
Shanghai Writers' National Congress: Demonstrating literary power from the standpoint of the people

The 11th National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the 10th National Congress of the Chinese Writers Association opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on the morning of December 14.

Shanghai writers also responded to the requirements of the times with excellent literary achievements, and in the past five years, the Shanghai Writers Association has organized writers to focus on writing Shanghai red culture, Shanghai school culture and Jiangnan culture. The creation of red themes has been systematically planned and promoted, and it has borne fruit: the "red starting point" documentary literary creation project deployed to welcome the centenary of the founding of the party has launched the first series in the spring of 2020, providing a vivid reading for the study and education of party history. In addition, the theme practice activity of "going deep into life and taking root in the people" has continued to advance among Shanghai writers, which has led to the creation of realistic themes, especially the creation of new practices focusing on Shanghai's reform and opening up and innovative development.

The Paper brings you the literary testimonials of some representatives of the Shanghai Writers' Delegation.

Shanghai Writers' National Congress: Demonstrating literary power from the standpoint of the people

"Literature into the Community" series of activities

Sun Ganlu: Literature and art should give the most enthusiastic praise to the people's great process of creating history

(Writer, Vice Chairman of Shanghai Writers Association)

What impressed me most about the General Secretary's speech was the emphasis on the profound connection between literature and art and the country, the people, and the times. Literature and art should give the most enthusiastic praise to the great process of the people's creation of history, and give the most affectionate praise to all the fighters who struggled for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and all the heroes who sacrificed and dedicated themselves to the people.

The structure of this speech is also very meaningful. Starting with Mao Zedong's "On New Democracy," it is stated that the establishment of a new culture of the Chinese nation is our goal in the field of culture. And Mao Dun said that not only must there be a broad experience of life, but also a trained mind that can analyze the complex society, reveal the universal laws of literary and artistic creation, and require hard work.

Moreover, as to Tolstoy mentioned many times by the general secretary before, the influence of Soviet Russian literature on Chinese literary culture. This is an important vein of mutual learning among civilizations.

When talking about innovation as the life of literature and art, Liu Qing is especially mentioned, which is also very intriguing. Liu Qing stressed that the literature of each era has a new way of writing. As a realist writer who profoundly reflects the great changes in Rural China, he has also made important demonstrations in the concepts and methods of literary creation.

Yang Xiuli: Remove impurities and write for true literature

(Deputy Director of the Creation Office of the Shanghai Writers Association, Deputy Director of the Poetry Committee of the Shanghai Writers Association)

General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech is a powerful guide on literature, about creation, about Chinese culture, Chinese feelings, and Chinese strength, which has greatly inspired the hearts of writers and representatives. General Secretary Xi Jinping once pointed out that to adhere to the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, we must establish and practice the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains".

The ancients said that "the wise man enjoys the water, the benevolent one enjoys the mountain", and since ancient times, the literati like to put their feelings in the landscape. The aesthetics of landscapes are also the aesthetics of culture. We contemporary poetry writers must have a literary landscape in our hearts. In our hearts, we must have a big pattern of mountains and rivers. The mountains here must be verdant and lush, and the wind is clear; the water here must be clear and crystalline, abundant and flexible. Mountains and rivers, springs and hills, support in the heart, allegorical feelings in the scenery. "Ascending to the heights makes people feel relaxed, and the current makes people feel far away." We must write about the prosperity of the homeland, and we must write about the people's understanding of life and the true feelings of the source of life under the wave of the new era. "Resist copying and following the trend and cloning cottages", in the landscape of literature and art, advocate the beauty of meaning, love and truth, and reject superficial, vulgar and kitsch works. Writing is not a private matter of individuals, we must bear in mind the whole society, improve our own self-cultivation, respect the laws of writing, write for the people, write for beauty, and write for true literature. In literary creation, we remove "weeds in the mountains and impurities in the water" and restore the original appearance of literature.

