
Xin Abandoned Disease is a very lonely poem, just 4 sentences, writing the helplessness of ambition, which is sighing

Author: Ping Sauce. Talk about Chinese history, classical literature. If you want to reprint, please contact me to authorize Oh ~ ~ ~ ~

Xin Abandoned Disease is a very lonely poem, just 4 sentences, writing the helplessness of ambition, which is sighing

Historically, Xin Abandoned Disease once followed the rebel army to resist the Jin, made great contributions, and later surrendered to the imperial court, and became famous in the government and the opposition. He devoted his life to resisting the Jin Dynasty and restoring the country, but because of the Southern Song Dynasty's idea of peace, his ambitions could not be realized, and he ended up in a situation where his ambitions were difficult to reward and his talents were not encountered, which could be described as a hero's loneliness.

Xin Abandoned Disease is a very lonely poem, just 4 sentences, writing the helplessness of ambition, which is sighing

One year during the Mid-Autumn Festival, there was no moon in the sky, and Xin Renjie thought of his own encounters, so he wrote a lyrical word, and after reading it, he couldn't help but sigh.

Xin Abandoned Disease is a very lonely poem, just 4 sentences, writing the helplessness of ambition, which is sighing
Xin Abandoned Disease is a very lonely poem, just 4 sentences, writing the helplessness of ambition, which is sighing

It was the Mid-Autumn Festival again, Xin abandoned the disease to climb the stairs to raise a toast, and could not help but think of this scene before. The first sentence, "Remembering the Mid-Autumn Festival, the flowers are in the cup, and the moon is also in the cup", describes the scene of a good full moon during the previous Mid-Autumn Festival. At that time, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the fragrance of dangui, the haoyue moon was empty, Xin Abandoned Disease raised a cup to drink, the flower shadow and moon shadow were reflected in the cup, how unforgettable and nostalgic was such a beautiful day!

Xin Abandoned Disease is a very lonely poem, just 4 sentences, writing the helplessness of ambition, which is sighing

In contrast, this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, "tonight upstairs a statue of the same", Xin Abandoned Disease is still upstairs to raise a glass to invite the moon, however, it is "cloud wet screen window, rain wet screen window". This year's Mid-Autumn Festival, you can't see the bright haoyue, some are just dark clouds and wind and rain in the sky. The sight in front of him made Xin Shuyi feel lost.

Xin Abandoned Disease is a very lonely poem, just 4 sentences, writing the helplessness of ambition, which is sighing

The next three sentences, "Hun want to take advantage of the wind to ask the chemical industry, the road is also difficult to pass, and the letter is also difficult to understand", ostensibly to write Xin Abandoned Disease wants to ask the Old God, why tonight in the Mid-Autumn Festival, there is no moon and no sunshine, only cloudy, rainy and continuous, but there is no way, in fact, it is written, Xin Abandoned Disease wants to ask the imperial court why it is not reused, so that there is no way to serve the country, and there is no hope of resisting gold.

Xin Abandoned Disease is a very lonely poem, just 4 sentences, writing the helplessness of ambition, which is sighing

The last three sentences of this word, "Full of candles and flowers, cups and calm, song and calm" are Xin Ren's relief to himself. The "candle flower" here echoes the "Dangui" in the first sentence, although there is no osmanthus flower in the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, but fortunately there are also red candle flowers, which adds a little festive atmosphere. Instead of worrying about why there was no good full moon last year, it is better to drink and sing leisurely with this candle flower.

Xin Abandoned Disease is a very lonely poem, just 4 sentences, writing the helplessness of ambition, which is sighing

Even if the ambition is difficult to reward, Xin still chooses to treat it with a broad attitude and live up to the time in front of him.

In all the Mid-Autumn Festival lyrics, many words write about the scene of the full moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival, but this poem by Xin Shuyi is unique and writes a dark Mid-Autumn Festival without a moon. In fact, Xin Abandoned Disease borrowed the darkness of the Mid-Autumn Festival to allude to the darkness of his career. Emotionally, how much he wanted to ask the emperor why he was treating himself this way. But intellectually, he also knew that it was useless to ask, because the emperor only wanted to settle down, so it was better to forget about it.

Everyone's life will experience a low, and the most important thing to do is not to give up on yourself in the low, but to blossom in the low. Although Xin did not succeed in recovering his homeland, his lyrics and writings have been passed down through the ages.

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