
Pokémon Legends: Arzeus Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce/King Kong and The Pearl Team

Pokémon's official YouTube channel has updated Pokémon Legends: Al Zeus new information: its Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce/King Kong and Pearl Team, which will land on the Switch platform on January 28, 2022.

Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce/King Kong & Pearls Preview:

The "Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce" that travels and does business, as well as the "King Kong Team" and "Pearl Team" who believe in the existence known as the "Great God".

The Washtree area is full of encounters with all kinds of people, so look forward to your adventures.

Video Footage:

Pokémon Legends: Arzeus Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce/King Kong and The Pearl Team
Pokémon Legends: Arzeus Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce/King Kong and The Pearl Team
Pokémon Legends: Arzeus Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce/King Kong and The Pearl Team
Pokémon Legends: Arzeus Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce/King Kong and The Pearl Team
Pokémon Legends: Arzeus Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce/King Kong and The Pearl Team
Pokémon Legends: Arzeus Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce/King Kong and The Pearl Team

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