
The voice of the Shanghai deputy of the National Literary Congress: Write the people's epic poem and write a glorious and great era

The voice of the Shanghai deputy of the National Literary Congress: Write the people's epic poem and write a glorious and great era

Culture is the spiritual lifeblood of the nation, and literature and art are the clarion call of the times. The 11th National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the 10th National Congress of the China Writers Association opened in Beijing yesterday. Listening to the general secretary's important speech on the spot, more than 100 Shanghai literary and artistic artists and writers representatives attending the meeting were full of emotion, and "not forgetting the original heart, keeping the mission in mind, not living up to the times, and not living up to the people" became the common voice of everyone.

Shanghai literary and art workers feel that the mission on their shoulders is heavier, and the goal in their hearts is clearer.

"The words mentioned most often by the general secretary in his speech are: people, the times." Xue Shu, vice chairman of the Shanghai Writers Association and writer, said that the general secretary's speech has made literary workers feel a sense of responsibility and mission.

"Chinese civilization continues the spiritual bloodline of our country and nation, and it needs to be passed on from generation to generation, and it also needs to keep pace with the times and innovate." Luo Xiaoci, director of the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, said that how to integrate artistic creativity with Chinese cultural values, combine the Chinese aesthetic spirit with contemporary aesthetic pursuits, and activate the vitality of Chinese culture is an important issue facing contemporary literary and art creators.

The voice of the Shanghai deputy of the National Literary Congress: Write the people's epic poem and write a glorious and great era

Write an epic poem of the people

From the Chinese creation myth epic to the "birthplace of the party" theme publishing project, in the past five years, the Shanghai literary circle has excavated Shanghai's rich red culture, Shanghai culture and Jiangnan cultural heritage from multiple dimensions, whether it is senior writers, young writers and online writers, they have actively participated in the theme creation of "red footprint", "red starting point", "Shanghai report", "anti-epidemic theme creation" and "reportage collection of Lingang New Area of big country craftsmen". Let literary works not only record and reproduce, but also produce more excellent works and even classic works with artistic and aesthetic heights, which is the further goal of Shanghai literary workers.

"The general secretary's important speech, standing at a new historical starting point, has guided the direction of progress and clarified the fundamental observance for the flourishing literary and artistic creation in the new era and the development of socialist literary and artistic undertakings." Wang Wei, secretary of the party leading group of the Shanghai Writers Association, said: The general secretary's series of important viewpoints are the further development of the important ideas of the series of speeches such as the symposium on literary and art work, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the last congress of the China Writers Association. "What I feel most deeply is the general secretary's emphasis on adhering to the people's position and writing an endless people's epic."

The voice of the Shanghai deputy of the National Literary Congress: Write the people's epic poem and write a glorious and great era

Writer Jian Ping said that writing people's epics is a specific requirement for literary workers to create in the new era. "In the past, I rarely went out of the study hall and was not familiar with the fiery creative life of the masses of the people; in the past five years, in the process of going to society, to the people, and to real life, whether it is writing about the grass-roots governance of rural Ninghai in Zhejiang Province, or writing about the 'Peace Ark' warship of the Navy in the Eastern Theater, I have been deeply shocked and broadened my horizons and hearts. I truly realized that it is an honor and a responsibility for a writer to be able to write a magnificent people's epic. ”

The voice of the Shanghai deputy of the National Literary Congress: Write the people's epic poem and write a glorious and great era

Yang Yang, president of the China Mao Dun Research Association and vice chairman of the Shanghai Writers Association, said, "Mao Dun started from Shanghai to enter literary and artistic creation, and the pen name of 'Mao Dun' was born in Jingyun in Shanghai. ”

Literature and art must be effective, but they must not be contaminated with the smell of copper and become slaves to the market. Writer Cai Jun said, "Don't be a slave to the market, not be bound by traffic, in this complex new era, write the real life of most people, abide by the integrity and innovation, and create a new Chinese story in different art categories." ”

The voice of the Shanghai deputy of the National Literary Congress: Write the people's epic poem and write a glorious and great era

"In every historical period, the Chinese nation has left countless immortal works. An era has an era of literature and art, today, what kind of literature and art do we need? This is an unavoidable issue. Wang Yonghao, vice chairman of the China Critics Association and chairman of the Shanghai Critics Association, said that literature and art are rooted in life and witness the times, and we must carry forward the truth, goodness, and beauty in life and become the guardians of social values. ”

Activate the vitality of Chinese culture

Shanghai is the country's literary and artistic town, Shanghai literary and art circles in five years to complete the creation of 100 fine works, work together to launch the "Shanghai culture" brand, the creative transformation of Chinese culture, innovative development, string together the "Shanghai production" literary and artistic masterpieces of the main line.

In 2016, the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra's original work "Folk Music on the Sea" was premiered on the spot, and the main creative team drew artistic inspiration from traditional Chinese culture to create a new "multimedia music scene" stage form, telling the love of mountains and rivers, the love of home and country, and the world's unity, and then extended and hatched different stage versions such as full-scale national orchestra concerts and folk music chamber music. This autumn, the "Sea Folk Music" Guofeng Music Scene entered the Shanghai Concert Hall in the form of a resident performance, building a poetic realm with both traditional beauty and contemporary temperament in the intertext expression of folk music, light and shadow, and stage space.

