
In the Yongzheng Dynasty, why did Kangxi deal with Sang Pei, Tulun Sheng, and Zheng Yuanfang in the dynasty?

Sang Pei, TuLun Sheng, and Zheng Yuanfang in the Yongzheng Dynasty can be described as the "big moths" of the imperial court.

At the beginning of the plot, the Yellow River erupted into a serious disaster, but the Kangxi Emperor was helpless against such a natural disaster, because the national treasury had no money. However, the emptiness of the national treasury was not due to excessive expenditure, but was all borrowed by officials of all sizes in the DPRK and China. Therefore, Kangxi can say that under the helpless circumstances, Yongzheng and the thirteenth brother Yinxiang went to Jiangnan to raise funds for disaster relief, to put it bluntly, they went to "beg" under the banner of the imperial court and the emperor himself.

It can be said that the deficit of the household department has already shocked Kangxi, and it has made him worry about the development and survival of the country, which also makes Kangxi determined to pursue the arrears of the household department, and even does not hesitate to use the way of rewarding the prince to motivate the prince, which shows the importance that Kangxi attaches to this matter.

In the Yongzheng Dynasty, why did Kangxi deal with Sang Pei, Tulun Sheng, and Zheng Yuanfang in the dynasty?

Just as Wu Sidao divided the people who owed money into three categories and suggested that Yongzheng treat them differently, the Kangxi Emperor also adopted different and completely different attitudes towards different types of debtors.

The first category is that it is true that life is unsustainable without borrowing.

The silver system during the Qing Dynasty can be said to be completely copied from the Ming Dynasty, not to mention the change in the purchasing power of the silver two, this set of standards is originally very low, the officials during the Ming Dynasty are difficult to continue, let alone the Qing Dynasty, so if it is a real Qing official, there is no additional livelihood and rewards, and it is indeed very difficult to live on these silver alone.

This included a number of old heroes who went to Changchun Garden to intercede with Kangxi, and the Kangxi Emperor understood their grievances and chose to use his own silver to repay the debts for these people, which was a reflection of his "benevolence".

In the Yongzheng Dynasty, why did Kangxi deal with Sang Pei, Tulun Sheng, and Zheng Yuanfang in the dynasty?

The second category is those who could not have borrowed money, but borrowed from the household department in order to cater to the atmosphere.

The representative of these people was the old champion Chen Wensheng, who only borrowed one or two silver from the household department in order not to make himself an "orphan case" of courtiers, and then was looked at differently. And there are not a few people like him, they do not live on loans, if they encounter a chase, they can immediately pay it off, but this is their "name" to the unhealthy official style of the Kangxi Dynasty, in order to protect themselves.

Therefore, although these people are angry, they are not hateful, and it is enough to pay back the money, and Kangxi did not pursue it, but instead punished Tian Wenjing, who "hollowed out his mind and humiliated Sven in every way". After all, at this time, for Kangxi, repayment is the most important, as long as the money can be repaid, as for what reason, what reason, what kind of idea, it is already indifferent, but Tian Wenjing's vitriol makes Kangxi feel disgusted.

In the Yongzheng Dynasty, why did Kangxi deal with Sang Pei, Tulun Sheng, and Zheng Yuanfang in the dynasty?

The third category is those who divert their loans for other purposes and use state resources to profit for themselves, and such people are not only angry, but also hateful.

Among them, the most typical ones are Sang Pei, TuLun Sheng, and Zheng Yuanfang. Sang Pei used the borrowed 100,000 taels of treasury silver to run to the people to lend usury, and collected 5,000 taels per month, while Tulunsheng and Deng Yuanfang borrowed the treasury's silver, and at the same time used the ships transported by caoyun to do business, and earned more than 10,000 taels per month.

It can be said that these three people not only disregarded the safety and stability of the country, but even used the country's resources to make huge profits, it can be said that Kangxi was very resentful of what these three people did, so he "plucked the top" of these three people in front of all the princes and officials, and submitted them to deliberation, and since Kangxi had said so, the three people who were waiting for them would be punished very severely.

Kangxi also hoped to rectify the imperial program by punishing the three people's bad behavior, while warning the officials.

In the Yongzheng Dynasty, why did Kangxi deal with Sang Pei, Tulun Sheng, and Zheng Yuanfang in the dynasty?

Kangxi publicly dealt with Sang Pei, TuLun Sheng, and Zheng Yuanfang, and in fact vented his dissatisfaction with the Eight Brothers.

With such a deficit in the household, The Eight Brothers Yin Yu is undoubtedly the well-deserved "initiator".

He was the elder brother in charge of the household department, assisting Kangxi and the crown prince Yin rong in handling the affairs of the household department, so if any courtier wanted to borrow money from the household department, he would have to go through the Eight Brothers Yin. And in the eyes of The Eight Brothers, this is an excellent opportunity to buy people's hearts.

As a result, the three types of people who owe money mentioned above, no matter how they borrow money from the household department, can establish an intersection with Yin Yu.

Those officials who were living in poverty and had no way to survive, because of the household loans approved by Brother Baba, their lives were maintained, and it can be said that this money was a gift from the snow for them, and they must also have a little gratitude to Yin Yu.

Those officials who borrowed money in order to cater to the officialdom even appeared to borrow one or two things from the household department, and others must feel that it was unreasonable to make trouble, and it was not necessary, but the Eight Brothers Yin Yu could even give the green light to this kind of "absurd" behavior, which would inevitably make Chen Wensheng and the like also have a good impression of it.

