
The final battle of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression began in 1948, and Xu Xiangqian's troops defeated the invaders with bayonets

At noon on August 15, 1945, with a strangely calm sound on the radio, ancient China boiled over! After 14 years of arduous struggle, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression has finally come to an end, and China and the world have ushered in peace together! However, at this time, no one expected that the real end of China's War of Resistance would be nearly three years later. The one who really "ended" the aggressors was Xu Xiangqian, the founding marshal of our country.

The final battle of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression began in 1948, and Xu Xiangqian's troops defeated the invaders with bayonets

Eccentric surrender and surrender

On June 28, 1919, the "Peace Treaty", which marked the end of World War I, was signed at the Palace of Versailles. When the German representative still wanted to negotiate some bargains verbally, the French peace negotiator came very easily: "If you want to continue to fight, we will accompany you, there is no problem at all!" The contempt and self-confidence in his tone forced the invincible Germans to finally bow their heads; on May 8, 1945, in the face of the three german marshals who had come to sign the surrender, Marshal Zhukov of the Soviet Union took the document and shouted: "A few of you come and sign in front of me." These are two famous moments in history and a model of surrender ceremonies in international wars.

However, when it was the turn of the Japanese army to surrender to the Chinese army, the situation changed very subtly. The Kuomintang government, which approached China and Japan, was extraordinarily kind to its opponents. Starting with the rehearsal ceremony of the surrender, "Zhijiang Surrender", their polite attitude made the Japanese feel very strange. Later, some Japanese generals who experienced this historical process recalled: "The representatives of the Kuomintang always tried their best to agree to our conditions (referring to some details of the ceremony), and they took good care of us in life, as if they were afraid that we would commit suicide." ”

The final battle of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression began in 1948, and Xu Xiangqian's troops defeated the invaders with bayonets

This kind of politeness did not change in the slightest after the surrender of the Japanese army. As for why this was the case, in September 1945, the then Japanese general Okamura Ningji gave the answer: "The 300,000 Japanese troops stationed on the Yangtze River and north China can temporarily not disarm and help the Kuomintang fight." "It turned out that the courtesy of the Kuomintang was to make such a dirty deal with the Japanese army!" And the invaders, whose hands were stained with Chinese blood, also fell off the donkey in a vain attempt to continue to stay here as a kind of "mercenary".

The final battle of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression began in 1948, and Xu Xiangqian's troops defeated the invaders with bayonets

Of course, this proposal was a bit too shameless, and in the end the Kuomintang government did not agree to him, but only allowed Okamura Ningji to personally act as an "adviser" to advise the Kuomintang in fighting the civil war. However, in the great China, there are really strange people.

Yan Xishan's perverse behavior

The warlord Yan Xishan of Shanxi served as the commander of the Second Theater of Operations in the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. After the fall of Pingjin, he also commanded some battles, but the results were lackluster. After the defeat at the Battle of Xinkou, Yan Xishan withdrew from Taiyuan on November 4, 1937, and four days later, the historic city was lost.

In the face of the Japanese army that drove them away from their hometown, Yan Xishan should have been quite hateful. But later, his attitude was very disdainful. He once said an extremely insulting sentence: "You can't carry a coffin to resist the war, the battle must always have a conclusion, and the road that Mr. Wang (Jingwei) takes is not undesirable." This shows his attitude towards the war. In the years that followed, Yan Xishan's main energy was actually focused on friction with the Eighth Route Army, which really made his relatives and enemies happy. He even signed the "Provisions of the Basic Agreement on the Armistice between Japan and Japan" with the aggressors and openly engaged in "united anti-communism."

