
The exclusive clause of new energy vehicle insurance was released, and the premium of battery insurance and nearly 80% fell

According to the data of the Association, in November, the retail sales of new energy vehicles reached 378,000 units, an increase of 122.3% year-on-year; this year's retail sales of new energy vehicles reached 2.514 million units, an increase of 178.3% year-on-year, and the pace of the automotive industry's transformation to new energy accelerated. At the same time, in order to standardize the ecological environment for the use of new energy vehicles, the exclusive terms and rates of new energy vehicle insurance are released, which are composed of 3 main insurances and 13 additional insurances, and the electric vehicle battery is insured and nearly 80% of the premiums are reduced.

The exclusive clause of new energy vehicle insurance was released, and the premium of battery insurance and nearly 80% fell

Among them, the three main insurances include new energy vehicle loss insurance, third-party liability insurance, and vehicle personnel liability insurance, and the insured can choose to insure all types of insurance, or choose to insure some of them. The insurer shall bear the insurance liability separately according to the type of insurance in accordance with the provisions of the insurance contract. It is worth noting that the three main insurances of new energy vehicles have undergone new changes, and the fire and combustion are included in the accident, and the insurance liability is covered.

There are 13 additional insurance items, including additional absolute deductible special clauses, additional wheel loss insurance, additional body scratch loss insurance, additional medical expense liability insurance outside medical insurance, etc. Some risk protection related to new energy vehicles has been added, including exclusive additional insurance for new energy vehicles such as external power grids and self-use charging piles.

The exclusive clause of new energy vehicle insurance was released, and the premium of battery insurance and nearly 80% fell

Compared with the draft in August this year, there have been some changes in the trial provisions. Among them, the three main insurance liability exemption clauses regarding the "commercial premises" scenario, and the third item 3, from "during the competition and testing, during the repair, maintenance, rescue and modification period", to "during the competition and testing, during the repair, maintenance and modification of the commercial premises".

It can be seen that for the "competition and test period" is not limited to the business place, but also includes road competitions and test scenes, which are in the ranks of exemption, which requires that the automobile testing activities must be standardized; at the same time, the repair, maintenance, and modification scenes are limited to commercial places, and the "rescue" scene is deleted. This means that the accident of the car during the repair of the repair shop is exempt from liability, and the repair shop must bear the safety and responsibility of the vehicle during the maintenance period; however, the maintenance during the rescue process of the vehicle is not exempt from liability.

At the same time, the additional insurance for new energy vehicles has been expanded and adjusted, 9 additional insurances have been added, 2 additional insurances have been deleted, and the "battery detection" item has been deleted in the service scope of vehicle safety testing.

The exclusive clause of new energy vehicle insurance was released, and the premium of battery insurance and nearly 80% fell

Specifically, delete the "additional intelligent auxiliary driving software loss compensation insurance", the current major brands of intelligent driving technology is different, the standard is not the same, the technology is not very mature, the compensation standard is difficult to determine uniformly; delete the "additional fire accident limit doubling insurance", whether the car is charging or parking, the fire spontaneous combustion in addition to causing their own vehicle losses, but also cause third party casualties or losses, and the amount of compensation is high, the fire accident limit double standard also needs to be re-evaluated.

After the implementation of the new trial clauses and benchmark premium schedules, many consumers are worried that premiums will rise, which is not conducive to the development of the new energy automobile industry. It is understood that under the new regulations, the insurance for car damage insurance and the three insurances, the overall premium is slightly lower than the premium after the comprehensive reform, of which: 79.3% of the existing policy premiums are flat or have declined; 20.7% of the policy premiums will be floated to a certain extent, that is to say, 20% of the vehicle premiums will increase; however, for new energy vehicles below 250,000 yuan, the premiums will not rise.

It can be seen that the new rules will not lead to an increase in insurance expenditure, but some consumer premiums will increase. For pure electric vehicle battery insurance is the industry hot spot, this year a WM car owner 139,800 cars, due to the chassis was bumped, damaged the bottom battery pack, two batteries damaged maintenance but to replace 5 sets of batteries, maintenance quotation of 100,000 yuan, high maintenance costs and not in the insurance coverage, questioned.

The exclusive clause of new energy vehicle insurance was released, and the premium of battery insurance and nearly 80% fell

Under the new regulations, new energy vehicle batteries will no longer be excluded from the scope of insurance, and according to the trial provisions, the new regulations for new energy vehicle batteries are mandatory, and even the "three electricity" fire and combustion are also within the scope of insurance, and the use scenarios include driving, parking, charging and operation. Consumers can also provide protection for the loss of auxiliary equipment such as charging piles and property damage and personal injury that may be caused by using only the equipment itself by applying additional insurance. All of the above are for use-only devices, public devices are not included.

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