
Wei Yan in the Shu Kingdom was so talented, but why did Zhuge Liang always refuse to reuse him?

Wei Yan in the Shu Kingdom was so talented, but why did Zhuge Liang always refuse to reuse him?

Throughout the ages, there have been many capable generals in China, but the most prestigious one is the military master Zhuge Liang, whose brain and talent have enabled the Han Dynasty to stand on the pillar and the manifestation of the Three Kingdoms to appear.

However, no matter how strong a person is, he cannot support a country, and being good at using talents is the foundation of strength. And Zhuge Liang did exactly this, he made good use of talents and paid great attention to promoting virtuous people.

He had promoted Ma Mo, Yang Hong, and others, and had also properly arranged Guan Yu's positions for Zhang Fei, but during the Three Kingdoms period, there was a famous general Zhuge Liang who rarely reused him.

Wei Yan was a famous general during the Three Kingdoms period, and mentioning him would inevitably remind you of his outstanding feats. Wei Yan was born in Yiyang, and when Liu Bei first entered the pass, he made a lot of military merits, first helping Liu Bei resist Zhang Lu, and then for attacking Liu Zhang, as a general of Yamen.

Wei Yan in the Shu Kingdom was so talented, but why did Zhuge Liang always refuse to reuse him?

Liu Bei remembered his efforts, and after he became king, he gave the post of Taishou of Hanzhong to Wei Yan, you know, at that time, Liu Bei claimed to be the King of Hanzhong, which shows how much importance he attached to Wei Yan, and how much power he gave wei Yan.

It's just a pity that a generation of Tianzi and a generation of subjects, no matter how much Liu Bei valued him at that time and gave him many rights, all this will be wiped out after Liu Bei's death. Most of the powerful people were a little arrogant in their minds, but Wei Yan's arrogance made him suffer greatly.

Due to his indifference and frivolity, the relationship between him and Yang gradually deteriorated. Originally, when Zhuge Liang was still alive, he could stop the two people. But at that time, he had already passed away, and he couldn't take care of the affairs between the two of them.

And the emperor Liu Chan was not a good emperor, not to mention that later he surrendered to Sima Yi and lived a happy life, and he could not control the two during his reign alone, so Wei Yan was hunted down and killed after the failed struggle for power with Yang Yi, and eventually the three clans were linked.

Wei Yan in the Shu Kingdom was so talented, but why did Zhuge Liang always refuse to reuse him?

It can be said that Wei Yan's fate is even better than the serial drama, he had a time of vigor, when he made a lot of military achievements in the crowd, but he also had times when he fell into the dust, and eventually even lost his life.

No matter what Wei Yan's final outcome was, he was indeed a rare talent, otherwise he would not have been valued by Liu Bei when Liu Bei was still in power. However, in comparison, Zhuge Liang did not value him much, which was why.

Wei Yan in the Shu Kingdom was so talented, but why did Zhuge Liang always refuse to reuse him?

First of all, there is a theory that Zhuge Liang believes that Wei Yan has anti-bones. It is said that during the Three Kingdoms period, Wei Yan actually had a bone on his head, many people think that this is an anti-bone, plus Wei Yan's personality is indeed arrogant, and he has also betrayed the old lord, Zhuge Liang's worries are not unreasonable, after all, the ancients are somewhat superstitious.

However, if it is really because of the anti-bone and not attached importance, this possibility is not great, Zhuge Liang is famous, himself is also an extremely intelligent person, absolutely will not give up a talent because of a nonsense thing, so the use of anti-bone as an excuse is somewhat illogical.

Secondly, there are also those who think that Zhuge Liang is nepotistic, after all, the people who Zhuge Liang later promoted are all very good relations with him, and although Wei Yan is indeed talented, after all, he has an arrogant personality and a bad relationship with Zhuge Liang, so he is not valued.

Wei Yan in the Shu Kingdom was so talented, but why did Zhuge Liang always refuse to reuse him?

