
Guangdong found a positive case of Aomi Kerong! Nucleic acid negative multiple times during isolation

◎ Science and Technology Daily reporter Ye Qing

On December 13, yuexiu district of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, during routine health monitoring, found that a person who returned to sui at home after the expiration of the entry isolation period had a positive nucleic acid test result. On December 14, Guangzhou held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control to report on the relevant situation.

According to Chen Bin, deputy director of the Guangzhou Municipal Health Commission and spokesman, the case, a 67-year-old male, lives in No. 65, Tiansheng Village, Huale Street, Yuexiu District. On November 27, he was quarantined from abroad and entered the city, during which he tested negative for several nucleic acids. On December 11, after lifting the isolation, he returned to Guangzhou by plane (CA1837) and was transferred to his home in Yuexiu District for home isolation in a closed loop; on the 12th, the Huale Street Community Health Service Center routinely collected nucleic acid samples for him, and reported that the results were positive in the early morning of the 13th, and the resampling and re-examination results of the municipal and district CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention were positive. The case was transferred to the Eighth Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University for isolation and treatment, and after further examination and expert consultation, it was confirmed to be an ordinary type of new crown pneumonia and is currently in stable condition.

"The Guangzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted whole genome sequencing and sequence analysis of the new coronavirus on the nasal swab of the case, reviewed by the provincial and municipal CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention, and reported to the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention for confirmation that the new coronavirus was detected as a variant of Ami kerong." Chen Bin said.

"Rest assured. Based on the current research and reports on the epidemiological characteristics of the Aomi Kerong mutant strain at home and abroad, combined with the circulation situation, the people involved and related places have been upgraded and controlled, and the scope of close screening has been expanded, with the purpose of minimizing the risk of transmission. Zhang Zhoubin, deputy director of the Guangzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention and spokesman, said, "Due to the relatively short time for the discovery of the Aomi Kerong mutation, whether it has stronger transmission power and immune escape risk than the Delta mutation needs to be further observed." However, one thing is clear, Omi kerong is only a variant of the new crown virus, which is still transmitted through the respiratory tract, and the Omiljung variant does not affect the sensitivity and specificity of the existing nucleic acid detection reagents in China. ”

He stressed that the two existing protective measures against the prevention of the Aumechjong mutant strain are still practical and effective. "One is physical protection, that is, wearing masks, washing hands frequently, ventilating more, gathering less, and maintaining social distancing is still the most simple and effective means of prevention, and everyone must adhere to it and do not relax; the other is the new crown vaccination, whether it is to build a herd immunity barrier or enhance the individual's resistance to the new crown virus, which is of great significance." Zhang Zhoubin appealed that those who meet the conditions for enhanced immunization or who have not yet completed the full vaccination must be vaccinated as soon as possible.

"To strengthen the vaccination of the elderly over the age of 80, I myself have already been vaccinated." At the 2021 Greater Bay Area Science Forum held in Guangzhou recently, Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, once again proposed an initiative.

"After the emergence of the Omiljung mutant strain, the most concerned problem is that there are a large number of mutations in the target of the immune source, and the vaccine effect may be reduced. However, vaccines can still provide basic immunity, especially in reducing the rate of severe illness, mortality, and reducing the burden on patients, so we still have to call on everyone to 'seedlings'. Gao Fu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, particularly emphasized.

As of 12:00 on December 14, Guangzhou has cumulatively checked 10,544 screening personnel in key places, and the results have been negative. A total of 132 environmental samples were collected, 128 environmental samples tested negative, and 4 positive were found in the residence of the cases.

Source: Science and Technology Daily

Editor: Zhang Shuang

Review: Yue Liang

Final Judge: Liu Haiying

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