
Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is

Throughout the ages, at home and abroad, there have been countless incorruptible and noble people; there are countless greedy and tyrannical people.

Some people say that he is the most corrupt official in China since the feudal dynasty; others say that he is the first talented and infatuated man of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

This man who grasps both career and love is a character that we are all familiar with- Hezhen. Everyone may be thinking that he is a huge greed. And the contradictions between him and the great talent Ji Xiaolan. This is the impression that the TV series has left on us.

Now let's walk into the eyes of Mr. Ma Weidu.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is

Teacher Wang Gang plays He Yan

It looks like Pan An and Fubi Shi Chong

Our impression of Hezhen is basically the image of the greasy tongue, sneaky beard, fierce hand, and inflammatory posture in the TV series "Iron Tooth Copper Tooth Ji Xiaolan" played by Teacher Wang Gang.

It has to be said that there is a huge deviation between the portrayal of historical figures and real history in TV dramas. TV dramas often amplify the ugliness of bad guys. The historical Hezhen is a beautiful man who is not compromised.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is

In the words of Mr. Ma Weidu, Hezhen "has a very good figure, pink face and lips, and is not reserved and prestigious." This means that the figure of Hezhen is tall, and his height is about 175. Looks oily and powdery, not angry, with its own aura, very temperamental. Such a beautiful man is also comparable to today's small fresh meat, which can be said to be eye-catching.

The British envoys Magurney and Ma Wei, who visited the Qing Dynasty, described the image of Hezhen as the same: "white and handsome, well-behaved, talkative and funny, and with the dignity of a great power." He yan, who can get such praise, is naturally the temperament cultivated from childhood in the Four Books and Five Classics. Facing the big scene and stabilizing Taishan's strength is also something that can only be achieved by the minister of Zaifu who has seen the big scene.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is

Washu's real name is NiuHulu Zenho. Niu Hulu was the first surname of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and an authentic imperial relative. But Washun is a bitter child who climbs up from the bottom. He was born in the family of Chang Bao, the vice capital of Fujian Province, and his mother gave birth to her younger brother and Lin Hou and died in childbirth. When he was nine years old, his father died of illness. Fortunately, an aunt in the family protected the brothers and saved them from being kicked out of the house.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is

When he had status, he naturally had wealth. We all know that Washun is a corrupt person. Such a "son of heavenly courtier" who was influenced by etiquette and had basic etiquette and honesty. Is it possible to accumulate wealth through corruption alone? It turns out that Hezhen is also investing in corruption. He has his own financial plan, and even according to the current market situation and the environment of the country at that time to develop their own investment plan, in terms of financial management ability, He yan can be said to be the Manchu Qing "Buffett".

One of the things that Washu loves to do is "buy a house.". When raiding the Hezhen mansion, according to incomplete statistics: Hezhen's property includes 3,000 houses, 8,000 acres of land, 42 silver shops, 75 pawnshops, 60,000 red gold, 100 large gold yuanbao, 56,600 small silver yuanbao, 9,000 silver ingots, and 58,000 yuan of foreign money... In total, it exceeded 1.1 billion taels of silver, which was equivalent to the revenue of the Qing government for 15-20 years.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is

Flocks of wives and concubines love one person

He Yan, this person, has been subverting our concepts, whether it is his financial thinking, grasping the lifeblood of the times, using advanced ideas, quickly hoarding capital, leaving a rumor that "He Yan fell, Jiaqing was full".

As the first official of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, he held a high position of power, and even the palace ladies and eunuchs around the emperor could be his spies. Such a powerful Andun can be described as loyal to his wife, although he has concubines, but he marries into the family with the permission of his wife Feng.

