
Solve the mystery! After Lü Meng killed Guan Yu, why did he suddenly die violently? It turned out to be his black hand!

Lü Meng was the governor of the three armies of Eastern Wu, which is equivalent to the current commander-in-chief of the three armies. He accomplished what Eastern Wu had dreamed of accomplishing, that is, successfully seizing the land of Jingzhou. You know, his predecessors, zhou yu and Lu Su, dreamed of taking back Jingzhou, but they did not take it back to death, and when they arrived at him, they took back Jingzhou at a young age, which can be described as shocking all of Eastern Wu. However, after killing Guan Yu, Lü Meng recaptured Jingzhou and made a great contribution to celebrate, he suddenly died violently. The death of Lü Meng is also one of the mysteries of several major mysteries in the Three Kingdoms.

Solve the mystery! After Lü Meng killed Guan Yu, why did he suddenly die violently? It turned out to be his black hand!

Regarding Lü Meng's sudden death, there is a version of guan yu's death that is also very unjust, so the next day Guan Yu's soul was possessed by Lü Meng's body, which scared Lü Meng to death, which is obviously nonsense. It is not credible at all, so how did Lu Meng die?

According to the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", at the celebration banquet, Sun Quan personally drank wine and gave Lü Meng, and Lü Meng wanted to drink, but suddenly threw a cup on the ground, grabbed Sun Quan with one hand, and scolded loudly: "Blue-eyed child!" Purple-haired rats! Do you still know me?" Quan was horrified, and he hurriedly led the soldiers and soldiers to worship, but only to see Lü Meng fall to the ground, bleeding to death. It can be seen that Lü Meng's death is very terrible, and it is the blood of the Seven Tricks.

In addition, according to some historical records, the plague was circulating in the Eastern Wu army at that time, and a large number of soldiers died of the plague every day. Was it that Lü Meng fell ill and died of the plague? Obviously, at that time, there was still a celebration feast, and Lu Meng was also drinking and drinking happily, and if he died of plague, he obviously would not drink to celebrate.

Solve the mystery! After Lü Meng killed Guan Yu, why did he suddenly die violently? It turned out to be his black hand!

Then, there is only one possibility, and that is to be poisoned. Moreover, at that time, Lü Meng's bloody death was a manifestation of poisoning. So, who was going to poison Lu Meng? Wei or Shu? In fact, it is not, and the person who directed the poisoning is Sun Quan. Why did Sun Quan poison Lü Meng? In fact, the main reasons are as follows.

First of all, Sun Quan knew very well that Guan Yu was fighting the Cao army in Fancheng when he was killed. Lü Meng took advantage of the opportunity to seize Jingzhou. Although Sun Quan's dream of seizing Jingzhou was achieved, the means were very disgraceful after all. Moreover, Sun Liu is still in a state of alliance, which makes Sun Quan very faceless. Moreover, Sun Quan also knew that Guan Yu was Liu Bei's brother-in-law and Liu Bei's confidant. Killing Guan Yu would definitely offend Liu Bei, so he poisoned Lü Meng in advance, and also let Liu Bei Xingshi have a good explanation when he asked him about the crime.

Secondly, Lü Meng's mind is not right, because there is only a small merit he is fluttering, more is that he holds a lot of military power, and Sun Quan is also very uneasy about this person, in order to be able to survive very strong in the future, so it is necessary to get rid of this person, even if Lü Meng is a meritorious minister, but Sun Quan chose to kill him with poisonous wine by any means in order to achieve the goal.

Solve the mystery! After Lü Meng killed Guan Yu, why did he suddenly die violently? It turned out to be his black hand!

Third, before Lü Meng set out to seize Jingzhou, Sun Quan repeatedly told him to take Jingzhou, and there must be no excessive moves. Guan Yu knew that Jingzhou was captured and would definitely come to the rescue of the city. It was only necessary to capture Guan Yu or contain Guan Yu, and Sun Liu would come back to negotiate peace and discuss the ownership of Jingzhou. Because Liu Bei had been borrowing Jingzhou before and not paying it back, this time the soldiers did not take back Jingzhou without bloodshed, it was also considered to be to take back what belonged to them, as long as the two sides did not fight each other, the alliance relationship between the two families could continue to be maintained. However, what was unimaginable was that Lü Meng actually pursued Guan Yu until he killed Guan Yu's head. This made Sun Quan very annoyed: he was the lord of Eastern Wu, and the people under him did not listen to me. Hence the killing.

Perhaps, some people may have different opinions about Lu Meng's sudden death, welcome to discuss it together!

Solve the mystery! After Lü Meng killed Guan Yu, why did he suddenly die violently? It turned out to be his black hand!

Author: Guoxue that little thing. Daily one read, you are insisting, if you like, welcome to support.

Guoxue is a little thing

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