
Married to the 34-year-old Wuxiong at the age of 13, he has assisted two generations of Ming Jun, influencing the direction of the Qing Dynasty!

From the later Jin Dynasty to the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty, it sounds like a long history, there are so many film and television dramas about the Qing Dynasty, but none of them can be filmed from the beginning of the power to the fall of the dynasty. In such a long history, the builders of power, Nurhaci to Puyi, have played a great role.

The former is the initial force for nation-building, and the latter is the figure of annihilation. But for the Qing Dynasty, these forces were not the most important.

The most important reason why this dynasty has gradually prospered should be a woman, so who is this woman? Why is she the most critical figure in the rise of the Qing Dynasty?

Married to the 34-year-old Wuxiong at the age of 13, he has assisted two generations of Ming Jun, influencing the direction of the Qing Dynasty!

Photo: Stills from a Film and Television Drama of the Qing Dynasty

This woman's life is also a very long history, but also a difficult history of the rise of widows with their children and grandchildren.

Her name was Mubutai, which is now known as Xiaozhuang.

At the age of thirteen, she married Grandpa Belle, who was already thirty-four years old, who was also known as Huang Taiji. After Emperor Taiji ascended to the throne, her status in the palace was not high, but after Emperor Taiji's death, she became a person who influenced the direction of the Qing Dynasty.

She first assisted her son Fu Lin, the Shunzhi Emperor, and after the Shunzhi Emperor died of illness, she assisted her grandson Xuan Ye, also known as Kangxi.

Married to the 34-year-old Wuxiong at the age of 13, he has assisted two generations of Ming Jun, influencing the direction of the Qing Dynasty!

Photo: MuButai assists sun tzu Xuan Ye stills

Now, let's start with Mubutai's birth.

On the eighth day of February in 1613, the Horqin tribe of Mongolia gave birth to a female doll, which was also known as Borzigit


。 This girl was taken care of by God, she was already very cute when she was born, and her family liked her very much.

Her tribe had a very bad relationship with the Jurchens at first, but politics had always been flexible. After Nurhaci defeated her tribe, instead of severely punishing her, he chose a policy of forgiveness, so diplomacy was quickly established between the two tribes.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two tribes, consolidating bilateral relations through joint tobacco has become the default method, and the number of joint smokes between the two high-level has reached more than forty times. A woman as intelligent and beautiful as Mubutai is destined to become a tool for joint tobacco.

Married to the 34-year-old Wuxiong at the age of 13, he has assisted two generations of Ming Jun, influencing the direction of the Qing Dynasty!

Photo: Stills of the joint smoke between the two sides

After the complete rise of Houjin, the Korbi tribe decided to marry the granddaughter of the chief, Mubutai, to Emperor Taiji in order to be loyal to Houjin.

Mubutai's grandfather did have some foresight to become the leader, although at that time, Huang Taiji was only one of many Baylors, and it did not seem that he had the best chance of ascending to the throne. However, after the death of the former emperor, The Emperor Taiji bypassed his brother in front of him and directly became the emperor.

Emperor Taiji's ascension to the throne did not seem to have much to do with Mubutai, and when he was in power, Mubutai was only ranked fifth.

However, after she gave birth to Fu Lin, her status was raised a lot, which was also a very ordinary phenomenon in ancient times.

Just when Linfu was about six years old, the emperor died suddenly, because there was no crown prince, so there was a struggle between the grand prince and Dorgon because of the throne.

Married to the 34-year-old Wuxiong at the age of 13, he has assisted two generations of Ming Jun, influencing the direction of the Qing Dynasty!

At that time, the Qing Dynasty had just stabilized, and if the two sides continued to fight, the Qing Dynasty was likely to disintegrate, which they did not want to see.

Later, the two sides negotiated, and the two no longer fought, and let Fu Lin become emperor.

At this time, Fu Lin was just a six-year-old doll, and Mubutai was only thirty years old, and he looked very well controlled. However, the Grand Prince had no idea that this usually inconspicuous former imperial concubine was such a strong woman.

Not only was he not controlled by the two forces, but he was suppressed. Mubutai also did something wrong, she suppressed the Great Prince's faction, Dorgon had no one to control, and the Great Qing Kingdom almost became Dorgon's.

Fortunately, Dorgon was not blessed and fell to his death on a horse before he was forty years old.

At this time, Fu Lin, who was already fourteen years old, with the help of his mother, smoothly pro-government.

For Mubutai, Fu Lin was an inattentive emperor, although he worked very hard in the early stages, but later because of a Concubine Dong, he did a lot of things that undermined the royal majesty.

Married to the 34-year-old Wuxiong at the age of 13, he has assisted two generations of Ming Jun, influencing the direction of the Qing Dynasty!

Image: Fu Lin stills

After Dong Efei's death, the amorous emperor no longer had the heart to fight for the world, and once wanted to become a monk, and later he was even more ill. Seeing that his son had been destroyed by a woman, Mubutai strongly demanded that Fu Lin choose an heir in order to avoid another incident similar to that of Emperor Taiji.

In this way, Xuan Ye was made crown prince. In Xuan Ye's career, the most important person to him was not Fu Lin, who chose him as the crown prince, but his grandmother Mu but Tai.

After Fu Lin's death, crown prince Xuan Ye ascended the throne as the Kangxi Emperor.

Xuan Ye met Ao Bai, a powerful courtier, when he first ascended the throne.

Mubutai feared that Ao Bai would be the second Dolgun, so he had long planned to clear the way for his grandson.

Xiaozhuang and his grandson joined forces to isolate Aobai without alarming him, and then Mubutai asked his grandson to summon a large group of teenagers and let them practice fighting in a noisy way in the palace to confuse Aobai.

I don't know if it was because Ao Bai was interested enough, or if Xuan Ye was really so weak, the real knife and real gun in the palace were actually regarded by him as a family. The arrogance of this powerful minister just made the plan more smoothly implemented.

After successfully paralyzing the courtiers, Mubutai began to implement the plan, and as a result, the powerful ministers who were high above were thrown into prison and could not come out for the rest of their lives.

Married to the 34-year-old Wuxiong at the age of 13, he has assisted two generations of Ming Jun, influencing the direction of the Qing Dynasty!

Image: Prince Xuanye's upper-level stills

The removal of Aobai seems to be the credit of the emperor, in fact, he is just an executor, and the really powerful one is his grandmother Mubutai

。 In this way, after Mubutai assisted her son, he led her grandson to the throne step by step and guided him to be a good emperor.

Although they were all educated by the same person, Kangxi was much stronger than his father.

From this point, it can also be explained that mubutai was young and after middle-aged and elderly people, because of their different experiences, the way of educating the emperor was also different

Assisting Fu Temporarily, she herself is not strong enough, in this case, she can assist a generation of emperors, which is already much stronger than other women. When she assisted her grandson, she had already explored experience, which is why Kangxi would be so successfully educated by her.

In addition to his grandmother's identity, Mubutai is the spiritual pillar of this emperor

。 It is precisely with his grandmother behind his back that he dares to let go and have such a high achievement.

Married to the 34-year-old Wuxiong at the age of 13, he has assisted two generations of Ming Jun, influencing the direction of the Qing Dynasty!

Image: She is accompanied by stills of her grandson

In 1687, this woman, who had been strong all her life, could not hold on any longer, and on December 25, Xiaozhuang, who was already seventy-five years old, died. Although her life ended, her story never stopped, and it is still widely sung to this day.

Article author: Dahui

The entire graphic was produced by the team of the Big Cafe Say History Studio!

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