Speaking of Hezhen's wife Feng Jiwen of the Feng clan, she married him when he was still unborn in his early years, and was the "wife of the chaff" of Zheng'er Bajing. Feng was born into a famous family, was the granddaughter of the Han Army banner with yellow flag, and the Manchu Qing Dynasty's heavy minister Hubu Shangshu Yinglian. Feng's considerate and meticulous care for Hezhen gave warmth and love to Hezhen, who lacked family love since childhood, so after Hezhen's hair, he still remembered Feng's kindness and affection for her.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is

Feng Jiwen image

He Yan and Feng raised two sons, the eldest son was the Fengsheng Yinde of Princess Gulun, the tenth daughter of the Qianlong Emperor, and the name of the eldest son was given by Qianlong. The second son died in his 40s. It was the blow of the second son's early death that was too great, and Feng's health deteriorated, and he died of illness not long after.

After Feng's death, He Yan was deeply saddened and wrote six mourning poems for Feng. The place where Feng lived during his lifetime was also unchanged, and Hezhen often brought his son to worship.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is

"Once the vicissitudes of the sea were water, except for the Wushan Mountains, it was not a cloud." The rich and the enemy are also gentle and loving people. While he is greedy and playing with authority, we find the shining point of other people's humanity. Such a cherishing and reluctance to his wife was probably rare among the Qing officials of the feudal dynasty at that time.

The difficulties from childhood and the difficulties that are difficult to play from the beginning of the talent let Hezhen taste the hardships. Because of Feng Jiwen, He Yancai felt the warmth of family and being loved for the first time. He yan's love for Feng is the husband's respect and love for his wife. They have always respected each other, and even later, they have not changed their original intentions.

The eulogy poems written by He Yan for Feng Jiwen were also quite talented, and his achievements in poetry were also very much in line with Qianlong's tastes and were deeply appreciated by the emperor. His eulogy to Feng's lament is not easy, making people feel that Hezhen's love and thoughts for his wife flow between pen and ink, making people feel empathy.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is

One step to the heavens, both literature and martial arts

He yan was proficient in the four languages of Chinese, Mongolian, Manchu and Tibetan, and was familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, and after inheriting his father's title of third-class light car lieutenant, he waited for the next day to make a splash.

At one point, a prisoner escaped from prison. Qianlong was very surprised, the good prisoners were locked up in prison, and how did the guards escape? So he asked, "Whose fault is it that the tiger is out of the wood, and the turtle jade is destroyed in the tree?" The attendants were stunned and did not know how to answer.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is

At this time, He yan stood up and continued, "The master said that the pawn keeper cannot resign his responsibility." This means that the Holy One says that the jailer who guards a prisoner cannot escape his responsibilities as a guard. With such a clever answer, He yan obtained the emperor's blue eyes from the third-class guards.

In the face of the emperor's prestige, the mentality of calmly answering and solving puzzles is also very clever.

After being appreciated by the emperor, He Yan handled many major cases. In order to thank the emperor for his kindness, he was also extremely loyal to the emperor.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is

For a time, He yan was no different from the scenery in the DPRK, and the momentum of qingyun was unstoppable. The emperor's favoritism and admiration for him were reflected in the fact that he married his favorite tenth princess, Princess Gulun, to Fengsheng Yinde, the eldest son of Hezhen. It is also rare for Hekun to marry the emperor as a child.

The general audience may think that Hezhen's political achievements are just "running errands" for the emperor, dealing with some thorny issues that the emperor cannot personally deal with. But what we don't know is that Washu can also make a big difference on the issue of military management.

In the feudal dynasty, there were many things that the emperor was not convenient for him to personally go out on the horse, but he needed someone to solve it. At this time, Hezhen, who has no background and is exquisitely faced, is the best candidate. He Yan was just the knife that Qianlong borrowed to kill people. As for his own wealth collection or corruption, most of the money was spent on Qianlong in the late Qianlong period.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is

In the forty-sixth year of Qianlong, He Yan quelled the rebellion of the Sala people in Gansu. Nowadays, He Yan has led the army many times, and has never lost a major battle, and the aspect of He Yan's military excellence lies in his management ability, and the dispatch of troops and the logistics cannot be without him and Yan. Because he quelled the local rebellion several times, he was rewarded with as many as 20 yellow coats.

