
Why is eating dumplings that raise blood sugar particularly quickly? Six ways to eat with peace of mind

Dumplings seem to have meat and vegetables, meat and vegetarian, and the amount of staple food is not too large, which seems to be very healthy and comprehensive.

However, many diabetics have found that compared with the daily rice side dishes, eating dumplings seems to be particularly prone to raising blood sugar!

A friend told me:

The doctor told me that dumplings are a healthy food, with meat and vegetables, a variety of foods, and a low GI value. I did it, and the effect was the opposite. On weekdays, the blood sugar is 6-7 2 hours after meals, and eating dumplings can rise to more than 10!

Why, exactly...

Why is eating dumplings that raise blood sugar particularly quickly? Six ways to eat with peace of mind

This result is not accidental. There may be several reasons for this, and listen to me slowly.

First of all, the dumpling skin is a softly cooked fine white pasta, which is very easy to digest when eaten hot.

Dumplings and noodles are made of fine white flour instead of whole grain beans, and hot, soft pasta is something that reacts to high blood sugar. After cooking rice, eat it later, after not hot, the digestion rate can be reduced a little; and the dumplings are eaten while hot, no one eats cold dumplings. Therefore, in theory, the blood sugar reaction of hot dumpling skin will be higher than that of warm cakes and cold noodles.

Secondly, the fat energy supply ratio of dumplings is often relatively high, especially many commercially available frozen dumplings.

There is meat filling in the dumplings, and the meat filling is three fat and seven thin, and some oil is added. Daily stir-fry does not eat fat meat, and the filling contains fat meat, too much fat will reduce insulin sensitivity, and there is also an adverse effect on the blood sugar of the second meal. In particular, the commercially available frozen dumplings are many high-fat products. My students did the calculations and found that some of the frozen dumplings that didn't feel greasy had a fat-to-energy ratio of nearly 50%!

Third, and perhaps most importantly, the amount of vegetables to eat dumplings is far from enough, and the vegetables are still chopped and squeezed out of the juice.

A large number of vegetables is extremely beneficial for blood sugar control. There are several influencing factors:

1 Large amount of dietary fiber in vegetables. This is based on sufficient quantity. The vegetables contained in more than a dozen dumplings are obviously too small compared to the stir-fried and boiled vegetables made in large plates and large bowls.

2 Chewability of vegetables. Vegetables that are whole or chunky need to be chewed slowly, physically hindering the rapid digestion of food. The vegetables in the dumplings are chopped very finely, and the chewability is reduced.

Some studies have found that after vegetables are crushed into a pulp, from the perspective of delaying the rise of blood sugar after meals, it is not as good as the effect of direct chewing.

3 Healthy ingredients in vegetables. Many families squeeze vegetables before making dumplings. And the vast majority of health ingredients in vegetables are in the juice. Removing them is obviously not conducive to preserving nutritional value, including ingredients that may delay the rise of blood sugar after a meal.

4 Vegetables are eaten before meals, and the effect of blood sugar control is the best. A small amount of vegetables and meat are mixed together and swallowed at the same time, and the effect is not as good as eating vegetables first.

Fourth, dumplings can unconsciously eat a lot of starch.

Many people think that dumplings are a snack and do not regard it as a staple food. In fact, dumplings are a genuine flower staple. The flour content is quite a lot.

In order to do experiments, I made dumplings with students and did detailed data analysis.

Our dumplings are relatively small and the skin is relatively thin. Each dumpling skin is 14 grams, of which the water content is 40%, and one dumpling skin is equivalent to 5.6 grams of flour. 10 dumplings is 56 grams of flour.

Standard-size dumplings made by northern canteens/households, with an average of 6 dumplings containing 50 grams of flour (40 years ago, 6 dumplings were bought for 1 two food stamps). Eating 12 dumplings is 100 grams of flour, which is equivalent to a full bowl of rice.

Why is eating dumplings that raise blood sugar particularly quickly? Six ways to eat with peace of mind

However, eating a full bowl of rice, diabetics will feel that they have eaten too much. Eat 12 dumplings, it doesn't feel like much...

