
Liu Bowen predicted the Ming Dynasty's ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren, but the result was misunderstood by Zhu Yuanzhang, and then it was fulfilled

Every founding emperor hoped that the dynasty he had established would continue to multiply. I hope that my children and grandchildren can pass on the generations, always rule the world, and achieve power. But there have been emperors in all dynasties, who perished because of cruel tyranny or harem extravagance or greed for pleasure.

Liu Bowen predicted the Ming Dynasty's ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren, but the result was misunderstood by Zhu Yuanzhang, and then it was fulfilled

As the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang played a very important role in ancient Chinese history. Zhu Yuanzhang's lifelong galloping on the battlefield and consolidating political power can be said to be very clever and wise, but such an emperor with both wisdom and courage once asked the question of how many generations the Ming Dynasty can pass on. This is enough to show that everyone's desire and ambition are infinite, and being able to pass on their own rivers and mountains is what the founding emperor cares about.

Liu Bowen predicted the Ming Dynasty's ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren, but the result was misunderstood by Zhu Yuanzhang, and then it was fulfilled

1. Military division Liu Bowen

Liu Bowen was a politician and writer at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, with a very clever mind, and he was the founding father of the world who followed Zhu Yuanzhang to fight the world. After Zhu Yuanzhang succeeded to the throne, Liu Bowen also suggested to Zhu Yuanzhang that he should rectify the imperial program and re-establish military law. Liu Bowen was proficient in astronomical geography and could often observe the wind direction at night to give Zhu Yuanzhang some pertinent advice.

Liu Bowen predicted the Ming Dynasty's ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren, but the result was misunderstood by Zhu Yuanzhang, and then it was fulfilled

In addition, Liu Bowen is also a very talented person. He loved to write poetry, and although he had achieved the status of a military master, he still had many poems that paid attention to the sufferings of the people and attacked the rulers.

Liu Bowen has been very talented since childhood, and for some classic works with depth, other children are often difficult to recite, but Liu Bowen can simply read them several times and recite them backwards. The teachers who taught him to learn also often praised him as a genius. Therefore, when he took the imperial examination at the age of twenty-three, he won the jinshi in one fell swoop and displayed his talents in the court. However, at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, there were many wars, and the political situation was unstable, and he did not have much construction.

Liu Bowen predicted the Ming Dynasty's ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren, but the result was misunderstood by Zhu Yuanzhang, and then it was fulfilled

Until Liu Bowen later met Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yuanzhang took a fancy to Liu Bowen's strategy and invited him to be his own adviser, and with Liu Bowen's participation, the anti-Yuan army fought many beautiful victories. In particular, Liu Bowen made great contributions in destroying Chen Youyu, Zhang Shicheng and others. Later, he helped Zhu Yuanzhang formulate the policy of destroying the Yuan Dynasty, and Liu Bowen participated in it all until Zhu Yuanzhang founded the country and became emperor.

Liu Bowen predicted the Ming Dynasty's ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren, but the result was misunderstood by Zhu Yuanzhang, and then it was fulfilled

Later generations once gave Liu Bowen a high evaluation and even compared with Zhuge Liang, "before there was the military master Zhuge Liang, and then there was the military master Liu Bowen." However, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhu Yuanzhang also had many suspicions in his heart, and coupled with Hu Weiyong's frame-up, Liu Bowen was relegated to his hometown and eventually died of illness in his hometown. Before Liu Bowen's death, he also gave his son some methods of governing the country that could be conveyed to Zhu Yuanzhang, and for the Ming Dynasty, he bowed down and died.

Second, how long the Ming Dynasty can survive

After Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne as emperor, although he enjoyed the process of becoming emperor, on the other hand, he was also very worried about the development trend of the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang was very afraid that the Ming Dynasty would collapse in just a few years, and wondered how long the Ming Dynasty would survive.

Liu Bowen predicted the Ming Dynasty's ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren, but the result was misunderstood by Zhu Yuanzhang, and then it was fulfilled

The only person who could answer Zhu Yuanzhang's question was Liu Bowen. Because Liu Bowen was not only the chancellor in the imperial court, but also the Taishi Ling, he often watched the celestial signs to solve the emperor's difficult problems. Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang sought out Liu Bowen and hoped that he could answer his own questions.

