
After I learned the secret, I actually realized what I wanted

author:The pavilion loves to dance

Hello everyone, I'm Fangfang

Do you want to have a healthy body?

Do you want to have a happy, joyful life?

Do you want to own wealth?

Do you know?

All this you want to have.

All can be achieved in secret

Whether you know or not know the secret, he applies it to everyone's life.

This secret is the Law of Attraction

Everything in your life, whether you want it or not, as long as it happens to you, is what you attract.

You might retort that I didn't attract people I hated into my life.

I didn't attract the debt I hated

I didn't attract some unlucky things into my life

But I'll tell you that whether you admit it or not, the Law of Attraction is working.

You are attracted to everything around you, whether it is your current poor life or your rich life.

The great people who have a very influential influence on the world, they all know this secret. We all know the Law of Attraction.

And they use this secret, they use the Law of Attraction to achieve the life they want.


Applying this law can attract whatever you want, the person or thing you want, into your life.

A simple understanding of the Law of Attraction is that you can think of yourself as a piece of suction iron.

Others are also a magnet when your frequencies are the same. Then you can attract the people you want into your life.

Do you know

There is a huge attraction in everyone.

Everyone has heard the story of Aladdin's lamp.

Aladdin picked up a lamp.

There is a lamp god in the lamp, and the lamp god can only say one word

Your command is my command

Through this huge attraction, we can let the universe do anything for us.

And we use this attraction to make a difference through our thoughts.

When you keep thinking about bad things, like I don't want to be poor, I don't want sad things, I don't want to meet nasty people.

Then congratulations, you really attract people you hate, and poor and nasty things come into your life.

Because the universe can't hear the word "no."

The universe can't tell if this thing is what you want or what you don't want, because you keep thinking about him, so the universe gives you more and more

He only hears whatever substance you think.

Ordinary people are like this, always thinking about things they don't want.

I've always thought about poverty, I've always thought about debt, I've always thought about bad luck.

Then you will get poorer, more and more debt and more and more unlucky.

Some people will feel that it is not good to think about what they want, but there is nothing wrong with it, but it will fulfill your heart's wishes.

When you apply the Law of Attraction, when you've been wanting, what you want is that your life is going to change dramatically, your life is going to change.

Always remember that your current life was determined by your previous thoughts.

But your life now and your life later can also be changed.

And it's very simple, you just have to change your mind, change your mind, always think about what you want, and that's fine.

Some people will think, if I want something, he will achieve it, how is this possible?

Yes, what you want won't happen right away.

Because if that's the case, isn't it a big mess? Ha ha

So when your ideas arise and your Law of Attraction is realized into real life. There is a time difference. The length of this time depends on whether the frequency you hold is the same as the frequency held by the universe.

So, how do we apply the Law of Attraction?

There are three steps.

Step 1: Requirements

Your requirements must be clear and accurate, and you must know very clearly what you really want.

The more specific your requirements are, the better.

If you want money, then you write down exactly how much money you want?

Write a very clear number.

The second step: believe

It's about believing that you have it now, and imagining what you have now.

That kind of scene

That feeling

That mood

Go calm down, go and experience it.

You can draw what you want through visual stimulation, that is, you can draw what you want

Or if you want a house, you print out a picture of that house and stick it on your bed or ceiling so you can see him every day when you wake up.

If you want a car, imagine I'm driving that car right now. Thinking about listening to the sound of his engine makes you drive very happily.

The most important thing is to really have that feeling in your heart.

Step 3: Accept

You first have to believe in the universe one hundred percent

You don't need to think about what I should do, you just need to be clear about what you want. What exactly are the results you want?

How should you do it? This is the problem that the universe solves

When you believe in the crowd completely

You'll suddenly show up the kind of method that can help you reach your goal as fast as you can

You just have to grasp the feeling, to act, and that's it.

Don't doubt! Don't hesitate! Don't think!

Because the universe hates doubtful, hesitant people the most.

Then you will never succeed

How can a person who does not act succeed?

How can a person who does not seize the opportunity succeed?

How can a person who does not believe succeed?

So what we have to do is to accurately receive the message that the universe has sent us, and then use it and act.

It's that simple

Next, there's a way to help you achieve what you want to achieve faster and accelerate the rate of attraction.

Be grateful for those who have helped you, be grateful for the people you love, and be grateful for everything that has appeared in your life.

Take out a piece of paper now and write down ten things or people you are grateful for

You can write, thank your mom, wait for your dad to catch up with your friends with your loved ones, and be grateful for the one who once was. Huge setbacks have made you strong today, grateful for your eyes, you can still see. Feel your legs and you can walk freely. Feel that your hands can flexibly manipulate various items. Gratitude to your brain can help you think about many problems, a grateful heart, a happy mood today and so on.

See if you haven't noticed that there are so many things to be thankful for in life?

When our focus is rejected, we are grateful for things that happen to us. A lot of good things, the universe will give you more and more, that is, you attract more and more good things, good people happen to you.

When you are thankful, your frequency and the frequency of the universe are extremely similar.

From today, the next decision

Be thankful for ten people or things a day.

It's not just about simply writing it down, or saying it with your mouth.

But there is really that feeling of gratitude in the heart, and there is incomparable gratitude in it.

Stick with it for 21 days!

When you're used to gratitude, you'll find that your world has never been so good!

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