
Her parents died at the age of 4, she was abducted at the age of 6, and she died tragically in a cowshed at the age of 85, and her descendants owe her a word of thanks

Her parents died at the age of 4, she was abducted at the age of 6, and she died tragically in a cowshed at the age of 85, and her descendants owe her a word of thanks

In April 1955, the weather was mild and bright, neither the cold winter and spring months, nor the scorching heat of the midsummer heat, the descendants of Liang Qichao and Li Huixian gathered in front of the couple's tombstone, presented a bouquet of Yasu flowers, and began to worship and remember their ancestors.

The descendants of the Liang clan erected a new tombstone next to the tomb and planted a tree behind the tombstone. In order to mourn the people buried in this tomb forever, the descendants of the Liang family personally carved an inscription on this tombstone, hoping that the people in the tomb could always be with the tree. Who is the mysterious man behind this tombstone? Why is it so respected and loved by the descendants of the Liang family?

Her parents died at the age of 4, she was abducted at the age of 6, and she died tragically in a cowshed at the age of 85, and her descendants owe her a word of thanks

From Wang Laixi to Wang Guiquan

The mysterious person behind this tombstone was originally named Wang Laixi, born in the poor countryside. Unfortunately, her fate was too bad to be as festive as the name had hoped. Wang Laixi, who came from a poor family, did not have the care of his mother very early, and in order to support the family and ensure the integrity of his family members, his father met a strange woman as Wang Laixi's stepmother. Her stepmother, deeply influenced by feudal superstitions, was convinced of the jianghu fortune teller's remarks and abused her on the grounds that Wang Lai's family had been killed.

Soon after, his father died of illness, and Wang Laixi was sold as a slave to other families. Fortunately in the misfortune, Wang Laixi finally came to Li Huixian's home as a maid, and the Li family treated her very well, and she finally did not have to be bullied and abused. The Li family is a local famous and prestigious family, influenced by the family environment, Li Huixian has been reading poetry since childhood, and can be regarded as a female talent of the Qing Dynasty.

Her parents died at the age of 4, she was abducted at the age of 6, and she died tragically in a cowshed at the age of 85, and her descendants owe her a word of thanks

At that time, Liang Qichao happened to take the township examination in Guangdong Province and obtained excellent results in the examination, which attracted the attention of the examiner at that time. Coincidentally, the examiner at that time happened to be Li Huixian's cousin. Since Li Huixian reached the age of marriage, under the introduction of her cousin, Li Huixian gradually developed a good feeling for Liang Qichao and took the initiative to express her admiration. Liang Qichao and Li Huixian can be regarded as talented women, whether it is the family environment or cultural literacy.

After Liang Qichao and Li Huixian got along and fell in love, they finally officially married. Wang Laixi has always been a close-knit servant next to Li Huixian, working diligently and quickly, and his movements are sharp, and he is very trusted by Li Huixian, so Wang Laixi goes to the Liang family with Li Huixian. Although she has to serve her master and do a lot of housework every day, for Wang Laixi, this stable life is already very happy, and the life and environment of the Liang family make her very satisfied.

Her parents died at the age of 4, she was abducted at the age of 6, and she died tragically in a cowshed at the age of 85, and her descendants owe her a word of thanks

Because Wang Laixi is very smart, has strong learning ability, and has high comprehension, the tasks given to him by Liang Qichao and Li Huixian can be completed very well, and the couple has great trust in Wang Laixi. However, because Liang Qichao was exposed to and learned a lot of Western ideas, he believed that the name Wang Laixi was rustic and rustic when he heard it, so he suggested changing the name Wang Laixi to Wang Guiquan.

As the days passed, although Li Huixian was gentle and virtuous, her body was somewhat weak, and she and Liang Qichao had been married for a long time and had never been pregnant. Finally, in 1901, Li Huixian gave birth to a baby boy for Liang Qichao, whose name was Liang Sicheng. In the six years of marriage, Li Huixian gave birth to three children for Liang Qichao. Since then, Li Huixian has been concentrating on taking care of the children at home, while Liang Qichao is busy outside for reform and change.

Her parents died at the age of 4, she was abducted at the age of 6, and she died tragically in a cowshed at the age of 85, and her descendants owe her a word of thanks

However, Liang Qichao met a woman named He Huizhen while working, and Liang Qichao developed a love for He Huizhen and asked Li Huixian for his wishes to bring He Huizhen to his home. Li Huixian decisively rejected Liang Qichao, did not agree to bring the women outside to his home, and used Liang Qichao's proposed monogamy as a reason for opposition.

Little-known concubines

Later, Li Huixian's age gradually increased, he watched her husband run and work outside all day, coupled with the previous rejection of Liang Qichao's idea of bringing women back, so she came up with a way to kill two birds with one stone, which could not only add people to the Liang family, but also make up for her guilt.

