
Fine of 847,900 yuan! Foshan's 12 departments jointly launched the "Cyber Sword Operation" to focus on these contents

author:Municipal Supervisor Express

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Fine of 847,900 yuan! Foshan's 12 departments jointly launched the "Cyber Sword Operation" to focus on these contents
Fine of 847,900 yuan! Foshan's 12 departments jointly launched the "Cyber Sword Operation" to focus on these contents

From September to December 2021, the Foshan Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and 12 other departments jointly launched the 2021 Network Market Supervision Special Action (Cyber Sword Action), focusing on rectifying prominent problems such as undermining the order of fair competition, purifying the online market environment, and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.


First, attach great importance to and make unified arrangements

Organize and convene the 2021 Foshan Network Market Supervision Department Joint Meeting, and formulate and issue the "Foshan 2021 Network Market Supervision Special Action (Cyber Sword Action) Plan".

The plan clarifies the five main tasks of "Cyber Sword Operation 2021":

First, focus on e-commerce platforms and highlight the implementation of corporate responsibilities on platforms;

The second is to focus on the issue of competition order, and highlight the governance of eliminating and restricting competition issues;

The third is to focus on key goods and services and highlight the governance of social hotspot issues;

The fourth is to focus on the problem of consumer pain points and standardize online promotional activities;

The fifth is to rectify and standardize the order of the cross-border e-commerce market and create an honest and trustworthy development environment.

II. Strictly implement and strengthen supervision

Implement the principle of online and offline integrated supervision, and form a joint online and offline regulatory force. Urge e-commerce platforms to implement obligations such as qualification verification and registration, continuously improve platform rules, and guide platform operators to further strengthen the management and publicity of the identity information of business operators within the platform; severely crack down on online trading operators' false publicity, single speculation, commercial defamation, illegal promotions, and other acts of unfair competition; severely crack down on infringing counterfeit and shoddy goods, and concentrate on rectifying illegal acts that infringe on consumer rights and interests, such as false discounts, non-refund of deposits, and unresponsible return of pre-sale goods for 7 days without reason.

Third, severe crackdowns will certainly lead to practical results

Combined with the "Double Eleven" network promotional activities to carry out special monitoring of online transactions, during the special action, a total of 105,900 websites and online stores were monitored, and 225 clues suspected of violating the law were found. Through a combination of online inspections and on-site inspections, explore and sort out clues to online violations, work with third-party agencies to fix electronic evidence, and severely crack down on and rectify illegal acts such as false publicity, false discounts, and non-refundable deposits in online transactions. Up to now, the city has investigated and dealt with 76 cases of network violations, and the amount of fines and confiscations is 847,900 yuan.

You consume, I escort

Foshan's market supervision department is always ready

Fine of 847,900 yuan! Foshan's 12 departments jointly launched the "Cyber Sword Operation" to focus on these contents

Source: Foshan Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision

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