
Watch the car show and visit the old brand! These three days, remember to leave the schedule to Yanghu Water Street!

Watch the car show and visit the old brand! These three days, remember to leave the schedule to Yanghu Water Street!

The "Yanghu Golden Tide Tea Car Hui" is about to explode.

Watch the car show and visit the old brand! These three days, remember to leave the schedule to Yanghu Water Street!

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A hundred years of "old brand" interpretation of "new national tide" Yanghu Water Street This carnival will send you!

Red net moment Changsha December 25 news (reporter Yao Yuchao) after the "golden nine silver ten", where do you want to buy a car? Grasp the tail of 2021, from December 17 to 19, the 2021 "Yanghu Golden Tide MingcheHui" will be on fire in Yanghu Water Street, Yuelu District, Changsha City.

The event was hosted by the People's Government of Yuelu District, and hosted by the Publicity Department of the District Party Committee, the District Bureau of Commerce, the District Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Sports, the District Municipal Supervision Bureau, the Yanghu Street Office, and the Changsha Pilot Yanghu Wetland Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd., to build a reassuring and affordable platform for the general public to buy and consume cars.

At the Tea Car Exchange, a number of well-known 4S stores in Yuelu District will bring nearly 30 brand main models such as Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Lexus, Cadillac, Buick, GAC Honda, GAC Toyota, JEEP, Lynk & Co, WEY, etc. to "attack in an all-round way", which can be described as "random flowers and increasingly charming eyes", providing consumers with a variety of choices.

In addition to the products, various car companies have also brought consumers real money and silver discount packages. 0 down payment car, 3 free annual interest, as well as a variety of deposit expansion, price drops and other supporting offers, with full sincerity, so that consumers "one-stop" to buy the car they like.

During the event, you can not only watch the car show, but also visit the street, taste food, and feel the traditional culture. From the 17th to the 19th, the second Hunan Time-honored Carnival of "XiaoxiangYun Chinese Style" will also be held simultaneously in Yanghu Water Street. At that time, more than 30 hunan time-honored enterprises and more than 10 car companies involved in food, technology, tea and wine, condiments, health care products, etc. will "join forces" to provide citizens with a carnival integrating automobile sales, fashion consumption and traditional cultural experience.

It is better to hear than to see, and it is better to act than to move! From December 17th to 19th, Yuelu District Yanghu Water Street "Yanghu Golden Tide MingcheHui" is waiting for you!

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