
Recall the past of JinXiang Red and remember the revolutionary deeds of Lu Feng's heroic martyr Lin Jiazai...

Carry forward the red culture and inherit the revolutionary spirit

Recall the past of JinXiang Red and remember the revolutionary deeds of Lu Feng's heroic martyr Lin Jiazai...

Jiaoyuan Village, Jinxiang Town, Lufeng City

Recall the past of JinXiang Red and remember the revolutionary deeds of Lu Feng's heroic martyr Lin Jiazai...

Martyr Lin Jia Tsai (1893–1928)

Loyalty is imprinted in the heart, and the world is vast

One by one, the revolutionary deeds of Lu Feng's heroic martyr Lin Jiazai

Wen\Lin Yuqing Lin Yisheng

During the period of the First and Second Civil Wars, in response to the Hailufeng Peasant Movement launched by Peng Pan under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and defended the Hailufeng Soviet regime, many heroes and martyrs emerged in the Lufeng Jinxiang area. Among them, the heroic deeds of Lin Jiazai's generous going to the disaster are still praised in people's mouths, and the friendship between their brothers and brothers is even stronger...

Lin Jiazai (1893-1928), a native of Jinxiang Banana Garden Village, was born into a fisherman's family. His family has four brothers, named according to the ranking sequence: "Shengjia Easy", Lin Jiazai ranked second.

In the spring and summer of 1923, when the Hailufeng peasant movement developed along the coastal area of Jinxiang, Lin Jiazai learned the truth of uniting to do the revolution through deep understanding, and remembered the ideological belief of loyalty to the party. Subsequently, Huang Yinong, Lin Jiazai and others led the villagers to actively respond and establish the Banana Garden Village Farmers' Association, and Lin Jiazai was elected as the president of the Banana Garden Village Farmers' Association. When he had a little spare time, he often got together and chatted with the villagers, explaining that only by uniting as one could they overthrow the landlords and local tycoons and gentry, and mobilize and organize everyone to participate in the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle. Under his influence, his brothers also vigorously supported the revolution. Immediately afterward, Lin Jiazai and others led their brothers, Lin Maniang and other members of the peasant association and villagers to fight various forms of struggle against the landlords and fishermen. Therefore, the People's Party called him "Red Crab Head", which means The Head of the Red Guards.

From May to October 1927, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Peng Pan, Zhang Wei, Lin Tieshi and others led the people of Hailufeng to hold three armed uprisings and won victories. On November 8, the remnants of the Kuomintang counter-revolutionary forces that had fled to Jieshi threatened the newborn Hailufeng Soviet power; by resolution, the Lufeng County Cpc Committee organized the armed forces of workers and peasants from all over the country to cooperate with the Red Second Division to attack Jieshicheng; this notice was quickly delivered to the Jinxiang Peasants' Association, and Lin Jiazai and others immediately organized the Red Guards to rush to Jieshi overnight to participate in the battle.

On the battlefield, the banner hunted, the drums of war thundered, and Peng Pan, Dong Lang, Zhang Wei, and Lin Tieshi led about 3,000 red divisions and workers and peasants to besiege Jieshicheng. All the commanders and fighters of the Second Red Division, Lin Jiazai, entered the position with the Members of the Red Guards and the armed workers and peasants in various places, braved the artillery fire to advance bravely, and charged forward together. After several fierce battles, the enemy closed the city gates tightly and could not get out, only concentrating fire at the battlements of the city walls and desperately resisting.

In view of the actual situation on the battlefield, Peng Pan, Dong Lang, and others held a military conference and discussed, and finally decided to adopt the method of besieging the enemy and cutting off his grain and water. A few days later, the enemy abandoned the city and fled, and our army took advantage of the victory to pursue, annihilating some of the enemy who had no time to escape. The victory in this battle of Jieshi further consolidated the power of the Hailufeng Soviet.

In late February of the following year, the Kuomintang dispatched heavy troops to launch a "encirclement and suppression" war from the sea and land to the revolutionary base areas of Hailufeng. In early March, after the "Battle of Shanwei", the commanders and fighters of the Red Fourth Division were evacuated from Haifeng Lake to Jinxiang, and Zhang Chaoyang, Lin Jiazai, and other sea rangers took boats to meet and arrange for the troops to rest and replenish. On the 7th, the soldiers of the Red Fourth Division led by Xu Xiangqian took a boat to Huilai Shenquan Port.