The final battle of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression began in 1948, and Xu Xiangqian's troops defeated the invaders with bayonets

After the Japanese surrendered, Yan Xishan immediately sent Zhao Chengshou, commander-in-chief of the Field Army of the Taiyuan Appeasement Office, to contact the Japanese army to discuss blocking the Eighth Route Army. At this time, the Eighth Route Army had been reorganized into the People's Liberation Army, and its strength was no longer what it used to be, becoming a boulder that could crush Yan Xishan at any time. On the other hand, Yan Xishan himself, although the number of troops is still more than that of the People's Liberation Army, and the weapons are more sophisticated, but whether these armies can fight or not, he himself knows best. Yan Xishan practiced the method of "drawing one out of six dings" in Shanxi, and when he drew soldiers, he was afraid that they would counterattack him, so he did not dare to issue weapons or train. The so-called Jin Sui Army was already a ragtag group of people without a fighting heart.

Because of this, Yan Xishan focused his attention on the Japanese army that remained in Shanxi. Although these Japanese troops were no longer as strong as the Kwantung Army, they were still better than the old Shanxi Army. Yan Xishan selected more than 6,000 elites from various Japanese troops in Shanxi and formed the so-called "Tenth Teaching Corps" to enjoy better treatment than the Chinese army. With these more than 6,000 people as the core, a large number of Japanese people have remained, and even live a luxurious life in an honorable manner. Yan Xishan, on the other hand, did not restrain them in the slightest, allowing them to run amok on the land of China.

The final battle of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression began in 1948, and Xu Xiangqian's troops defeated the invaders with bayonets

By 1946, Yan Xishan's flattery of the Japanese army had reached the point where there was no add-on. During the military parade, he was followed by Cho Seung-shou and the Japanese officer Yamaoka Budo. Behind them were the old army and the "devil soldiers" dressed in Japanese uniforms; after Yan Xishan's lecture, Zhao Chengshou first shouted "Long live the Republic of China!" Then he shouted, "Long live the Empire of Japan!" The Japanese army occupied the stadium to hold a match, and the field was full of bright and dangling Japanese flags. A Kuomintang officer said, "Where is the reason for a defeated country to raise the national flag!" He was sent outside the province by Yan Xishan. Shanxi, an important birthplace of the Chinese nation, has been made a "vassal land" of Japan by Yan Xishan.

Liberation of Jinnan opened its doors

Xu Xiangqian is a Shanxi general in the People's Liberation Army, and he has been a senior general with outstanding military achievements since the red army period. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as the deputy commander of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia-Jinsui Joint Defense Army, guarding the safety of Yan'an. Later, due to sudden pleurisy and increasing headaches, he had to withdraw from the front line to recuperate. In 1947, Xu Xiangqian's body gradually recovered, and he was immediately sent to Shanxi as the deputy commander of the North China Military Region to directly confront Yan Xishan!

When he first arrived, the burden left for Xu Xiangqian was very heavy. Due to the tight war in east China and northern Shaanxi, most of the experienced veterans have been transferred. At this time, he only had a local army of more than 60,000 people. Most of these people were recruits who had never been on the battlefield, had only the most basic training, and had little combat experience. Moreover, the weapons and equipment are also very incomplete, not much better than the guerrillas.

The final battle of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression began in 1948, and Xu Xiangqian's troops defeated the invaders with bayonets

Such a force, yan xishan, will suffer losses. Although most of Yan Xishan's 130,000 troops were "paper paste", there was also an elite, well-equipped, well-trained, and strong combat effectiveness. Moreover, there are more than 6,000 arrogant Japanese troops, and they are by no means generalists. If you want to win the battle against Yan Xishan, you still have to use your brain.

However, these are not difficult problems for Xu Xiangqian, who is experienced in the battlefield. Since the time of the Red Army, he has mastered a magic weapon for defeating the strong with the weak - mobile warfare. In Xu Xiangqian's words, it is "to lure the enemy deeper, avoid the enemy's main force, and concentrate superior forces to break through one by one!" "As long as the troops run, they can involve Yan Xishan's defensive forces everywhere and make them tired of running." And once a fighter plane appears, the PLA can also concentrate its forces on attacking it and destroying its living forces. At the beginning, the Red Army used this method to break the enemy's encirclement and suppression, and now of course it can strike Yan Xishan!

