
Growing up: The recipe for truly getting out of lost love

author:One pot
Growing up: The recipe for truly getting out of lost love

Love is beautiful, and lost love is a glitch in this wonderful journey.

Sometimes it takes self-healing, sometimes it takes time to heal.

Yoshiichi Yukimoto believes that when you lose love, instead of being discouraged, it is better to plant another seed of expectation in your heart.

If it is only an accident, you will eventually be in the dark.

You have to learn the correct emotional leakage in the early stages of lost love, and you must let go of yourself to divert your attention.

The most important thing is that you can identify yourself and reconstruct yourself.

Growing up: The recipe for truly getting out of lost love

1. Find the drainage outlet.

Li Bihua said that between men and women, if they are together, they will gather, and if they are not together, they will be scattered. We didn't owe each other anything, and I didn't feel sorry for you because you rejected me first.

The pain of the early stage of lost love is inevitable, after all, people are emotional animals.

The biggest difference between humans and animals is that you are good at thinking, and you have to learn to vent correctly.

Some people will have extreme actions such as suicide or hurting others because of the loss of love, which is not advisable.

Experts warn: Lost love is not terrible, the terrible thing is that after the loss of love, you are deeply trapped in it, give up on yourself, and blindly refuse to let go.

Therefore, learn to find the right emotional outlet.

Someone gave a small suggestion:

Shout twenty-one times a day, "I don't need to worry about this little thing,"

You will find that you have an incredible power in your heart, try it, it works.

In addition, you can also change the environment, block out the other party's information, and go on a trip to get rid of temporary pain.

Someone will talk to a close friend and let him break free from the frustrated atmosphere through everyone's help.

More importantly, reinforce the self's cues and think about the other person's badness.

Some people believe that the reason why people suffer is that they pursue the wrong things.

Since it is wrong, put it down.

I've seen a little story before:

There was a miserable lovelorn who went to the temple to ask the old monk for advice.

The old monk did not speak, but let him hold up a cup,

And then the old monk kept adding water to the cup,

The young man with the cup shouted, "Scalding,

The old monk said, since it is hot, you should not hurry to put it down.

Growing up: The recipe for truly getting out of lost love

2. Learn to shift your gaze.

Waoufer believes that for men, the loss of love may bring certain pain, it hurts the hearts of the vulnerable and destroys the future of the lucky;

But if he is a dynamic man, his troubles can be relieved of the busyness of various affairs.

German writer and poet Goethe wrote "The Troubles of Young Werther", which turned out to be because he was in love and could not extricate himself.

He tried to commit suicide, but without success, he wrote down this painful feeling,

At the end of the writing, I actually healed my own pain, found myself, and became famous in the world from then on.

And Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the social network Empire Facebook, went from nothing to a billionaire in 8 years, and his idea originated from a lost love.

After Mark Zuckerberg fell out of love, he set up a website on the Internet to solve his troubles, and even won the love of many people.

Inspired, he founded his own social network and became famous ever since.

Shifting your energy to what you like to do is one way to get rid of pain faster.

What's more, you'll find that in the process of target transfer,

Relative to the whole life, the loss of love is just an experience.

What you lose may be that the world is not worth it, and what you are about to gain may be a new self.

Growing up: The recipe for truly getting out of lost love

3. Turn grief into growth.

Li Gongjun said that being yourself, someone will always fall in love with you all.

Zhou Guoping believes, "Without losing love, I don't understand love; I don't understand life without being frustrated."

Remember, you don't have to pester, make yourself better, is to meet the next better her. ”

See Marie Curie's story online:

In 1883, the 16-year-old Polish girl Maria, later Marie Curie, went to work as a tutor in a noble house.

Two years later, they fell in love with casimir, the family's eldest son, and they planned to get married.

However, their marriage was firmly opposed by Casimir's parents due to their different branches, and the weak-willed Casimir submitted to his parents.

Maria was so distressed that she was ready to "say goodbye to the world", but she finally defeated herself with her tenacious will.

So she turned her personal misfortune into a motivation to dedicate herself to a larger goal, into the kindness of educating and cultivating the poor local children and the courage to study alone in Paris.

It was thought to be a lucky lost love. Otherwise, her history will be rewritten and humanity will lose one of the greatest female scientists to date.

Marie Curie's loss of love was a setback in her life, freed from setbacks and pains, reinvigorated, and devoted to scientific research, and she had later success.

Growing up: The recipe for truly getting out of lost love

Get out of the shadow of lost love, reconstruct your self-esteem and self-confidence,

Do everything you don't dare or have made up your mind to do,

Or devote yourself to your work,

Maybe there will be unexpected gains.

It is necessary to build self-identification psychologically and improve the level of self-compassion.

Tell yourself that falling out of love is just a life experience, and for yourself, it is only an experience gained.

More importantly, in the middle of this process, you rethink your life and reacquaint yourself.

You have to learn to identify problems, analyze problems, and finally solve problems.

By recognizing your own shortcomings, you need to have a clearer goal for your life and future lovers.

At this stage of your life, all you lose is a person, but what you get is self-growth.

After experiencing the tempering of pain and frustration, pat the dust on your body and embrace the new world with your enthusiastic arms!

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