
Can I buy 80,000 soaking water BMW? The car dealer said the answer, but it was impossible to ask for it

This summer, many cities in China suffered heavy precipitation, and a large number of cars were reduced to water soaking vehicles. Hundreds of thousands of water soaking vehicles flow into the second-hand car market, some water soaking vehicles have been refurbished after the traces of water soaking, some water soaking vehicles the appearance of the damage is more obvious, these water soaking vehicles can not buy it?

Can I buy 80,000 soaking water BMW? The car dealer said the answer, but it was impossible to ask for it

A car advocate in Anhui province saw a BMW 5 Series in the second-hand market, which was badly damaged in appearance and the interior was full of traces of silt accumulation. Although the car is seriously soaked, the price is very cheap, and the BMW 5 Series, which is less than 20,000 kilometers away, only sells for 80,000 yuan.

Many people are very moved to see this price, but when they think of this car that has encountered water, everyone's heart has retreated, can the BMW with water soaking in the end buy it? Mainly depends on the water condition of the car, if the vehicle is not seriously damaged, you can buy, if the water is very serious, it is not recommended that you start.

Can I buy 80,000 soaking water BMW? The car dealer said the answer, but it was impossible to ask for it

Types of water soaking vehicles:

According to the degree of immersion, the soaking car is divided into a soaking car, a half-soak car and a full soaking car. A soaking car is when water does not enter the cabin or only soaks the floor after entering the carriage. The soaking car is a kind of soaking car with the best condition, as long as the three major parts and the circuit system are not damaged, the interior can be used normally after drying, and the repair cost is not high.

Can I buy 80,000 soaking water BMW? The car dealer said the answer, but it was impossible to ask for it

A semi-soaked car is one in which the carriage has been soaked in water and the height of the water surface is flush with the seat. At this time, the parts such as the center console are all exposed to the accumulated water, and the circuit system inside the car and the engine have been completely watered. The degree of damage to the half-bubble car is different, the difficulty of repair is also different, most of the circuit system of the half-bubble car will also have safety hazards after repair, if the engine is seriously damaged, the maintenance cost is very high.

The third type of full bubble car is the most seriously damaged and is not recommended for everyone to buy. A full-soaked car refers to a car whose rain has not passed the steering wheel, and the internal appliances and interior of this type of car engine are all soaked in rainwater, only the roof is not blistered. The damage to the full bubble car is very serious, the maintenance time is long, the maintenance cost is high, almost all the circuit system must be reinstalled, even if it is repaired, it will bring huge safety risks.

Can I buy 80,000 soaking water BMW? The car dealer said the answer, but it was impossible to ask for it

Mr. Zhang's BMW 5 Series is a semi-bubble car, the vehicle's center console is flooded, and the internal circuit system is completely destroyed. The engine of the vehicle can not be ignited after being soaked by the rain, and this type of car is more seriously damaged, and it is not recommended for the owner to buy it.

After careful comparison, Mr. Zhang gave up the idea of buying a car, and since this BMW 5 Series was so badly damaged, it was also overhauled when it was bought. The price of the car is 80,000 yuan, the repair of the car may also cost 80,000 yuan, spend 160,000 yuan to buy a water car is not as good as adding some money to buy a second-hand car, after calculating this account, Mr. Zhang believes that the good cars on the second-hand market can not be sought, since they do not have this luck, do not be greedy.

Can I buy 80,000 soaking water BMW? The car dealer said the answer, but it was impossible to ask for it

This year, a large number of water soaking cars have emerged in China's second-hand car market, and even if the appearance of some soaking cars is restored to its original state, the interior and circuit system of the car have also been irreversible damage. When you buy a second-hand car, you must check the condition of the car, in addition to opening the hood to check, but also to check the car's circuit system, whether the seat gap has traces of water.

Can I buy 80,000 soaking water BMW? The car dealer said the answer, but it was impossible to ask for it

In addition to the soaking car, the rest of the soaking water trucks are more seriously damaged, and the owner must prepare at least 50,000 yuan for repair costs after buying such cars back. Even if the appearance of some soaking cars is repaired, the damage to the interior cannot be fully recovered, and buying a car is equivalent to spending money in vain.

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