
On Mother's Day, I sent a bouquet of flowers to my mother-in-law, and then I was praised by my in-laws' relatives and friends for more than ten years


The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been a millennium problem, and it is still the same in my place. Maybe my story is not as tense as many people, but it is also a boiled frog in warm water, so get used to it.

My husband said it was a blessing for me to marry into their family. He was referring to the fact that in all these years, I had never cooked a meal once, and even the meal was delivered to me by my mother-in-law. No need to wash dishes, no need to wash clothes, no need to care about anything. There's nothing wrong with that, but isn't happiness just about not cooking, washing or not washing clothes? Leave it alone.

Conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are always the same.

The first time I went to my in-laws' house, after washing my hair, my mother-in-law blew me hair. As my husband said, his mom has no shelf and is very accessible. At that time, I was full of joy and felt that I had found a good family. Until I had a baby, we were all in harmony. I just think my mother-in-law is always away from home, and I don't feel anything else.

The real beginning of the contradiction is after the birth of the child. As we all know, there are always many conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law about the parenting of children, and the same is true for our family. My mother-in-law is a super capable and super strong person, saying one thing and not saying the other, so there is constant conflict. The child still does not wet with diapers, how much clothes to wear, whether the child's hair should be cut, whether my hair should be cut, whether I should get injections when I am sick, and so on.

My mother-in-law is the kind of person who loves to play, and her biggest hobby is to build the Great Wall. There was a time when I was still out of work, she would call me and ask me to pick up the kids somewhere, and she would fight until late at night. Once, I got a phone call and went to pick up the baby, and she had already started. I said the child, she said ** mother brought it, you go to find it. When I looked for it, I saw my child standing alone on the side of the road, with traffic and people coming and going. I suddenly felt like I was going to break down, if this child was taken away, or hit by a car, where would I cry? But after she knew, she only understated a sentence: how can it be, others will bring good.

The most serious conflict was after my second child, once a friend met, I went out for a day, and when I came back at night, I accused Sang Huai of arguing with me, saying that I didn't care about the children, just take care of my own happiness, and then the quarrel wanted me to roll. I said Mom, you touched your conscience and said, as a daughter-in-law and a mother of children, have I fulfilled my obligations, 365 days a year, I go out for a few days in addition to work? Five days? In the end, it was not resolved. The biggest advantage of my mother-in-law is that she had a fight today, and there will be nothing tomorrow.

Thousands of run-ins, finally ushered in spring.

For so many years, I can't even remember my mother's birthday, but every year on Mother's Day and my mother-in-law's birthday, I will give gifts. One year on Mother's Day, my mother-in-law was playing at a relative's house, and I went to get the flowers I had ordered and sent them to my relative's house for my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law came back and said: They are all very envious, saying that if there is such a daughter-in-law, they will wake up laughing when they sleep.

On Mother's Day, I sent a bouquet of flowers to my mother-in-law, and then I was praised by my in-laws' relatives and friends for more than ten years

The sisters around her are all daughters-in-law who quarrel with their mother-in-law, who are particularly stingy with their in-laws, who dump their faces at their in-laws' relatives, etc., so in contrast, her sisters and children are envious of her finding a good daughter-in-law, and she also has a special face. The seven aunts of the in-laws, the eight aunts have something to do at home, I never shirk, I met relatives on the street, they are all warm greetings, the New Year's Festival, I also obediently take the child, accompany my mother-in-law to visit the door, after all, the old man, just care about this.

As a result, I became a model daughter-in-law in my in-laws' circle, and my mother-in-law also became a model mother-in-law in my circle.

My mother-in-law said that she was our umbrella, I went to the station to pick me up after work, I was sick and she took me to the hospital to run up and down. What I want to eat is a matter of words.

Inclusion and change are the lubricant between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

My husband said I needed to eat more lotus, I said why? He said, "You lack heart and eyes." Well, I'm just a boxy person, soft on the outside and tough on the inside, looking like a soft girl, but actually a steel woman. Slowly I also know that I can't change my mother-in-law's habits and personality for many years, and I know that she has no bad intentions, and many things will turn a blind eye. What must be said, the point is reached; what can not be said, it should not have happened. I really can't watch it, so I did it myself.

It's not just me who's changing, my mother-in-law is changing too. She also figured out my character. Sometimes I talk urgently, I talk very intensely, she doesn't care, maybe she will sulk, just turn your head.

For children, there is a clear division of labor, she manages life, I manage learning. As for the minutiae, let her go.

Some people say that husbands are the lubricant of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. That's not bad, too. Our husband is relatively invisible, mom and daughter-in-law, no matter how you argue, he doesn't care.

Turn on the mode of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law jointly spitting on my husband (his son).

My mother-in-law has said to me many times: If I had two sons, I would never like him (my husband). He has a bad temper and can't say nice things. Mother and son sat together for three minutes, absolutely to get up. Every time I take my baby to the hospital, my mother-in-law would rather let me take the subway with her than let my husband drive with her.

Write at the end

Many times, I also hated to tickle my teeth and told myself in my heart, to renovate the house, move out and live alone, and never live with her again. Later, when she is old, watch me leave her alone. But when I turned my head, I realized that I was talking about angry words, which made me care what my parents could do. Even if she is not good to me, she is also my elder.

Although she said that "the daughter-in-law is the daughter-in-law, the daughter is the daughter-in-law" I do not believe it for half a minute, although she has some calculations inside and outside her words, although her living habits have a profound impact on the children, but life is always a chicken feather, which is so perfect. She has a heart that loves us, and that's enough, isn't it?

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