
American prisoners of war cried to the volunteers: They lied to me that you are vulnerable and that the Girls of the Far East are beautiful

One day in April 1952, the 34th Division of the 12th Volunteer Army captured two American prisoners, and because of the language barrier, the fighters were sent to the Political Department. Liu Yan, an interpreter in the Political Department, received the two captives, and the soldier whispered to him: Two captives, one with a bag and one with a thorn in the head. At this time, the 34th Division was approaching Seoul again, but in the Battle of Lianchuan, Liu Yan's field political working group (5 people) was hit by a shell from the US army, and 4 people, including the commander of the 106th Regiment, were killed, and Liu Yan himself was wounded. Now that he heard that there were thorn heads among the captives, he immediately asked him to bring the thorn heads up with full of hatred.

American prisoners of war cried to the volunteers: They lied to me that you are vulnerable and that the Girls of the Far East are beautiful

Captured officers and men of the 1st Cavalry Division of the U.S. Army

The warrior pushed one of the captives in, and the captive stood lazily, his chin raised, one leg shaking incessantly, the thumbs of both hands on his trouser pockets, with a look of disdain. Liu Yan stood up fiercely, walked over to the prisoner, and stared into his eyes for 10 seconds. The captive felt the anger in his eyes and gradually lowered his head, and his hand did not know where to put it. Liu Yan returned to his seat and began interrogating the captive. Unexpectedly, before the question could be asked, the prisoner first threw out a question: Sir, what is your rank? Where did the volunteers have ranks at this time? However, when the enemy ministry was conducting foreign language training, the superior told Liu Yan and others that if the foreign army asked about your rank, you would say that you were a lieutenant.

American prisoners of war cried to the volunteers: They lied to me that you are vulnerable and that the Girls of the Far East are beautiful

The dejected 1st Cavalry Division of the American Army was captured

Hearing that Liu Yan was only a lieutenant, the prisoner's jaw was raised again, and he said, Please come to your commander, I will only answer his questions. Liu Yan's fire suddenly came up again, and he said to the captives: Get out. The captive breathed a sigh of relief, drew a cross on his chest, and stepped outward. Liu Yan made a look, and a vigilant soldier quickly blocked the door with a gun.

Liu Yan came over to the captives and said, "I'm telling you to get out," not to go out and do it all over again. The captives were suddenly overwhelmed and became extremely embarrassed. Liu Yan also said: I don't care how high your military rank is, it is now invalid, and you now have only one identity -- prisoners of war. If you are a prisoner of war, you must listen to me and report your name and position!

American prisoners of war cried to the volunteers: They lied to me that you are vulnerable and that the Girls of the Far East are beautiful

After this toss, the captive was completely instigated, and he had to confess honestly. It turned out that he had been in the army since 1942 and stayed in the European theater until the end of the war, a full decade before and after, and now he is a captain and company commander. The day before yesterday he went to the battalion headquarters to attend a meeting, and on the way back he was ambushed by the volunteer reconnaissance squad, and the others were killed, and only he and the driver were taken prisoner.

Liu Yan then examined his personal belongings and found only a metal military badge, a Hundred Flowers Roll (which can enjoy special services in Japan), some vouchers that could be exchanged for dollars, and a dagger. Liu Yan confiscated the dagger according to the regulations and returned the other items to him. This move surprised him very much. As he was about to leave, he couldn't help but turn back and ask:

American prisoners of war cried to the volunteers: They lied to me that you are vulnerable and that the Girls of the Far East are beautiful

The volunteers charged under artillery fire

Your army is the worst weapon I have ever seen, and I have heard that the treatment is also the lowest. But your army is also the most death-fearing army I have ever seen, and I have deeply experienced that we have fought several times. What are you fighting for? Liu Yan only replied lightly: When you get to the rear, you will slowly find the answer. Immediately after, another prisoner of war was brought in.

As soon as the prisoner of war entered, his hands and feet trembled, his lips were blue, and he felt that he would collapse to the ground at any moment. In order to reassure him, Liu Yan preached to him our army's policy of preferential treatment of prisoners. Ecstatic when he heard that he could go home after the war, he knelt down and kissed the ground. It turned out that he was the driver of the captain in front of him.

American prisoners of war cried to the volunteers: They lied to me that you are vulnerable and that the Girls of the Far East are beautiful

This photograph was selected by Cornell University in the United States for history textbooks

This was a recruit who had only been in the army for three months, could drive and repair cars, and was selected by the company commander to be a driver. When asked why he came to fight, he looked very angry and said: "The people at the recruitment station lied to me, they said that our weapons are very advanced, your weapons are extremely backward, and we have almost no casualties on the battlefield." He also said that the girls in the Far East were very beautiful, and the bowls for eating were all gold, so I came.

Liu Yan laughed dumbly after hearing this, the morale of the US army is accumulated by these lies, once the battle is lost, the US army will quickly become demoralized, which cannot be compensated by even advanced weapons.

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