
Far away from your deepest love

How deep is the red dust, so deep that people forget themselves, forget love, forget the meaning of living. How deep the love is, when that fragile heart gradually cools down and becomes dark due to the wear and tear of the years, the light is the driving force that guides her forward, and she meditates in her heart: Don't lose, don't lose.

How to get close to you, the person I loved most at that time, felt that you were so far away and within reach, I have always been in your eyes, I disappeared with the passage of time, my love disappeared with your disappearance, I have retained, I have been sincere, and I have also had the urge to cross the mountains and mountains to see you, but why let time disappear.

The first time I saw you, I had a feeling that the three lives had been agreed upon. Time has destroyed many things, changed many things, time can turn love into hate, can turn hate into love, changed the direction of our hearts, and changed our appearance, you are the helmsman who sails in the sea of my heart. The regret in the heart is the gap in the heart, and the gap in the heart sometimes blooms out of a strange flower due to imperfection, and there is a poignant beauty caused by regret. Sometimes, regret is also a pursuit, the pursuit of the unknown consummation that arises from regret. People who love each other can feel each other's love, and people who don't love always feel more hate.

If we had been together at the time, wouldn't it have had a different ending? My love for you becomes a fetter by the passage of time, and perhaps time will gradually destroy my love for you. Your appearance has beautifully my entire youth, and it is also the silent concern of my youth, silently looking at you, forgetting the disappearance of time. I want to go back to those years, when the slow time, every beautiful place passed by, is a quiet picture. Every night when I think of you, the moonlight is so gentle, the breeze is gentle, and the earth is gentle, as if all things are intoxicated in the dream garden of love...

I love you, it is love from the bottom of my heart, not to measure materially, not to take action to please, if you have been, I have always loved, because love is in the heart. True love is your emotional pulse, it is my habit of your existence, it is that I know that you have always been there, it is the goodwill that is felt by kindness, the kindness that is felt by kindness, the beauty that is beautiful to feel, the heart to heart, and the heart to heart.

Love makes us feel warm, love makes us feel happy, love makes us feel our worth, love makes people forget their troubles, love makes people temporarily forget hate. In front of true love, we can be whatever we want to be, become the most authentic self, become the best of ourselves, good love can make us achieve each other, good love can sublimate our souls.

In this life, I will not lose your news, lose your news, my lonely soul can only sigh in the night. I thought I wouldn't lose you, and if I had turned back the clock, would you have grabbed my hand and said to me, "Follow me, and we will flow through the river of time together"! Will there be a day when we are reunited, we have all matured, we have all experienced the baptism of life, because the rich life has to go through the baptism of wind and rain, the sun bath can bear great fruits, I hope that then we can smile and say to each other, you have changed, but still I like it...

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