
Why did Wu Sangui choose to rebel and not want to be a rich man?

In the last year of the Ming Dynasty, the Qing army went south to Kouguan, the city of Beijing had been attacked by Li Zicheng, the king of Chuang, and the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Youjian, was hanged from a crooked neck tree on the coal mountain, and Daming was declared extinct. At this time, Wu Sangui led the 50,000 Guanning Iron Horse Town to guard the mountain customs, in front of which was the Qing army like a wolf tiger, and the back was the Dashun army, caught in a dilemma. At this time, Li Zicheng's general Liu Zongmin in the city of Beijing actually beat Wu Sangui's father, and also occupied Wu Sangui's concubine Chen Yuanyuan, and Wu Sangui, who heard the news, was furious and rushed to the crown, directly leading the Qing army into the customs, and the sword was pointed directly at Beijing.

Why did Wu Sangui choose to rebel and not want to be a rich man?

Later, during the Kangxi Dynasty, Wu Sangui was sealed in Yunnan, and was one of the famous San Domains, and the high-ranking official Houlu was supposed to be able to enjoy his life. But at the age of 61, he chose to rebel, why is this? In fact, this is related to one of Kangxi's policies, that is, to cut the domain, at first Kangxi did not kill Wu Sangui, but only wanted to spare Wu Sangui's increasingly powerful military power. Even before the withdrawal of the domain, it was planned to give the Liaodong region to Wu Sangui as a place for his retirement. And publicly stated that he would treat the Wu family well and never kill a person in vain, that is to say, Wu Sangui could be a rich man until he was old. This treatment can be said to be very fair.

Why did Wu Sangui choose to rebel and not want to be a rich man?

Since Wu Sangui descended to the Qing Dynasty, they have been using each other's relationship. Unlike the other two clan kings, Wu Sangui and the Manchu Qing were clearly priced from the beginning, and once the clan king was withdrawn, then Shang Kexi and Geng Jingzhong could still be a slave, while Wu Sangui appeared to be inferior in the entire Qing court. And in the Battle of Shanhaiguan, Wu Sangui fully understood the vicious means of the Manchu Qing royal family, and he was worried about it, and this transaction was not very secure in Wu Sangui's heart. In order to completely gain the trust of the Manchu Qing imperial family, Wu Sangui strangled the Yongli Emperor of the Southern Ming Dynasty alive and used it as a letter of submission to express his sincerity.

Why did Wu Sangui choose to rebel and not want to be a rich man?

As long as Wu Sangui does not kill the Yongli Emperor, he can leave a political card, after all, if the Yongli Emperor does not die, Li Dingguo Liu Wenxiu and others in the Southern Ming will still organize resistance, then the cunning rabbit does not die, and the lackeys will definitely stay, but Wu Sangui is too anxious and kills the Yongli Emperor, which not only arouses the hatred of the Ming Dynasty's widows, but also makes the Manchu Qing imperial family more vigilant against Wu Sangui. Regarding this matter, Hong Chengzu, who was also a surrendered general, once said: "If you want peace, you must not make Yunnan peaceful and uneventful, and if you are alive forever, how dare Kangxi want to withdraw the domain?" However, for this warning, Wu Sangui did not hear his heart, but insisted on killing the Yongli Emperor, which also made him lose the bottom card of "Yang Kou Self-Respect".

Why did Wu Sangui choose to rebel and not want to be a rich man?

So why did Kangxi insist on withdrawing his domain? In fact, the most important reason is heavy economic pressure. Let's take the year before Kangxi succeeded to the throne, that is, in 1660, when the annual fiscal revenue of the Qing Dynasty was only 8.75 million taels of silver, and the expenditure in Yunnan was as high as 9 million taels of silver, which was a complete imbalance between the two, even if the Kangxi Emperor did not eat or sleep, it was difficult to afford the expenses of Yunnan Province. So much so that the history books once recorded that "the endowment of the world costs two of the three domains". Therefore, if Kangxi did not abolish San Francisco as soon as possible, then the entire Qing Dynasty could be overthrown by accumulated grievances. Since the horizontal and vertical sides are all opposites, it is better to simply cut the domain.

Why did Wu Sangui choose to rebel and not want to be a rich man?

From Wu Sangui's standpoint, cutting the domain is no harm to himself, he is also more than sixty years old, after cutting the domain, he is idle, but the subordinates will not do it, after all, you Wu Sangui can still be a rich man after being cut, but what about the hundreds of thousands of soldiers under this hand? Kangxi didn't care if they lived or died. After all, these hundreds of thousands of soldiers have already lived a life of worry-free food and clothing, and this suddenly lost supply. At this time, the Wu army was full of shouting and shouting, refusing to cut the domain and demanding a forced rebellion, at the instigation of the whole army, Wu Sangui had no way to retreat, if he ignored the opposition of the soldiers, then the life of the entire Wu family would be in danger.

Finally, in desperation, the 8-year-long war of withdrawal broke out. As Wu Sangui, not only missed the opportunity given by heaven, but also did not want to continue to attack the north, in an attempt to rule with the Manchu Qing, the result was to give Kangxi the opportunity to adjust his strategy and redeploy his forces. Defeating the San Francisco Alliance in one fell swoop made Wu Sangui withdraw from the stage of history.

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