The voice of the Shanghai deputy of the National Literary Congress: Write the people's epic poem and write a glorious and great era

In 2018, after more than two years of incubation, the original dance drama "The Eternal Electric Wave" of the Shanghai Song and Dance Troupe was established and rehearsed, and the premiere was a blockbuster. The integration of red culture, Shanghai culture and Jiangnan culture makes the "radio waves" on the stage extremely recognizable. People in the dance industry commented that his original modern traditional aesthetic paradigm of softness and rigidity provides a model for the creative transformation of classical tradition and the innovative development of modern life. While touring more than 300 times across the country and arousing the empathy of audiences everywhere, "The Eternal Electric Wave" recently opened a resident performance mode in Shanghai, allowing elegant art to take root and blossom in the daily life of the people.

"When we use shouzheng's innovative stage aesthetic to give historical stories a new artistic style in the traditional sense, young audiences are not only willing to accept, but also have great resonance." Zhu Jiejing, chief actor of the Shanghai Song and Dance Troupe Rongdian, who has just finished a 12-day and 14-performance performance at the Beijing Tianqiao Art Center, said, "Literary and art workers in the new era should express China's strength, Chinese spirit, and Chinese faith in the way we are best at. ”

The voice of the Shanghai deputy of the National Literary Congress: Write the people's epic poem and write a glorious and great era

"It is necessary to grasp the relationship between inheritance and innovation, learn from the ancients, break the law and do not violate the law, and let China's excellent traditional culture become an important source of literary and artistic innovation." Zheng Tuyou, vice chairman of the China Folk Writers Association and vice chairman of the Shanghai Folk Writers Association, said.

"As an important force in a cultural power, film should take the lead and make great achievements." Ren Zhonglun, vice chairman of the China Film Association and chairman of the Shanghai Film Association, said that in the past five years, Chinese films have accompanied China's economic and social development and become an important force in world cinema, which has profoundly affected the global film pattern. Especially during the anti-epidemic period, Chinese films took the lead in resuming production and market, and box office and audiences were ahead of the world, "Chinese films have entered the era of quality, and Shanghai films should strive to become the main force among them." ”

The voice of the Shanghai deputy of the National Literary Congress: Write the people's epic poem and write a glorious and great era

"Haipai art is an important cultural heritage that has influenced the process of modern civilization in Shanghai and even In China." Zheng Xinyao, chairman of the Shanghai Artists Association, said that there are currently 96 art museums in Shanghai, ranking first in the country's cities, "The Shanghai art community and colleges and universities have joined hands to fully activate the resources of Shanghai art, so that creation, exhibition, and exchange form a 'one-stop', so that the art museum can become a learning city, a learning life, and there is still a lot of space for it." ”

The voice of the Shanghai deputy of the National Literary Congress: Write the people's epic poem and write a glorious and great era

"It is necessary to further enhance the content originality of opera and drama works and the ability to lead the performance market." Gu Haohaohao, chairman of the Shanghai Dramatists Association, secretary of the party committee and president of the Shanghai Xiqu Art Center, said that traditional opera art is the profound cultural soft power of the Chinese nation, "fully excavating the advantages and connotations of each drama genre, so that different drama genres and multiple stages can jointly tell the story of the struggle of the Chinese people to realize their dreams, so that the audience can feel and identify with the mainstream core values in the influence of healthy literature and art." ”

"As grassroots cultural workers, we must continue to encourage and support grassroots literary and art workers to create works that conform to the characteristics of the times from the aspects of mechanisms and systems, and strive to highlight the national spirit, highlight the national style, and show the national meaning in the process of inheritance and innovation." Wang Yichuan, chairman of the Baoshan District Federation of Literary and Art Circles, said: When the flowers of literature and art are integrated with social development and the people's lives, and bloom in the fields and on the corners of villages, the chinese nation's history is majestic and broad, the times are changing earth-shakingly, and the people's positive and upward spiritual strength will naturally flow into the most beautiful landscape of the city.

The voice of the Shanghai deputy of the National Literary Congress: Write the people's epic poem and write a glorious and great era

"The general secretary's speech is the general plan for planning the high-quality development of the national cultural and artistic field at the critical moment of the second centenary new journey, and it is also a general mobilization to encourage the vast number of literary and art workers to dedicate themselves to the great cause of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." Xia Yujing, secretary of the party leading group of the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, said that in studying and implementing the spirit of the general secretary's speech, the Shanghai Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles will give better play to its organizational and platform support functions, use gravitational policies and sticky methods to do a good job in the work of literary and artistic talents in new fields, create a good environment for the creation of fine works, explore paths and accumulate experience for the innovative development of the national literary and artistic undertakings, and provide more powerful support for building a socialist international cultural metropolis that is more open and inclusive, more innovative and energetic, more humanistic care, and more influential in the world.

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