After Liu Bowen clearly listened to Zhu Yuanzhang's question, he understood what kind of answer Zhu Yuanzhang wanted, but he could not be duplicitous, if he did not answer the answer that would satisfy the emperor, then the emperor would be furious.

Liu Bowen predicted the Ming Dynasty's ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren, but the result was misunderstood by Zhu Yuanzhang, and then it was fulfilled

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted Liu Bowen to tell himself the truth, so he said that as long as you tell the truth, no matter what the result is, you will not blame. However, Liu Bowen still did not want to answer this question, and forced to answer Zhu Yuanzhang's four words, that is, ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren.

Zhu Yuanzhang was very happy when he heard it, that ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren, does not mean that the Ming Dynasty can survive for ten thousand years and ten thousand generations, and Zhu Yuanzhang is relieved. Liu Bowen saw that Zhu Yuanzhang understood these four words in this way, and did not refute them but acquiesced, but of course Liu Bowen's heart of ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren was not the meaning of thousands of generations.

Liu Bowen predicted the Ming Dynasty's ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren, but the result was misunderstood by Zhu Yuanzhang, and then it was fulfilled

Third, Liu Bowen's characters are fulfilled

Liu Bowen's mention of Wanzi Wansun certainly has his deep meaning, and Wanzi probably refers to the thirteenth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the Wanli Emperor. The previous emperors of the Ming Dynasty were very diligent and loved the people, and knew that it was not easy for their ancestors to fight the heavens, so they had to control the government well for future generations. After arriving at the Jiaqing Emperor, the emperors of the Ming Dynasty began to pay attention to pleasure and were lazy in the government.

Especially during the Wanli period, the development of the Ming Dynasty deteriorated. Wanli seriously depleted the national strength of the Ming Dynasty, and Wanli's descendants were influenced by the Wanli Emperor without any effort. Wan Li's son was not allowed to be diligent even if he wanted to be diligent in his body because of his poor health, plus he loved to drink, and he died after a few years of reign.

Liu Bowen predicted the Ming Dynasty's ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren, but the result was misunderstood by Zhu Yuanzhang, and then it was fulfilled

The emperor's throne was passed to Wanli's grandson, which reached the most faint generation. Not only did he faint, but he also trusted the villain to stay away from the sages, and the ming dynasty's regime was already in jeopardy at this time.

However, after Zhu Youguan ascended the throne, the situation improved. Because Zhu Youjian was very smart and he wanted to be a good emperor, but because his ancestors left him with many loopholes in the foundation, he himself did not have the ability to readjust. Under Zhu Youjian's efforts, the Ming Dynasty lasted for a few more years, but there was still no result of escaping the destruction of the country, and Zhu Youjian also committed suicide.

Liu Bowen predicted the Ming Dynasty's ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren, but the result was misunderstood by Zhu Yuanzhang, and then it was fulfilled

The real meaning of these four words is to the age of Wanli and Wanli's sons and grandsons, and each of these four words is fulfilled. Liu Bowen did not want to explain the meaning of it to Zhu Yuanzhang, leaving Zhu Yuanzhang to understand it himself, and it was also Liu Bowen who was afraid that Zhu Yuanzhang would be angry with him because of this.


The Ming Dynasty lived through seventeen generations of emperors and survived for a total of 276 years. Although it did not exist for as long as the Tang and Song dynasties, it was also a dynasty that survived for a long time from the perspective of history as a whole.

Zhu Yuanzhang still had great expectations for the Ming Dynasty after listening to Liu Bowen's words, and Zhu Yuanzhang hoped that the Ming Dynasty could continue for generations. But the fact that every dynasty cannot escape its demise, Zhu Yuanzhang thought too idealistically for thousands of generations.

Liu Bowen predicted the Ming Dynasty's ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren, but the result was misunderstood by Zhu Yuanzhang, and then it was fulfilled

When Zhu Yuanzhang was fighting the world, Liu Bowen helped him a lot, and some people even said that Zhuge Liang, who divided the world into three parts, unified Liu Bowen. This sentence also gave Liu Bowen a high evaluation, from Liu Bowen's answer to Zhu Yuanzhang's four words can be seen Liu Bowen's wisdom, four words can not only summarize the fate of the Ming Dynasty, but also let Zhu Yuanzhang leave happily, indeed a person with great wisdom.

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