The final battle of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression began in 1948, and Xu Xiangqian's troops defeated the invaders with bayonets

After several battles such as Yuncheng and Linfen, the Platon Army gradually established its battlefield superiority. Yan Xishan's troops were less than 100,000 men left. However, the PLA troops are fighting more and more, and the battlefield experience is gradually enriched, not only can fight field battles, but also invent the tunnel warfare used in urban offensive battles. With the victory and fighting more and more battles, the Southern Jin region has been completely liberated, and the two liberated areas of Lüliang and Taiyue have been connected. The time is ripe to advance into the army.

Battle of Jinzhong

Jinzhong is the big granary of Shanxi and the biggest reliance of Yan Xishan. If this place is lost, Yan Xishan will also lose the strength to continue to stay in Shanxi. Therefore, when the wheat was ripe in 1948, Xu Xiangqian led his troops into Jinzhong, vowing to fight a grain protection war and completely dig out the foundation of Yan Xishan's rule.

Similarly, Yan Xishan also understood the importance of Jinzhong to himself. He placed another 100,000 or so troops here, and some mobile forces moved around. This time, he almost bet on all the family bottoms. In order to grasp the initiative, he captured another batch of zhuang ding, replenished a part of the army, and grabbed the wheat. At the same time, 13 regiments of "blitzkrieg regiments" were also dispatched to protect the wheat harvest troops.

The final battle of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression began in 1948, and Xu Xiangqian's troops defeated the invaders with bayonets

On June 11, the Battle of Jinzhong began. The troops of the Lüliang Military Region suddenly moved forward, and as a result, they successfully led out the enemy's "blitzkrieg regiment."

The reason why Yan Xishan dared to let the "blitzkrieg corps" attack was because according to common sense analysis, after the Linfen Campaign, the PLA should rest for two to three months, and the combat effectiveness at this time should not be strong. Unexpectedly, however, the PLA's resilience and combat effectiveness were equally amazing. In just one month, the troops not only completed their rest, but also carried out internal rectification and training, and their combat effectiveness was even stronger.

In this way, the results of Yan Xishan's "blitzkrieg troops" can be imagined, and they are simply a "transport team" that sends ammunition to Xu Xianglai. When most of them were annihilated, the PLA captured nearly a hundred artillery pieces of various types, as well as countless other guns and ammunition. Yan Xishan, who was waiting for a "good report," could not have imagined that what he had received was a "defeat report," and the elite under his command had almost been lost. He was furious and fell ill.

However, at this time, he still had two units to fight. One was the "Field Army of the Appeasement Office" led by Zhao Chengshou, and the other was the "Tenth Teaching Corps" led by the Japanese general Yuan Quanxin, which was the army composed of six thousand Japanese Kou. By this time, both forces had moved to the Taigu area and were seeking a decisive battle with the People's Liberation Army. Of course, Xu Xiangqian would not fight with them hard, but would send a small force to negotiate with the enemy in the Qixian area. The large army went north and directly attacked the hinterland of Jinzhong. At the same time, an encirclement network was opened in Yuci, Taigu, Xugou and other places, preparing to encircle and annihilate the Zhao Chengshou clique.

The final battle of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression began in 1948, and Xu Xiangqian's troops defeated the invaders with bayonets

At this time, Zhao Chengshou sensed that the situation was not right and immediately prepared to retreat. However, in the face of the PLA's blocking troops, no matter how they impacted, they could not break through the encirclement. Eventually, Zhao Chengshou and the Tenth Teaching Corps of the Japanese Army were surrounded by a place called Dachang Village.

Dachang Village has now been placed under the jurisdiction of Taiyuan City. But at that time, it was still a humble small mountain village between Jinzhong and Taiyuan. According to legend, after the Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin broke the enemy soldiers here, he rewarded the soldiers, so the place was named "Da Reward Village". Later, after years of evolution, the "Great Reward" became the "Great Constant". Today, it will become a place of revenge for the Chinese army to beat up the invaders.