In today's turbulent era, the Great East, and Great China, the diversified life presented in the process of the rise of our great nation has given us an objective narrative and spiritual exaltation of literature, providing unlimited space and possibilities. As writers and poets, I think we must bear the responsibility and mission of literature, write for the people, sing songs for the times, in today's era of conflict and life and complex public environment, the material to know, go deep into physics, penetrate the film of reality, open up literary pursuits again and again, so that their inner emotions in the contemporary high-impact commercial civilization, so that literary works are full of chinese cultural self-confidence, so that the literary landscape is clearer and brighter, the Chinese nation's thousands of years of poetic inhabitation and the dream of rejuvenation in the new century, can suddenly be enlightened , towards Dacheng .

Sun Si: Speak for the people with affection and heart


General Secretary Xi Jinping mentioned in the report that "do not fictionalize the people and demonize the people", "literary and artistic works cannot be blamed on the land, absurd and absurd" and so on. As a poetry editor, I've always done it. When composing and reviewing manuscripts, I will first look at whether the author's work has vilified the people, because the function of aesthetics is to turn ugliness into beauty, and if the author cannot do this, his worldview must be unhealthy and missing. This is also the minimum aesthetic identification and aesthetic judgment that a poetry editor must follow. There is also whether there is the atmosphere of the times, whether it is affectionate and intentional, and whether it is affinity. Because the affinity marks that the work is close to the reader, close to the people. When reviewing manuscripts, I first look at the work from the perspective of the editor, and second, I look at the work from the perspective of the reader. If both feel good, then this group of works is definitely good. Including my own writing of the poem, after writing it, I will also read this poem from the perspective of the reader, feeling my own feelings at the same time, but also feeling the feelings of the reader. Because whether it is a writer or a poet, it is initially from the reader as a starting point, only in this way can we be a good poet and editor.

Murk: Looking into the deepest part of the people's spiritual world


General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the opening ceremony of the Eleventh National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Literary Circles and the Tenth National Congress of the China Writers Association is profound in thought, rich in connotation, and urging people to forge ahead. In particular, it is hoped that the vast number of literary and art workers will be concerned about the great cause of national rejuvenation, enthusiastically depict the magnificent atmosphere of the new journey in the new era, adhere to the people's stand, and write endless people's epics, which will provide fundamental guidelines for future literary creation. Literature in the new era should mark literary coordinates with historical orientation, highlight literary strength from the people's standpoint, and forge a spiritual foundation with cultural self-confidence.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the new journey of the new era is the historical orientation of contemporary Chinese literature and art. "The times are the mother of thought and the mother of literary creation. In the face of the drastic changes in the life form and cultural ecology of the world today, writers should strive to reshape the way of feeling and discourse, identify the stories and emotions that belong to this era, strive to decipher the spiritual code belonging to this era, and strive to create a work with spiritual leadership and ideological improvement ability. And all this comes down to the people's position.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the people are the mother of literature and art" and "life is the people, and the people are life". In the new era, the rapid changes in life, the hard work of the people, the bittersweet and bittersweet of the family, and the love and hatred of the people are all worth listening to, thinking with their hearts, and writing with their pens. Writers should explore the deepest part of the spiritual world of man, profoundly reflect the spiritual map of man under the great changes in history and great changes, build a unique spiritual world Chinese the new era, and create a more Chinese cultural image recognized by the world.

Goshuyi: Let more people read and narrate to the world

In the general secretary's speech, I heard the Chinese dream, the Story of China and the Epic of the People. Chinese stories are divided into inward and outward, inward is to be popular, popular is to let more people read, to guide readers positively, but not three customs. Outward is to tell the world the Chinese story that we and the world can recognize and move. When it comes to the people's epic, the fate of China in this hundred years is itself a magnificent epic. Perhaps the story written by each of us writers will become a sentence, a paragraph, a commentary, a part of this great epic of the people.

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