The enemy pressed the border with heavy troops and advanced step by step. On April 12, the Lufeng County Party Committee, which had moved from Lucheng to Elong Village, was surrounded by the enemy, and Chen Gushun, Wu Jianliang, Peng Yuanzhang, and other leaders of the county party committee died heroically. On July 6, in accordance with the decision of the Dongjiang Special Committee and the New County CPC Committee, Lin Tieshi, then member of the Standing Committee of the County CPC Committee and director of the Central Military Commission, and Lin Hanfan, then secretary of the Jieshi District CPC Committee, were discovered by the enemy and heavily surrounded by heavy troops when they organized the summer harvest riot in Jieshi Jiugenliao. During the battle, Lin Tieshi was unfortunately shot and arrested, and later heroically rebelled in Haifeng; Lin Hanfan committed suicide by drinking bullets at Guanyin Mountain and died heroically.

Under the white terror policy of the Kuomintang reactionaries, the situation was very bad, and Lin Jiazai, with a strong belief, still led the Red Guards to continue to participate in revolutionary activities in the Golden Chamber.

Soon, the enemy sent a large number of troops to attack the Golden Chamber, preparing to suppress the Communists and the revolutionary masses in a bloody way. When a large number of enemy troops arrived around the Golden Box, "Whizzing..." Several gunshots rang out in the distance, Lin Jiazai and others immediately separated and withdrew with some of the team members.

The enemy pursued closely, and at the low hillside, Lin Jiazai and the Red Guards were surrounded by the enemy. Immediately the two sides were involved in a fierce battle, the enemy's guns and artillery continued to continuously and fiercely bombard, our side was not strong; in order to cover the safety of other personnel to escape from danger, Lin Jiazai stepped forward and broke to block the enemy, and finally unfortunately was arrested by the enemy.

The enemy forced him to surrender, and Lin Jiazai insisted on loyalty to the party and vowed not to bow his head. Finally, on November 20 (the ninth day of the first month of October 28 in the lunar calendar), the helpless enemy ordered him to be shot, tied with his arms behind his back, and pushed him to the front of the Jinxiang Wei Camp. Lin Jiazai has always been righteous and awe-inspiring, with no fear on his face and standing tall. And constantly shouted: "Down with the Kuomintang reactionaries!" "Long live the Chinese Communist Party!"

This sound is earth-shattering, and the mountains and rivers are powerful!

With the sound of a gunshot, bright red blood spurted out, constantly gushing out of his chest, dripping on the ground...

The cruel enemy then interspersed his body with sharpened pine trunks and tied them to wooden pillars for public display; the enemy ordered them to the scene to watch the villagers look down one by one, unable to bear to watch. Lin Jiazai died heroically at the age of 35.

Lin Jiazai's brothers and relatives were deeply saddened to hear the news, Lin Sheng and Lin Rong were mourning, the young Lin Yi could not help but burst into tears, and there was a miserable atmosphere everywhere in the home...

Because the body was displayed by the Kuomintang reactionaries for several days, it has emitted the smell of decay. After consultation with everyone, in the evening, several courageous and careful relatives were dispatched to take a boat across the creek to venture to the front of the Jinxiang Camp, secretly carrying back the remains of Lin Jiazai, while other men and other men waited by the creek. Finally, under the cover of gloomy twilight, everyone smoothly transported Lin Jiazai's body to the village and buried it hastily.

In order to avoid being implicated and persecuted in the future, Lin Sheng and Lin Rong left their hometown and took a boat to the South China Sea to make a living. Because the fourth brother Lin Yi was still young and could not follow him, he could only continue to live in his hometown with the secret help of his relatives.

"Loyalty seals the heart, the vast world and the earth"! Lin Jiazai threw himself into the vigorous peasant movement all his life, fought heroically to defend the revolutionary base area of Hailufeng; sacrificed his precious life for the revolution and defended his oath; he forged loyalty with boldness and loyalty, and the magnificent spirit filled the heavens and the earth, and his glorious image will always remain in people's hearts!

Appendix: After the sacrifice of Lin Jiazai, Lin Sheng and Lin Rong went to Nanyang to seek refuge and make a living. After liberation in 1949, Lin Rong's descendants returned to their hometown. In the 1960s, Lin Sheng's descendants returned to China and now settle in Guangxi.

References: "History of the Lufeng Revolution", "History of the Revolutionary Base Area of Hailufeng", "Organizational History of Lufeng County"

Lin Zimin, the son of the martyr Lin Jiazai

Beautiful golden box, red gold box for a glimpse

Recall the past of JinXiang Red and remember the revolutionary deeds of Lu Feng's heroic martyr Lin Jiazai...

Monument to comrade Xu Qianqian of the Red Fourth Division crossing the sea

Recall the past of JinXiang Red and remember the revolutionary deeds of Lu Feng's heroic martyr Lin Jiazai...
Recall the past of JinXiang Red and remember the revolutionary deeds of Lu Feng's heroic martyr Lin Jiazai...
Recall the past of JinXiang Red and remember the revolutionary deeds of Lu Feng's heroic martyr Lin Jiazai...
Recall the past of JinXiang Red and remember the revolutionary deeds of Lu Feng's heroic martyr Lin Jiazai...

Beautiful Golden Harbour

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