
He married his own sister, and the neighbors said that it was against human morality, but he gave birth to a son, but no one in the world knew about it

In the history of the reform of the late Qing Dynasty, Li Hongzhang is definitely the most famous figure, he is not only the commander and founder of the Beiyang Marine Division, but also the leader of the Foreign Affairs Movement, he also opened a wave of learning from the advanced ideas of the West in modern history, Li Hongzhang for the first time proposed to learn advanced military technology from the West, and formed the first modern water army, which played a very important role in the campaign to fight against the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, so Li Hongzhang is also known as the father of the modern water army.

He married his own sister, and the neighbors said that it was against human morality, but he gave birth to a son, but no one in the world knew about it

Li Hongzhang's father and above did not have a single official position, his grandfather Li Dianhua is a well-known Traditional Chinese medicine, not only is the medical skill but also the heart of benevolence, once when he went out for treatment, he saw a swaddling baby who was discarded on the side of the road, a closer look found that this baby girl actually had smallpox, so he was abandoned by his parents on the side of the road, Li Dianhua, who moved his heart of compassion, wanted to save an innocent life, he himself was a doctor, he respected life, so he took the baby home for treatment. Fortunately, the child's smallpox was cured, but there were many scars on her face, and the little girl was homeless, so in order to repay Li Dianhua's life-saving grace, she stayed in the Li family as a maid.

He married his own sister, and the neighbors said that it was against human morality, but he gave birth to a son, but no one in the world knew about it

Li Dianhua and the little girl have a relationship, but also gave her a name, he can't bear to let the neighbors point fingers at the girl, he called her his daughter, there was a chance, Li Hongzhang's father Li Wen'an saw this woman because she was too tired to fall asleep on the stove, he took off his coat to put on the girl, this matter was known by Li Dianhua, he felt that his son had feelings for the girl, so he brokered their marriage.

He married his own sister, and the neighbors said that it was against human morality, but he gave birth to a son, but no one in the world knew about it

At that time, the neighbors did not know that this girl was the adopted daughter of the Li family, they had always thought that the marriage of the Li family was against human morality, this kind of behavior was very shameful, and Li Wen'an did not think so, he did not look down on her because of the defects in appearance, but felt that his wife was gentle and considerate, industrious and capable, and the two lived very harmoniously after marriage, Li Wen'an married this girl, his career was also smooth, not only had some achievements in his career, but also had children and grandchildren, he had eight heirs, six sons and two daughters, including Li Hongzhang.

He married his own sister, and the neighbors said that it was against human morality, but he gave birth to a son, but no one in the world knew about it

In addition to Li Hongzhang's high position, his brother also became an official in the DPRK, and their mother also became the most blessed person, living in the home of two sons who were viceroys in their later years, not only living a rich and noble life of pampering and superiority, but also enjoying the joy of children and grandchildren, it can be said that Li Dianhua gave her a second life, Li Wen'an gave her a happy marriage, Li Hongzhang brothers let her enjoy the joy of heaven in her old age, and the trajectory of this woman's fate was changed the moment she met Li Dianhua.

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