
This province of China loves independence the most, loves to divide the king, and has the most uprisings, but they are not long-lasting

This province of China loves independence the most, loves to divide the king, and has the most uprisings, but they are not long-lasting

In some feudal eras in ancient times, each dynasty in the final period of time will have its own corruption, or some natural and man-made disasters, leading to the outbreak of some national enterprises, in these uprisings organized by peasants, some people through the number of statistics found that in ancient times, Sichuan this place is the most variety of uprisings in a region, large and small uprisings probably occurred more than 100 cases. There was a saying that he meant to show that this place in Sichuan was the most suitable place for the rulers of every feudal dynasty to be the most suitable place to be the ancient capital in the minds of every feudal dynasty, which also made them feel very headaches.

This province of China loves independence the most, loves to divide the king, and has the most uprisings, but they are not long-lasting

From the historical development process of Sichuan, this place was known as Shudi in ancient times. In the beginning, it was first named in the Western Zhou Dynasty, until the Warring States period, when the Qin State annexed this area and also set up an administrative body in this place. Later, at the beginning of the Song Dynasty, there was a name change, and the place was called Sichuan. In ancient times, there were many peasant uprisings in this area, and many people born in the chaotic world liked to cut land in Sichuan and call themselves kings. There are many reasons for this, one of which is due to her very special terrain. There are many mountains and plateaus in Sichuan, and such terrain is very easy to do defensive work, making it difficult for others to attack. In ancient times, transportation was very inconvenient, which happened to be a barrier given by nature. The degree of danger in this place is equivalent to crossing the Yangtze River so laxly, it is completely dependent on its own strength, and it is completely impossible to defeat them.

This province of China loves independence the most, loves to divide the king, and has the most uprisings, but they are not long-lasting

The second reason is that in this part of Sichuan, there are very many ethnic groups, almost every ethnic group has stayed in Sichuan, in history, once a dynasty is in its final stage, then those who are willing to leave the Central Plains from ethnic minorities, or want to carry out some strange people, will come to this place in Sichuan. In addition, Sichuan has a lot of reputation, and there are also many treasures hidden under the ground, which is conducive to some of the correct maintenance of their own troops. When you have accumulated all your strength in secret, and when the time is ripe, you will win the world in one fell swoop. During the Chu and Han dynasties at that time, Liu Bang did such a thing, and also achieved success. In ancient times, there was a land in Sichuan, and most people died because of this kind of behavior. It is very difficult to attack through others, so it is not easy to mobilize the army of your own troops.

This province of China loves independence the most, loves to divide the king, and has the most uprisings, but they are not long-lasting

If at that time, he only wanted to survive in secret, without any thinking, then he could not do it, and he could only face extinction. At that time, there was also a very important factor, that is, the ancient traffic was very underdeveloped, so the transmission of information was also very slow, which was not conducive to some talented people gathering together, and there was also a lack of a large number of talents related to military strategy, so if you want to rule the whole world, there is no talent and there is no hope.

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