
This Nazi war criminal, who gave up his nationality to help China resist the war, was protected by Chinese after the war

This Nazi war criminal, who gave up his nationality to help China resist the war, was protected by Chinese after the war

The Nazis have always been a nightmare, they have committed many unforgivable crimes against the international community just like Japan has committed against China, and a Japan has done a lot of things, fortunately it has not allowed us to encounter a German attack, and if we encounter two similar types of aggression, I am afraid we will not survive. Those mutilated countries are like a slaughterhouse, the inhabitants are domesticated livestock, and whenever they see those scenes, they can't suppress their inner disgust, which is no longer human, and it is also a group of people living on the earth as if they have not received human education, which is completely the behavior of barbarians. But there is always such a clever man among the unconscious people in Germany, and there is a Nazi war criminal who really stands out from the ugly faces of that group and becomes the eternal friend of the Chinese, he is indeed a person who has done a lot for China, he is a person who has contributed, he is Falkenhausen.

This Nazi war criminal, who gave up his nationality to help China resist the war, was protected by Chinese after the war

He came to China very early with the Military Advisory Group for Aid to China, during which time he wrote a book as a speculation about the future changes in China, and I have to say that his reasoning is very accurate, and the book is like a prophecy.

This Nazi war criminal, who gave up his nationality to help China resist the war, was protected by Chinese after the war

He accurately foreshadowed the direction of the War of Resistance Against Japan and was of great help to our War of Defense, even if this was a German general, he served as the host of the construction of defense in many places in our War of Resistance Against Japan, which can be said to have made a lot of contributions to China.

This Nazi war criminal, who gave up his nationality to help China resist the war, was protected by Chinese after the war

It is also because of his presence that the German military enterprises are willing to sell us the equipment we need, and the prices are very reasonable, and most of the things are very useful, which is the result of his mediation. The cannons imported from Germany had great lethality, which was just right for the Japanese tanks they had made. So he helped us form an anti-Japanese German mechanic, and Japan suffered a loss in this, so it protested to Germany many times, but unfortunately did not succeed.

This Nazi war criminal, who gave up his nationality to help China resist the war, was protected by Chinese after the war

Only later, after Japan and Germany became Axis powers, Germany severed its military support for China in order to show its sincerity. But in this case, Falkenhausen is willing or even wants to stay in China. The Japanese stubbornly grasped this point of fierce protest, so General Falkenhausen resolutely left the country and stayed in China, but still did not succeed in staying, and eventually returned to China but had been secretly protecting the prisoners. In that guerrilla war in Belgium, in which our men shot and killed all three Nazi officers, the Germans, enraged, immediately arrested 96 young Belgians around them and told us that they would force us to hand over the guerrilla group, or we would kill five people in half an hour, depending on whether we would give up the lives of these people.

This Nazi war criminal, who gave up his nationality to help China resist the war, was protected by Chinese after the war

This was a dead end, we were reluctant to kill those people, but there was no way to hand over this guerrilla group, so we found Qian Xiuling, an overseas Chinese, to see if there was any way. Unexpectedly, he contacted Falkenhausen, and as a friend of China, he would naturally help China well, and later those people were well released, and our guerrillas did not have to hand it over.

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