However, if this is the reason, it is not too small to look at Zhuge Liang, he may have selfish intentions, but he will never let go of a talent because of his own selfish interests, and if Zhuge Liang is really nepotistic, then why did the Three Kingdoms of the Han Dynasty stand for so long. After Liu Bei's death, he also dutifully guarded Liu Chan.

In fact, Zhuge Liang is not important Wei Yan is most likely because the two people's ideas are not compatible, Zhuge Liang as a country minister he acts quite safely, rather than taking risks, he prefers to stabilize step by step, but Wei Yan's favorite is surprise.

Wei Yan in the Shu Kingdom was so talented, but why did Zhuge Liang always refuse to reuse him?

Wei Yan had once offered Zhuge Liang a plan to attack Chang'an at night, but Zhuge Liang was worried that there was an ambush on the road, so he did not agree to this request.

Although the novel describes the war during the Three Kingdoms period with hundreds of thousands of troops, in fact, the Han Dynasty at that time was actually not rich in troops, so if Zhuge Liang really drew out five thousand elite soldiers, if there was a problem in the end, then the country would be destroyed.

Wei Yan may dare to take this risk, because he is only a general, but Zhuge Liang does not dare to let go of his lifeblood, after all, if he really fails, then Liu Bei will not have to divide the world and can only hide in the Shu kingdom for the elderly.

Wei Yan in the Shu Kingdom was so talented, but why did Zhuge Liang always refuse to reuse him?

Secondly, there was another reason, Wei Yan was really outstanding. Wei Yan's military ability was beyond doubt, otherwise he would not have made so many meritorious achievements after following Liu Bei, but it was precisely because of his excellence that Zhuge Liang did not dare to reuse him.

At that time, Zhuge Liang was already old, and Liu Chan was also an unsupportable Ah Dou, if he reused Wei Yan, if wei Yan threatened the Heavenly Son to order the princes after his death, then how could Liu Chan be good.

Zhuge Liang was afraid that after his death, Liu Chan would leave a huge hidden danger, rather than worrying himself, it was better not to reuse it from beginning to end, after all, excellent talents will never be less, as long as they are good at using people, the country can still prosper.

However, once the hidden dangers were left behind, then Liu Chan simply did not have the ability to confront them. Zhuge Liang's doing such a thing for Liu Chan was actually not surprising at all, and the best way for Wei Yan not to covet power was to keep him away from power.

Wei Yan in the Shu Kingdom was so talented, but why did Zhuge Liang always refuse to reuse him?

Of course, this may also have Wei Yan's personal reasons, although excellent people are arrogant, but Wei Yan is really a bit too much.

The people around him and his relationship are not too good, if a person does not like him, then it may be that person's problem, but if the people around him do not like him, then Wei Yan himself has a problem.

In fact, although Zhuge Liang did not pay enough attention to Wei Yan, he did not make any moves to exclude Wei Yan. Most of the decisions he made actually stemmed from Zhuge Liang's consideration of the country, rather than simply his own dislike.

Wei Yan in the Shu Kingdom was so talented, but why did Zhuge Liang always refuse to reuse him?

At that time, the Shu state was weak and could not withstand the toss, and Wei Yan was a person who did not agree with his ideas, if he gave the power to Wei Yan, then whether the Shu state could withstand his toss was still a problem, and Zhuge Liang could not take risks or risks.

Moreover, most people have their own strengths, and Wei Yan may be very suitable for leading soldiers to fight, but this does not mean that he has the ability to govern a country, so it is normal not to pay attention to it.

However, no matter how deified Zhuge Liang was by the outside world, Zhuge Liang was also a person, and it was inevitable that there were places that were not thoughtful, so after Zhuge Liang's death, Wei Yan eventually lost his life, I am afraid that this is also what Zhuge Liang does not want to see.

Wei Yan in the Shu Kingdom was so talented, but why did Zhuge Liang always refuse to reuse him?

And Wei Yan's end to such a fate also stemmed from his own personality, if he was not so arrogant, perhaps he would not be hunted down and killed in the end.

Especially in today's society, if you want to get a foothold, you must be capable and sociable, and only if you can integrate into society can you have the opportunity to show your talents!

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