Fifth, dumplings are eaten too quickly.

Eating more than a dozen dumplings takes a short time, and slowly eating multigrain rice and a large number of vegetables and fish takes a long time. Food quickly enters the gastrointestinal tract, which naturally accelerates the rate of blood sugar rise after a meal.

Therefore, eating frozen dumplings is indeed a good "convenience food", but it is not a very good blood sugar control food.

But it's the winter solstice, it's the New Year, it's the Spring Festival... It's always about eating dumplings. How to coexist peacefully with dumplings? Here are a few ideas for you:

1 Adjust the ingredients for the dumpling filling. Increase the proportion of vegetables and reduce the proportion of fatty meat.

With less fat and more lean meat, the texture of the cooked dumplings is easy to "chai". Eggs, water tofu and vegetable juice (water that comes out of the stuffing of vegetables) can be added to keep the taste juicy.

Softly boiled kelp, cooked lotus root or potatoes chopped into the filling also have a good water retention effect.

Many people will ask: there are more vegetables, what to do with the water? This is not difficult to solve.

When cutting vegetables, the granules are larger and do not chop. This results in less water, a fragrant taste, and maintaining the natural cell structure of vegetables is conducive to blood sugar control. Vegetables should try not to squeeze water, but use meat filling, dried vermicelli, dried shrimp, dried shiitake mushrooms, etc. to absorb excess water and maintain the nutrients in them.

2 Adjust the recipe for the dumpling skin.

Adding a small amount of eggs, bean flour, whole wheat flour, oat flour, etc. to the dough made of dumpling skin is conducive to reducing the blood sugar reaction.

However, it is not recommended to add mixed grain flour other than wheat. Because in addition to wheat, other grain flour has no muscle strength, and the dumplings made are easy to cook. Whole wheat flour is also not recommended. Because the wheat bran in the whole wheat flour will also reduce the continuous structure of the gluten, the taste of the dumpling skin is significantly reduced, and it is easy to cook.

3 Increase the side dishes, first eat half a bowl of oil-less vegetables, and then start eating dumplings with vegetables.

Why is eating dumplings that raise blood sugar particularly quickly? Six ways to eat with peace of mind

The benefits of eating vegetables first have been talked about many times before. According to the experimental results that have been reported, eating 100-200 grams of vegetable hearts, rapeseed, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, eggplant, mushrooms and other vegetables, and then eating staple foods with dishes, can effectively reduce the blood glucose reaction after meals.

4 Eat half of the multigrain rice + vegetable meat first, then eat half of the dumplings and eat slowly.

Dumplings are a festive food and don't necessarily turn it into a daily staple. Eat half of the multigrain rice and meat dishes according to the daily style, including more green leafy vegetables, and then eat a few dumplings to suit the scene, there is no need to worry too much.

5 Fill the dumplings with less salt and then use more vinegar to accompany the dumplings.

Acetic acid and lactic acid are beneficial in reducing the postprandial glycemic response, and there have been many studies. However, vinegar also contains salt, and eating too much will increase sodium intake. Therefore, you can put less salt as a compensation when making the filling, cook well and then add vinegar to eat.

If you are making steamed dumplings or fried dumplings (including pot stickers), it is even more important to add less salt to the filling. Because some of the salt is removed when cooking dumplings, while steamed dumplings and fried dumplings are not, it is easy to taste too salty.

6 After eating, timely activities are carried out to reduce the peak of blood sugar after meals.

Don't sit down immediately after a meal, get up and do housework, and walk around. Counting from the time of the first bite of the meal, 30 to 60 minutes later is the peak of blood sugar (depending on the speed of eating, what you eat). At this time, getting up and walking, such as walking for half an hour, is conducive to reducing the peak of blood sugar after a meal.

With these few tricks, eating dumplings will not cause excessive blood sugar reactions, and you can enjoy holiday dumplings with your family happily. In short, as long as you follow the recommendations of this public account, improve the scientific nature of diet, achieve long-term nutritional balance, delicious and healthy can be both!

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