He yan also became the "second emperor" in Magni's mouth, making full use of the emperor's trust and making great use of the source in the imperial court. He yan's ability to deal with things can be catered to both top and bottom, and he has also become a popular Heshang Shu for everyone. For more than twenty years, he had no difference in the scenery of the DPRK, and the emperor had a lot of trust in him, which was rare in ancient and modern times.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is

The military merits of Hezhen were specially approved by the emperor, which can also be understood as giving them through the back door. Because the emperor needed Hezhen, it was not that he was special in his personal ability. At that time, when the rebellions in various places were quelled, it was necessary to reconcile. He Yan's proficiency in the Manchu and Mongolian Chinese languages was equivalent to today's diplomats.

Hezhen's personal role lies more in his decisiveness in the face of unexpected events. His grasp of human nature is also superior to that of ordinary ministers. His sense of sensibility and humor allow him to play a role in "seeing people talking and talking to ghosts" in his dealings with people, which can not only be sinned by no one, but also achieve his own goals.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is

The official to a product as a cocoon to bind themselves

He Yan is good at reading, and his favorite books are "Spring and Autumn" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Qianlong liked to write poetry, and often threw himself into his favor as a slave, and also worked hard to learn to write poetry. The poems written by He Yan and the poetic style of Qianlong are not bad. He often showed his poetic skills in front of Qianlong, and He Yan also wrote well and won the admiration of the emperor.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is

It is in this way that the minister who is aware of his intentions and can do what he likes without annoying people can be said to be the first. Qianlong's favor for He yan was so great that when the Qianlong Emperor reached his old age, without hehuan within three feet, he would panic in his heart, and it was enough to see the high level of Hezhen's sense of consciousness.

Qianlong's dependence on Hezhen was not only spiritual, but also material. He Yan's wealth was also for the emperor's expenses, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs could not support the Qianlong Emperor's "exquisite" living expenses. There must be a well-known income to open the door to the emperor's face.

Qianlong's hand at spending money was also unique in the history of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Qianlong's vision is also very high, and he must be the best in everything. His personal expenses were set by his ancestors and financed by the Ministry of the Interior. However, no matter how much money the Ministry of Internal Affairs could make, it could not withstand QianlongYe's profligacy. At this time, the system of deliberative silver planned by He yan came into being in order to satisfy the emperor's selfish desires.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is

The amount of silver used to avoid a certain punishment is the severity of the crime of an official. He Yan was promoted because of the opening up of the system of deliberative silver, and most of the expenses of the emperor's six jiangnan and longevity ceremonies were borne by the money collected by the deliberative silver.

Since the establishment of this system, corruption in the Qing Dynasty has become a common practice, the people have been plundered, and life has been very difficult. He Yan, who is already a member of the Yipin, cannot escape the blame. After Qianlong's death, Jiaqing succeeded to the throne, and the first thing he did was to deal with the huge troubles left by the former dynasty and the family, and the confiscation of property, the exile of relatives, and the hanging of his family were the final outcome of Hezhen.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is


The great greed of Washu is forever nailed to the pillar of shame of history. Leaving aside the inherent impression that Washun gave us, dissect him carefully. A person who climbs up from the bottom by his own efforts and vision also has something to look at:

First of all, Hezhen can put himself in the right position and adapt to the situation. The Qing Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline in Qianlong rather than in Hezhen. He Yan was the emperor's slave, and he could only make his master happy and obedient. Secondly, Hezhen knows how to make trade-offs and is sleek and sophisticated. He is not a person who compliments everyone, he can maximize the value of people and things that are valuable to himself, and he can serve himself.

Ma Weidu talked about Hezhen: You only know that he is a big corrupt official, but you don't know how powerful he is


[1] "He yan fell, Jiaqing was full"[J]. DING Yuanhao. Law and Economics. 2003(08)

[2] The greedy come to take a picture of the mirror of Hezhen[J]. FENG Dongshu. Reporter Observation. 1999(08)

[3] Taking "the talent and wealth of Hezhen" as an example to analyze the construction of honesty and honesty[J]. LI Huijuan. Journal of Jiamusi Vocational College. 2019(04)

[4] Starting from the "rigoletto" of Hezhendang[J]. LI Juncai. Party Style and Integrity. 2000(01)

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