboring area to come to the rescue.

How to fight the fierce fire of the Japanese bunkers? Our generals will organize god throwers and crush the enemy with grenades

[Cavalry units of the Eighth Route Army launch a charge]

At the same time that Zhang Yinghui and the soldiers kept shooting at the barracks, he saw that there were many straws such as horse feed discarded by the puppet army on the ground, and he suddenly had an idea. Zhang Yinghui drew out a part of the battle to quickly pack up these materials, bundle them up, and then pour oil on the fire, and then rolled over to the recalcitrant barracks of the puppet army.

The barracks of these puppet armies were quickly set on fire because they were simple houses made of wood and planks. Those puppet troops who hid in the barracks and stubbornly resisted, as soon as they saw that the barracks were on fire, if they still stayed in the house, the end was to be burned alive, and in desperation, this puppet army, in order to save their lives, let the leaders of the puppet army scold, there were always puppet troops desperate to flee outside, they arbitrarily released their guns, as long as the soldiers saw the puppet army fleeing from the barracks in a panic, they immediately raised their guns to aim, after the sound of gunfire, the puppet army fell to the ground, and let the puppet army turtles who wanted to escape retract.

Zhang Yinghui ordered the soldiers to watch quietly and watch how long these puppet troops could endure under the fire. When the fire in the barracks was getting bigger and bigger, and the puppet soldiers who could no longer withstand the smoke and flames, obediently came out and raised their hands and surrendered, this surprise attack battle, which took only more than two hours, the company led by Zhang Yinghui actually achieved "zero casualties", but captured many guns and ammunition and a large number of war horses and other materials, which was highly praised by the superior leaders.

In the autumn of 1940, Zhang Yinghui, then commander of the 3rd Battalion of the 115th Division, led his troops to participate in the famous "Hundred Regiments Battle" and was ordered to attack the Japanese strongholds in Sanjia Village. After continuous combat, the battalion led by Zhang Yinghui has basically eliminated many of the Japanese fire points on the southwest mountain, forcing the Japanese army to hide in the tunnels and a few bunkers.

Zhang Yinghui immediately ordered his troops to quickly encircle the hills occupied by the Japanese army from the east, west, and south, and sent sharp knife squads to feint and reconnoiter the Japanese troops in these bunkers and tunnels, thus quickly grasping the fire points and firepower equipment of the Japanese army.

How to fight the fierce fire of the Japanese bunkers? Our generals will organize god throwers and crush the enemy with grenades

Due to the crazy external firing of the Japanese army relying on light and heavy machine guns at this time, although the influence of the terrain and landforms, the firepower of the Japanese army cannot be fully displayed, but if the troops launch a charge, it will undoubtedly cause great sacrifices, and it will not be possible to take these positions quickly.

Zhang Yinghui carefully inspected the position for a while, and he had an idea in mind in view of the fact that the Japanese firepower points were scattered and the effect of the firepower was not obvious. He immediately demanded that the company should be used as a unit to attack a specific fire point, and before launching a charge, the Japanese fire point must first be destroyed, and the best way was to maximize the role of the grenade.

Zhang Yinghui demanded that each company concentrate all the grenades and organize a bomb throwing team, and that the members of each bombardment team be the divine throwers of each company, and that they simultaneously drop bombs into the Japanese fortifications from several directions, so that the bullets could not be falsely fired, and that they accurately landed in the trenches and pillboxes of the Japanese army, and that the continuous explosion of the grenades made the Japanese troops only sit still and wait, unable to effectively return fire.

Of course, when the bombardiers were dropping bombs, Zhang Yinghui also ordered the only heavy machine gun in the battalion to use the favorable terrain for fire cover to ensure that the bombardiers were not interfered with by the Japanese fire and their personal safety during the bombing process.

When several bomb throwing teams of the 3rd Battalion entered the position in the cover and selected the best position, accompanied by Zhang Yinghui's blow, one after another of the roaring grenades were continuously thrown into the Japanese trenches and pillboxes, accompanied by one explosion after another, all the fire points of the Japanese army became quieter and smaller until they stopped completely. Zhang Yinghui felt that the time had come to launch a charge, and accompanied by his orders, the charge horn sounded. The commanders and fighters, who had long been unable to hold back, bravely rushed to the Japanese positions. When the commanders and fighters entered the trenches and bombed strongholds, what appeared in front of them was that many Japanese troops had been blown to the ground, and those who were not killed were shrunk into a ball, without any will to resist, and they were obediently taken prisoners.

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