As for Sang Pei, TuLun Sheng, and Zheng Yuanfang, that is not to mention, Long Keduo lent out three thousand taels, which has been forced to the point of selling the sword, and these three people, not to mention the huge amount of money that can borrow 100,000 yuan, are calmly performing in the pursuit of arrears, and they must also be able to know that there is a force behind them, and even obtain certain benefits, and this person is Yin Yu or other princes of the Eight Ye Party.

In the Yongzheng Dynasty, why did Kangxi deal with Sang Pei, Tulun Sheng, and Zheng Yuanfang in the dynasty?

It can be said that Yin Yu abused his power and borrowed money from officials while in charge of the household department, causing the current situation of the deficit of the household department and should bear the main responsibility, which has made Kangxi deeply disappointed in him, and his subsequent performance has made Kangxi even more disgusted.

First of all, in the courtroom, in the face of the documents of serious disasters in various places, they actually let the local officials "deceive and conceal" the past and take the opportunity to cover up the fact that the household department was in deficit, which was completely disregarding the lives of the people.

Secondly, the Yongzheng Qing Dynasty household department deposited silver, ten brothers Yin? In the courtroom, he actually criticized Yongzheng's behavior with the idea of "crossing the line" and helping the Eight Brothers to cover up, and there is no doubt that Kangxi was also extremely dissatisfied with this kind of words and deeds of pulling mountains and building barriers.

Thirdly, in the whole process of chasing after the arrears, the Eight Brothers Yin Yu constantly set up resistance for Yongzheng, provoking the relationship between the princes and between the princes and the courtiers, and even appeared ten Brother Yin. The absurdity of taking officials to the streets to become sellers also made Kangxi more and more disgusted with him.

In the Yongzheng Dynasty, why did Kangxi deal with Sang Pei, Tulun Sheng, and Zheng Yuanfang in the dynasty?

Therefore, although Kangxi did not mention the Eight Brothers Yin Yu in public in order to give his son face, he was also reminding Yin Yu by punishing Sang Pei, Tu Lunsheng, and Zheng Yuanfang, and at the same time, he was also warning Yin Yu to be good to himself.

In the Yongzheng Dynasty, why did Kangxi deal with Sang Pei, Tulun Sheng, and Zheng Yuanfang in the dynasty?

Of course, while Kangxi was dissatisfied with Yin, Kangxi also had great disappointment with Yongzheng and The Crown Prince Yinrong.

For Yongzheng, Kangxi affirmed his attitude, but was disappointed by his method.

Kangxi asked Yongzheng to chase after the arrears of the household department, and what he valued was that Yongzheng's integrity was not a vendetta against jealousy, hoping that he could complete this errand with the mentality of "lone minister", and then justifiably obtain a prince title, which was regarded as cultivating a powerful supporter and assistant for Prince Yinrong.

In the Yongzheng Dynasty, why did Kangxi deal with Sang Pei, Tulun Sheng, and Zheng Yuanfang in the dynasty?

However, Kangxi was not satisfied with Yongzheng's performance during this period. His improper appointment of Tian Wenjing, not only the officials complained bitterly, even the crown prince Yin Rong, Wei Dongting, and even the Kangxi Emperor were deeply affected, and the way Yongzheng chased after him was very simple, in addition to forcing and xiao yi's interests, there was no other means, and it was not subdivided and thoroughly investigated according to Wu Sidao's requirements, and finally Sang Pei, Tulun Sheng, Zheng Yuanfang and the like became fish that slipped through the net, and they could still take the treasury's silver to obtain benefits.

Kangxi undoubtedly taught Yongzheng a lesson in this way, telling Yongzheng the correct way to collect the arrears, and Yongzheng also paid a year's tuition for this. However, Yongzheng did not pay this tuition fee in vain, and after he succeeded to the throne, he continued to use the Kangxi method to collect the arrears, so that the national treasury quickly filled up.

In the Yongzheng Dynasty, why did Kangxi deal with Sang Pei, Tulun Sheng, and Zheng Yuanfang in the dynasty?

As for The Crown Prince, Kangxi had nothing to say.

The household department owed money, Yin Rong's deficit was the largest, and he originally wanted yongzheng to help him conceal it, but after the matter was revealed, he even did not hesitate to fill the hole in the arrears by selling the official, which already made Kangxi very angry.

After that, without consulting and informing Kangxi, he took the initiative to change the one-time repayment into a two-year repayment. Although this made the courtiers happy and encouraged, it was not good news for Kangxi, after all, he now hoped to recover the arrears and fill the deficit in the national treasury to prevent further disasters and wars, and the practice of Prince Yinrong undoubtedly made Kangxi's ideas and intensification completely bankrupt, the treasury was still empty, and Kangxi's mood could be imagined.

In the Yongzheng Dynasty, why did Kangxi deal with Sang Pei, Tulun Sheng, and Zheng Yuanfang in the dynasty?

In the face of this situation, kangxi, who was infuriated, could only vent by punishing Sang Pei, Tu Lunsheng, and Zheng Yuanfang, but Yin Rong still did not understand Kangxi's thoughts.

And Kangxi's sentence "What else can you say" reflects the helplessness in Kangxi's heart.

In the Yongzheng Dynasty, why did Kangxi deal with Sang Pei, Tulun Sheng, and Zheng Yuanfang in the dynasty?

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