
Why should I be checked 42 days after giving birth? Don't wait for the problem to regret it

After giving birth to a child and then sitting in the confinement, many new mothers feel that they are finally liberated in stages.

Why should I be checked 42 days after giving birth? Don't wait for the problem to regret it


Don't worry!

Before liberation, it was also necessary to go to the hospital for a 42-day postpartum follow-up examination.

Why 42 days?

It is because after the mother gives birth to the baby, in addition to the breast, the other organs of the body to return to the level before pregnancy, it takes about 6 weeks.

The 42-day postpartum follow-up does not mean that it must be carried out at 42 days, but specifically refers to the maternal and child health examination carried out within 42 to 56 days of the mother's birth of the baby.


What tests do I need to do?

■A full body examination

It mainly includes blood pressure measurement, pulse, blood routine, urine routine, etc.

Why should I be checked 42 days after giving birth? Don't wait for the problem to regret it

If you have internal medical comorbidities or obstetric comorbidities during pregnancy, you should also do the corresponding tests.

■ Gynecological examination

Through gynecological examination, as well as ultrasound, observe whether the mother's uterus and cervix have returned to the pre-pregnancy state, and whether there is inflammation and so on.

Why should I be checked 42 days after giving birth? Don't wait for the problem to regret it

Pelvic floor muscle function, and lateral incision wounds, or healing from caesarean sections are also checked.

In addition, moms can also consult with doctors about breastfeeding, contraception, the time of the next pregnancy, and postpartum exercise.

■Newborn examination

Newborn babies should also check their height, head circumference, weight, feeding, bowel and bowel movements, etc., and assess their development.

Why should I be checked 42 days after giving birth? Don't wait for the problem to regret it

Some mothers do not attach importance to postpartum review, but in fact, postpartum review is very important.

Through the review, not only can you understand the mother's postpartum body recovery and the baby's health status.

You can also screen some diseases of mothers and babies for early detection and early treatment.

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