
The Emperor of China used 40,000 men to expedition to Japan, and if it were not for bad weather, Japan might have been wiped out

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms summarizes the entire book with a very classic theory of the division of the world. This sentence is about China, but in fact, why is the whole earth not like this? China is like a big family, in the vicissitudes of these thousands of years, some have returned to us after many twists and turns, and some were once a province and city in China, but now they have become an independent country.

The Emperor of China used 40,000 men to expedition to Japan, and if it were not for bad weather, Japan might have been wiped out

For example, we now mention that we hate the little devils with toothache, maybe thousands of years ago their ancestors were our Chinese, after the world was settled, Qin Shi Huang was too nostalgic for the prosperity of the world, he could not bear to let go of the Jiangshan in his hands, so he has been committed to how to make himself immortal, one day, he gave an order to a general, asking him to go to an island in the east to seek medicine that can not die.

This man was very clever, he knew that there was no such thing in the world, and if he could not complete the task, then he would also die when he came back, so he asked Qin Shi Huang to bring 200 boys, girls, and all kinds of seeds and cattle, sheep and livestock. Then he went and never came back.

The Emperor of China used 40,000 men to expedition to Japan, and if it were not for bad weather, Japan might have been wiped out

It is said that this man built a country there and slowly evolved into Japan. Although this statement is only a legend, it is not without any basis, and if you look at the script used by the Japanese, it is copied from us.

During World War II, the Japanese committed so many crimes in our country that they were really arrogant to a certain extent, but in fact, during the Yuan Dynasty in China, the Japanese people were full of excitement when they heard China's name.

The Emperor of China used 40,000 men to expedition to Japan, and if it were not for bad weather, Japan might have been wiped out

The Yuan Dynasty was founded by a nation on horseback, one of Kublai Khan's biggest characteristics was to attack a place and not to send troops to garrison, like some small countries in the surrounding areas such as Goryeo, etc., every year to come here to pay tribute and worship, after many words, Kublai Khan learned that there was a small country called Dongying on the opposite side of the sea, that is, now Japan, so he sent envoys over and ordered them to come to worship. In fact, it did not mean to occupy them, but let them come and shout the boss and it would be over.

The envoy first came to Goryeo and went to Japan by boat from Goryeo to explain his intentions, but the Japanese were very arrogant, saying that they had never heard of the name of the Yuan Dynasty, which frightened the envoy, so he took two Japanese fishermen and asked them to play Japanese envoys to fool Kublai Khan, who thought they had confessed, was very happy, and rewarded them with a lot of gold and silver jewelry.

The Emperor of China used 40,000 men to expedition to Japan, and if it were not for bad weather, Japan might have been wiped out

However, the paper could not contain the fire, and when the invincible Chinese boss knew that he had been fooled, Long Yan was furious and decided to send an army to conquer it. However, at that time, China had no navy or warships at all. Therefore, the Goryeo Kingdom was ordered to build 100 warships within a time limit.

Because the construction period was too tight, and Kublai Khan did not allocate military expenses to them, their warships were very confused, and where the nails should be used, glue was taken, and where the glue should be used, the spit was glued! Anyway, it was foolish, and after the completion, Kublai Khan sent a general with 40,000 soldiers to march toward Japan.

The Emperor of China used 40,000 men to expedition to Japan, and if it were not for bad weather, Japan might have been wiped out

The Mongol army beat the Japanese to death! The Mongol army was victorious, but in the course of the fight, one of the generals of the Mongol army was also seriously wounded, so they all retreated to the warship, ready to take a short rest and continue the battle.

However, at this time, a typhoon suddenly blew up, because Japan is an island country, such a typhoon is also very sparse and common, but we said earlier, because Kublai Khan's warships were too tight, and the people below were fooled out, so they were very unstable, and as a result, the wind broke up as soon as the wind blew, and the 40,000 troops of Mongolia were so dramatically destroyed. Despite this, the Army of the Yuan Dynasty still made the Japanese very afraid.

The Emperor of China used 40,000 men to expedition to Japan, and if it were not for bad weather, Japan might have been wiped out

Today's Vietnam, also once a province of our country, and since ancient times has been ruled by our country for a thousand years, but in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, due to China's civil strife separated, it established itself as a country, and now many people in their country are calling for the restoration of Chinese characters, because after so many years of evolution, Chinese characters have been inseparable from them.

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