
Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

December 13: Sunny and cloudy, the temperature is 4 to 13 °C

News report telephone: 0715-8128787

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Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!


It is the eighth National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre.

In the name of the nation,

Paying tribute to the compatriots who were killed.

Remembering history,

Just to wake up: my generation is self-reliant!

Can't forget! Don't dare to forget!

December 13, 1937,

The invading Japanese army captured Nanjing.

In the human catastrophe that lasted for more than a month,

More than 300,000 compatriots lost their lives.

Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

The Japanese sent Chinese soldiers and civilians to the Shimonoseki River to be machine-gunned, and the corpses piled up on the riverside.

The atrocities of the aggressors are inexhaustible,

They deviate from the most basic conscience and morality of mankind,

The state is almost crazy,

Shooting, knife slashing, burial alive,

"Hundred People Beheading" "Collective Massacre"


Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

After the Japanese army tied up a large number of young and middle-aged people in Nanjing, they were sent to the suburbs for collective slaughter.

Under the ravages of this darkness,

More than one-third of the buildings in the ancient capital were destroyed,

More than 20,000 rapes and gang rapes have occurred in the city.

Property damage is countless...

Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

The citizens of Nanjing were tied up and assassinated by the Japanese army.


Whenever we read this bloody page,

The desperate cries and powerless struggles of the compatriots,

It was as if it were right in front of you.

The contemptuous smile of the invaders, the butcher's knife stained with blood,

It still stung our hearts deeply.

Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

The Japanese army used the Chinese people as live targets to practice assassination.

This is the darkest page in the history of modern human civilization.

It is also a wound that cannot be erased by hundreds of millions of Chinese people.

This history,

Say goodbye with tears and deeply remember

Every victim of the Nanjing Massacre,

They are all wounds of the country and pains of the nation.

Every survivor of the Nanjing Massacre,

Are living witnesses to this history.

Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

However, with the passage of time,

Fewer and fewer survivors are alive.

this year

A number of nanjing massacre survivors have also passed away.

Ma Xiuying

Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

"My third brother was dragged into the car by the Japanese, and the body could not be found..."

Fu Zhaozeng

Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

"The Japanese are cruel, he doesn't ask children or the elderly, as soon as he comes in, he burns and kills them, and when he sees the people, he beats them."

Huang Liushi

Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

"At that time we ran backwards, I didn't dress up like a person, wore a straw hat, and my face was smeared with black ash. We also witnessed a female boatman who was punting a boat and was killed by the Japanese army. ”

Xu Jiaqing

Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

"When we reached the new street entrance, the sound of gunfire and gunfire was all around us. A lot of people died at that time..."

Ma Jiwu

Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

"I saw several Japanese soldiers asking ordinary people to carry things, and one of them, an old man in his seventies and eighties, who could not carry the table because of his old age and infirmity, was cut on the head by the Japanese soldiers with a knife, and the blood immediately flowed..."

Kim Tong-ho

Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

"At that time, I was only 8 years old, my father was taken away and killed by the Japanese army, how do you say our family lives?"

Qi Zhen'an

Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

"The Japanese horse team caught up with us, and there was a Japanese soldier who wanted to rape my eldest sister... Later, the horse was frightened and dragged the Japanese soldiers away, and we who were saved knelt down to thank God. ”

Chen Wenying

Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

"When the third sister died, she was stripped of her clothes by the Japanese army, and her body was covered with knife marks.

Li Rufu

Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

"My third uncle met a Japanese soldier on patrol on the road, and the Japanese soldier shot at my third uncle from a distance, and my third uncle was wounded and died after lying in bed for four or five days."

Cai Lihua

Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

"I watched with my own eyes as the Japanese tied my father's hands and hung him on a wooden ladder, brutally blinded him with a bayonet, making an egg-sized hole in his eye, and then shot him several times in a row."

Yang Cuiying

Today, in the name of the country, we will pay tribute to the compatriots who were killed!

"My mother gave birth to my brother in a refugee camp, and then the Japanese soldiers came, and because the younger brother was crying, the Japanese soldiers actually trampled my brother to death."

Those dark years,

Leave them with a wound that will be difficult to heal for a lifetime.

They are witnesses to history,

This history brooks no one's distortion or blasphemy.

December 13, 2018,

Nanjing Municipal Regulations on the Guarantee of National Public Sacrifices

Formally implemented,

No unit or individual is prohibited

Distorting and denying the historical facts of the Nanjing Massacre,

Insults and slander are prohibited

Victims and survivors of the Nanjing Massacre.

For violations of the provisions,

The public security organs are to give public security administrative penalties in accordance with law;

what constitutes a crime,

Pursue criminal responsibility in accordance with law.

In the name of the law,

Defend national dignity and historical truth.

Remember history, my generation self-reliance

Time can take away witnesses,

But time itself is eternal witness.

84 years,

The calamity of the past has been reduced

Perseverance, great courage

and heavy responsibility.

Every time I look back at history,

It's like lighting a spiritual torch.

The Chinese nation has resisted indomitably

The tragic epic of foreign aggression,

Deeply revealed

Justice will triumph, peace will triumph, and the people will triumph

Historical truth.

When the two sides of the Qinhuai Strait regain their former prosperity,

When laughter and song echo the mountains again,

Be a China full of vitality and hope

Standing majestically in the east of the world.

We know

The tragedy of blood and tears that has been slaughtered and bullied,

It can never be repeated.

The Chinese nation came from deep pain,

Make great strides towards a bright future.

Today's tribute,

Not just the pity of the nation,

And the admonition of history,

Tell every son and daughter of China

Remember history, my generation self-reliance.

Remembering today,

Not to perpetuate hatred,

But to learn from history,

Arouse everyone's yearning for and perseverance towards peace.

Cherish peace with reverence,

With the strength of the nation, we are committed to rejuvenation.

This is the best respect for history,

It is also the best consolation for the compatriots who were killed.

Source: Changjiang Cloud Comprehensive CCTV News, Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, Rule of Law Daily

Editor: Zhou Xuan

Producer: Xiang Dongning

Producer: New Media Center

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