
Musk: Tesla Cybercruck will not offer any official color scheme

According to foreign media reports, Musk has confirmed that Tesla does not intend to provide any official color or outer film for Cyberruck, at least "at first."

Musk: Tesla Cybercruck will not offer any official color scheme

It is reported that the most unique feature of Cybertruck is its stainless steel shell, which is directly exposed to the outside and does not have any color. Musk says its materials are extremely durable, from super-hard 30X cold-rolled stainless steel structural shells to Tesla armored glass, each component is designed for greater strength and durability. However, this also brings limitations to the choice of color, and the spray paint is uneven.

However, Musk suggested that Tesla could provide factory outer film for Cyberteruck. Some netizens asked whether they would provide external models, and he replied: "At first, it would not, but there are many third-party packaging options. He also said owners can add any desired color to Cybertruck, but at first buyers had to look for a third-party solution.

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