
How did Kangxi handle relations with North Korea? The following eight words can be summarized!

In the twenty-fourth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, The Joseon Dynasty requested the suspension of mutual markets, and in dealing with the matter, the Kangxi Emperor said: "The way of caring foreign countries should not be too strict or too lenient. North Koreans are endowed with cunning. ”

This passage is probably also the kangxi emperor's master's way of handling relations with Korea. Throughout the Kangxi Dynasty, there were both tributes and silver penalties for passing, which can be described as both enwei and giving to North Korea.

In the twenty-fifth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, because of the prohibition of The Koreans crossing the river, the Kangxi Emperor fined the King of Joseon, Suzong Li Lu, 20,000 taels of silver, and the Korean monarchs, when they had to accept punishment, considered this insult to be unprecedented, and the King of Joseon, Li Yan, even said: "During the seven years of Gengyin (referring to the seventh year of Shunzhi), there was a lot of trouble, and the situation was critical, and there was no humiliation in this day." ”

The response to the punishment was fierce, and the Preferential Treatment of the Kangxi Emperor was not appreciated, and the following is only a discussion of the reaction of the Korean Monarch to several obvious preferential treatments of the Kangxi Emperor.

How did Kangxi handle relations with North Korea? The following eight words can be summarized!

(1) Reduction or reduction of tribute and transportation of rice

Judging from the records of the Qing Shilu, the Kangxi Emperor cut down the Tribute of the Joseon Dynasty twice, once in the thirty-second year of the Kangxi Dynasty, "it was re-lost to meet military needs, and donated three thousand shotguns, which is commendable." The golden hundred and two and the blue-green red kapok in the annual tribute will cease forever." Once in the fifty years of the Kangxi Dynasty, "his annual tribute contained 1,000 taels of platinum and 142 pieces of red leopard skin, and he was afraid that it would be difficult to prepare, and he would then make these two permanent contributions."

It is clear that the first reduction in tribute was due to the donation of military equipment by The Dprk, and the Kangxi Emperor repaid it with a peach, and there was not much "preferential treatment" to speak of. Moreover, the so-called "donation" is actually a strong demand by the Qing envoys, and the King of Joseon had no choice but to donate, even if the Qing envoys wanted to ask for credit instead of the Kangxi Emperor's instructions, the Koreans were also bitterly humiliated and dissatisfied with such donations.

How did Kangxi handle relations with North Korea? The following eight words can be summarized!

For the second reduction of tribute, the Koreans believe that "in the past few decades, they have treated me too thickly, and as for those who have reduced tribute, there must be a reason for it", and thought of the Qing Dynasty sending personnel to investigate the border between China and North Korea, thus determining that "covering a hundred years of middle soil, focusing on splendid embroidery and beam meat, and returning to the desert north in one dynasty is bound to be embarrassing." When the early morning dawn returns, the slow will want to produce from the fish and salt, and even the land and the people, all of them will take the capital from me, and the anxious will want to take the road to my northwest, so this trip will pre-inspect the mountains and rivers, the road is far and near."

In other words, the Koreans believed that the Kangxi Emperor's kindness to Korea was nothing more than leaving a way back, and that in the future, the Qing people would have to ask for Korea.

How did Kangxi handle relations with North Korea? The following eight words can be summarized!

However, the real situation of this relief is not the gratitude of the North Koreans, and it can even be said that it has aroused anti-Qing sentiment in North Korea. Secondly, Tao Dai, the official in charge of transporting rice in the Qing Dynasty, took the opportunity to blackmail the smuggling of smuggled goods, and the Koreans finally had to agree, plus Tao Dai called tao dai a brother to the king of Korea in his correspondence, and the Koreans thought it was a great insult.

In the face of the indignant public opinion of the DPRK and the DPRK, Choe Seok-ding, the right-hand man who presided over the rice issue, also had to resign himself. Even after eight years, that is, in the forty-fifth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, there were still Choe Seok-ding, who had been promoted to the position of consul at the time of the joint impeachment, saying that he was "a person who forgot his shame and endured shame in the matter of begging for su and court", and also revealed that Choi's grandfather Choi Ming-gi had advocated peace with the Qing Dynasty, and Choi Seok-ding did not dare to be sloppy, and the superior defended himself.

The North Koreans talk about the Qing Dynasty rice affair and call it "begging for millet and taking prisoners", and their attitude towards it can be imagined. It is already polite to disparage Qingmi as "useless red rot", and even more so, as the North Korean minister Kim Chao described Qingmi as a poison capable of spreading the plague, "A number of rice buckets are distributed to the hungry, and the rice is very old, the taste is spicy and smelly, and the rice is inedible." Within a few months, the furuncle is all over a country, within thousands of miles around the eastern soil, everywhere, no one is painless. As a result, more than hundreds of thousands of people were killed on the way, and the misery of the soldiers was not enough to describe this. He also cursed the North Korean officials who presided over the relief as "a gift from a sheep and a dog." Humble beggars. Shameless".

How did Kangxi handle relations with North Korea? The following eight words can be summarized!

However, Jin Yu also mentioned that "the end of the swallow rice, the family of the scholar, is not willing to fight for food, and there is no shame." Among them, those who have insight also think that they eat this, and there is less harm to righteousness, more things that are not quoted, and more words to cover up. There are righteous and inedible people, who laugh at each other, and look at them as strange people." It seems that "starving to death and not eating Zhou Millet" usually says that it is okay, and it is really necessary to practice it, but not everyone can do it. The Wuzhou Yanwen Long Notes, written after 1834, talks about this matter, saying that "at the time there were those who did not eat Zhou Su as a speaker, but this was the saying of those who did not know righteousness." Although the Qing Dynasty is suspected of being a son, Yi Hou talks about peace, and the old provocation is not left, and there is no strategy for the appropriate big and no receptive relief, but this paragraph, otherwise people will do their best to Liu Yi, why is it suspicious of Zhou Suye. And Yi and Qi Yuan all starved to death. Then the righteousness of the speaker is sincere and pedantic."

At that time, the Koreans would never forget that more than fifty years ago, that is, in the second year of Shunzhi, Dorgon forcibly expropriated 60,000 stones of rice from Korea, which was judged lightly compared with the Kangxi Emperor's "10,000 stone reward". It is unrealistic to expect Koreans to quickly forget the past, and to be grateful to the Kangxi Emperor. The case of rice is not a symbolic event of the Qing and the turn toward relations.

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