Her parents died at the age of 4, she was abducted at the age of 6, and she died tragically in a cowshed at the age of 85, and her descendants owe her a word of thanks

She persuaded Wang Guiquan and Liang Qichao to make Wang Guiquan Liang Qichao's concubine. After the ideological work was done, Li Huixian personally looked through the yellow calendar, chose a good birthday and auspicious day, and let Liang Qichao and Wang Guiquan round the room. Although Wang Guiquan accepted Li Huixian's arrangement, she did not have any other ideas, she believed that to be a slave was to obey the master's arrangement. Moreover, Wang Guiquan knows that her identity is low, and it is not easy to go all the way, as long as she can stay by Li Huixian's side forever and let her do anything.

In that feudal era, a woman born in a low position and no culture could only do farm work in the fields and pass on the inheritance for her husband, and Wang Guiquan thought that it was her luck to be able to reproduce for a talented son like Liang Qichao who returned from overseas. Wang Guiquan was young and physically strong, and soon gave birth to several children for Liang Qichao. However, because Liang Qichao was very famous at that time and personally put forward the idea of monogamy, he could not give Wang Guiquan any identity in a fair and honest manner.

Her parents died at the age of 4, she was abducted at the age of 6, and she died tragically in a cowshed at the age of 85, and her descendants owe her a word of thanks

No matter who gave birth to the child, li huixian should be called the mother and Wang Guiquan should be called wang aunt. Despite this, Wang Guiquan did not care about fame and status at all, and remained loyal to Li Huixian and shared the household chores for her. In Wang Guiquan's eyes, Liang Qichao is a man who people worship.

In the following days, Liang Qichao taught Wang Guiquan to read and write, and Wang Guiquan felt very happy and happy. Later, the Penghu Reform Law failed, and Liang Qichao took his family to Japan to escape the Qing government. During that special and difficult day, Liang Qichao, Li Huixian and their children were able to successfully survive that difficult time in a foreign country thanks to Wang Guiquan's careful care.

Her parents died at the age of 4, she was abducted at the age of 6, and she died tragically in a cowshed at the age of 85, and her descendants owe her a word of thanks

He worked hard to raise the children of the Liang family, and finally died tragically in the cowshed

In that era, those who devoted themselves to the reform and revolution not only worked day and night, but also had to avoid the pursuit of the enemy at all times. Due to the death of Li Huixian due to illness, Liang Qichao, who had been running and working hard, was even more depressed, and he also died shortly after. Before his death, Liang Qichao left Wang Guiquan with an important task, that is, he must raise his children and contribute to the society and the country. Wang Guiquan tearfully accepted Liang Qichao's last words.

However, the family suffered major changes, coupled with the Japanese army began to launch a full-scale invasion of China, Wang Guiquan's life was very difficult, and he had to work as a coolie everywhere to ensure that the nine children in the family had enough to eat. Wang Guiquan's hard work and hard work are all in the eyes of the children, although the life is very difficult, the children are very obedient and sensible, take the initiative to learn to read, inherit their father's legacy.

Her parents died at the age of 4, she was abducted at the age of 6, and she died tragically in a cowshed at the age of 85, and her descendants owe her a word of thanks

Under the cultivation and teaching of Wang Guiquan, these nine children were all excellent. Some put on their military uniforms and rushed to the battlefield to serve the country; some studied chinese poetry and became famous writers; some devoted themselves to scientific research and became academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The children's efforts have made Liang Qichao under the Nine Springs pleased, and Wang Guiquan has also fulfilled his promise to Liang Qichao before his death.

Because these nine children have been working outside the home for many years, coupled with political turmoil, Wang Guiquan was deeply discriminated against and bullied, and his old age was very miserable and sad, and wang Guiquan, 85, died tragically in a cowshed in the countryside. The well-meaning neighbor moved Wang Guiquan's body to a nearby mountain and buried it simply. It was not until the end of the war that the children of the Liang family returned to the place where the magnate died, looked for her burial place, and relocated her bones to the cemetery of Liang Qichao and Li Huixian, and erected a monument to commemorate this great mother.

Her parents died at the age of 4, she was abducted at the age of 6, and she died tragically in a cowshed at the age of 85, and her descendants owe her a word of thanks


From Wang Laixi to Wang Guiquan, from a close-fitting servant to a mother of six children, Wang Guiquan has experienced difficulties and sorrows that modern people have never seen before and never heard of. Wang Guiquan's life and ending are full of cruelty and helplessness in the feudal era, which makes people regret and grief. Looking back at Wang Guiquan's life, it was all hard work.

After experiencing a tragic childhood, when he grew up, he wanted to be a nameless and worthless maid and concubine, and could not live for himself. It was not until the war and turmoil were completely over that Wang Guiquan's lone soul was able to settle down. Wang Guiquan, an ordinary and great woman, deserves people's respect and admiration, and she has used her life to show the greatness and tenacity of maternal love, and has also cultivated many national pillars for China.

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