
Go on a one-man trip – the diary

author:Jiu Qili

#2021加油带头人 #

What kind of story is this? This is a period that may be simple, a paragraph that may be unforgettable, a paragraph that may be ordinary...

Go on a one-man trip – the diary

June 2021, yes, is this summer.

I went alone to Shanghai, the magic capital, to find my sister.

It was the first time in 18 years that I had been so far from home.

When I saw the scenery passing by, I really realized that I was already sitting on the high-speed train.

I'm starting to look forward to, looking forward to this one-man trip.

Go on a one-man trip – the diary

On the high-speed train, I met a very thin "old man".

He was in the car halfway through, and I was sitting by the window, and he was on the side. When I first saw him, there was nothing special about it, except that he looked at it again with a book in his hand, and he could not see anything special. At first, it was so calm that it carried us away with the train.

Go on a one-man trip – the diary

After a while, I began to eat, and after eating, I took out a tissue and wiped the debris I had sprinkled on the small table, I felt as if he was looking at me, I thought that maybe I disturbed him reading, so I turned back and politely asked: "Grandpa, is it because the sound of what I just ate is too loud to disturb your reading?" "That was the first thing I said to him.

Go on a one-man trip – the diary

He smiled and replied, "No children, I just think you little kid is quite like my granddaughter, haha." ”

After listening to his words, I thought it was just his polite words, so I laughed and then catered to him: "Then I am quite lucky." ”

He probably didn't expect me to get back to him, first stunned, and then said, "It's my old man who has a chance!" ”

Later, we talked about it one after another, I don't know if it was because a person was too bored on the road or because he was really funny, in short, his words, I listened very carefully.

In his account, I learned that he was going to Shanghai to find his granddaughter, as well as his son and daughter-in-law.

He himself was an old teacher who retired early, and he had to wait until the summer vacation, thinking of a good rest, and his son had to ask him to come over. He said that he had not planned to go, but it was not that her granddaughter had just finished the college entrance examination like me, and he missed them, and finally decided to embark on this trip.

I quipped, "That grandpa belongs to the empty nest old man." ”

He smiled and replied, "Who said it wasn't?" ”

Later, I casually asked, "Grandpa, you are still young, how did you retire?" ”

He said he wasn't doing much anymore.

I said, "No, Grandpa looks in a great mental state!" ”

He laughed and said he had stomach cancer.

I was shocked, stomach... gastric cancer? How could it be that an "old man" who looks so optimistic will have stomach cancer?

He continued: "I can't see it, haha." He was still smiling, like an old boy joking.

Go on a one-man trip – the diary

I was a little distressed, so sad that such a funny "old naughty boy" was so unfortunate.

I said, "Grandpa, you are so brave, so optimistic, and your mental state is no wonder it is so good." ”

He still laughed, as if it wasn't he who had just said he was sick.

"You children are still young, some things are too difficult to think, how is it a lifetime, why should he spend it in sadness and misfortune?" Illness is just a natural law, I don't recognize old age..."

Go on a one-man trip – the diary

The train arrived at the station, and we got off the train one after another.

But I still remember him, and I still do to this day.

Later, I also encountered a lot of setbacks, and every time I thought of the "old man".

Go on a one-man trip – the diary

Think of his attitude towards life, think of his unintentional but heartfelt words. There is always a hint of relief, because someone in this world has already walked these roads and has summed up the experience for you!

Go on a one-man trip – the diary

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