On July 16, 1948, Xu issued a general offensive order forward. The People's Liberation Army was like a tiger out of a cage, and it pounced on Dachang Village. Soon, however, there was a dense sound of gunfire on the other side. At this time, both the Japanese Kou of the Tenth Teaching Corps and the troops under Zhao Chengshou seemed to be fighting desperately. The bravery of the Japanese army is well known, but how can the army under Zhao Chengshou be so desperate? It turned out that after Zhao Chengshou's position, he arranged a lot of "pickets", everyone was holding a shell gun, and if they saw anyone who dared to retreat, they would shoot them! Relying on this terrible deterrent, the enemy actually temporarily stabilized his position.

The final battle of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression began in 1948, and Xu Xiangqian's troops defeated the invaders with bayonets

After Xu Xiangqian's attack was blocked, he pushed the captured more than a hundred artillery pieces to the front line! At this time, the People's Liberation Army mastered a technology called "mortar flat firing", which greatly improved the accuracy of artillery fire. Some shells can even fly directly into the machine gun holes of the enemy's simple fortifications. With round after round of shelling, the enemy's front began to loosen.

Moreover, at this time, a new situation also appeared: the Chinese soldiers under Zhao Chengshou, because they had long seen that the Japanese army was not pleasing to the eye, so they used some "small actions" in the back at this time, and a large number of Japanese wounded soldiers were killed in hospital beds. And between Zhao Chengshou and Yuan Quanxin, contradictions also began to erupt. The so-called "Tenth Teaching Corps" was faced with a situation of being attacked from the belly and back. Finally, under the order of Yuan Quanxin, all the Japanese troops launched a suicidal charge!

At this time, the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army saw these beasts that had ravaged their hometowns, and everyone's eyes turned red. It took 14 years to drive out most of the devils, and today should be the end of that great war! As a result, PLA fighters rushed out of the trenches and fought with the enemy with bayonets.

The final battle of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression began in 1948, and Xu Xiangqian's troops defeated the invaders with bayonets

The bayonet was once the most scarce piece of equipment for the Chinese army. Later, after the mass production of various arsenals such as Huangyadong, equipment is now very common. Moreover, after adjustments in the war, the bayonets of the Plakmen are now known as "liberation stabs", and their performance and intensity are no longer what they used to be. What's more, Chen Geng, the commander of the 386th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army, combined the Japanese army's stabbing techniques with Shaolin martial arts to create a new assassination technique with extraordinary lethality. Now, the Japanese army, which uses the bayonet as its housekeeping skill, has really encountered its opponents.

Soon, the Japanese army had fallen a large area. The supposedly brave invaders also began to be afraid, and they retreated backwards, hiding in abandoned houses on the side of the road, in a vain attempt to resist. However, the People's Liberation Army also had a way to watch the enemy hide in the house, and they used another hand of the Japanese army: arson! As a result, in the midst of a firework, the black-headed and black-faced Japanese troops rushed out and became the sacrifices under the "liberation thorn".

As the People's Liberation Army advanced, the Japanese commander Yuan Quanxin also rushed out of the command post and fled for his life to the nearby village. Suddenly, a shell exploded beside him, and the once-toed executioner's legs were neatly severed. In desperation, he ordered his chief of staff to shoot himself, ending a life of sin.

The final battle of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression began in 1948, and Xu Xiangqian's troops defeated the invaders with bayonets

The other Japanese troops who escaped were also sent back to their hometowns by the bayonets of the People's Liberation Army. After the whole battle, there were not a few Japanese troops captured, because Xu Xiangqian had issued an order before the battle: if the enemy does not surrender, he will resolutely destroy them!

On this day, the last force of the Japanese army in China, the Tenth Teaching Corps, became history forever.

Zhao Chengshou, on the other hand, chose to surrender. After that, he instigated many of Yan Xishan's troops to revolt, which was considered to be a compensation.

After the Battle of Jinzhong, Yan Xishan's territory in Shanxi was only a lonely city in Taiyuan. The Japanese army, which he regarded as a god, only had a few hundred people left, and they were frightened and could no longer form an effective combat effectiveness. With the victory of the Battle of Taiyuan in October 1948, these remaining invaders fell to the death and found their own "home".

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