
Great Wall OEM manufacturing? The new BMW pure electric MINI exposure, the appearance of the original

Who can resist the temptation of MNI? For such a small car, its figure can be spread from the road to the track, from life to movie, it can freely shuttle through Windsor Park, or it can race with passion. It is the blood boiling in "Stealing the Day" and the treasure of the Beatles.

With the unstoppable trend of electrification, recently, the Internet has exposed the unmasking spy photos of the new generation of MINI electric models. Although it is an electric version of the model, the appearance of the new car still continues the classic design elements of MINI, and is manufactured by the beam car jointly invested by Great Wall and BMW, and is expected to be officially launched in 2023.

Great Wall OEM manufacturing? The new BMW pure electric MINI exposure, the appearance of the original
Great Wall OEM manufacturing? The new BMW pure electric MINI exposure, the appearance of the original

Electric MINI front face VS current MINI front face

The electric version of the MINI is still the familiar MINI

Even if the "heart" is changed, the MINI is still the familiar MINI, or the familiar circular headlights, and the boxy and large grille. Although it looks very similar to the current model, the details are hidden and careful. The most obvious place is the change of the central network, because it is an electric vehicle, so the original china network with a sporty and fashionable atmosphere has also undergone a new electrification design. The minimalist flat design, without the ring chrome trim of the current model, looks more minimalist.

Look closely, the shape of the interior of the headlights has also changed greatly, the interior uses a blackened treatment method, not to mention, the shape of the light strip inside has also changed, in addition to retaining the circular daytime running lights, two horizontal trim strips have been added, and this design can be said to be completely close to the flat, straight, simple design of the era of electrification.

Great Wall OEM manufacturing? The new BMW pure electric MINI exposure, the appearance of the original

The side of the body is still the classic body silhouette of THE MINI, but at the rear, it is a new look. The well-behaved, rounded oval taillights of the current model have been transformed into a triangular fan-like shape, and the interior is filled with a mesh design, and the two taillights are connected by a rough black trim strip.

Great Wall OEM manufacturing? The new BMW pure electric MINI exposure, the appearance of the original
Great Wall OEM manufacturing? The new BMW pure electric MINI exposure, the appearance of the original

Electric MINI tail VS current MINI tail

Put a "makeup mirror" in the car?

I have to say that the electrified design brings simplicity to the extreme. This can be seen from the interior! Although the overall design sense of MINI is retained, leaving the iconic circular central control large screen, it cuts this large screen too thin. It looks like a mirror.

Great Wall OEM manufacturing? The new BMW pure electric MINI exposure, the appearance of the original
Great Wall OEM manufacturing? The new BMW pure electric MINI exposure, the appearance of the original

Electric MINI interior VS current MINI interior

Not only is the central control large screen simple, but also surprised to find that it also directly omits the traditional dashboard, leaving a HUD head-up display system in front of the driver.

Write at the end

Although replaced with a battery motor, it is still the heartwarming MINI. Although the big cake stall in the middle of the interior is unacceptable to many netizens, it is estimated that for most women, if it can really be used as a mirror, it will be perfect.

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