
Last night, I was kicked out of the room by my daughter, and the female eldest did not stay, it was too early

author:Mama Man raises children

They all say that my daughter is my parents' little cotton jacket, and I think my little cotton jacket should be the one that leaks at night.

There is nothing wrong with my daughter, it is that sleep makes me most unbearable. During the day, like a little angel, he will only say in a milky voice: Mother, you can also be sweet to the heart.

Not picky eaters, green vegetables and meat are loved. Sometimes I eat it myself, sometimes I have to feed it, and overall it's not a big problem.

But as soon as it's time to go to bed at night, it starts to make trouble.

Last night, I was kicked out of the room by my daughter, and the female eldest did not stay, it was too early


Before half a year old, I was sleeping with my arms on and turning on the lights. No matter how cold the day, I also shake in my arms. Wait until she sleeps very deeply, and then put it on the bed.

I can also wake up two or three times a night. Later, I couldn't stand it anymore, learned to lie down and breastfeed, and finally relieved the pressure on my waist.

However, the consequence of such a temporary relaxation is that the child is accustomed to milk sleep, and he must find milk to drink when sleeping, and there is no way to fall asleep on his own.

She wanted to wean herself at the age of one, but she was unusually resistant. It dragged on until it was almost two years old.

Last night, I was kicked out of the room by my daughter, and the female eldest did not stay, it was too early


After the child can walk, the energy is also full, and there must be enough exercise every day to consume energy. Otherwise, it is difficult to sleep at night.

When it's time to go to bed at night, the child doesn't want to turn off the lights, doesn't want me to lie down, and must pull me up.

In fact, she was also sleepy, but she didn't know how to fall asleep. She just wanted to get into my arms and let me shake her to sleep.

Several times, I collapsed. The waist hurts, the ears hurt, and the child cries so much that it makes a heartache.

So I was afraid, afraid of the coming of the night, afraid of the arrival of sleep.

Last night, I was kicked out of the room by my daughter, and the female eldest did not stay, it was too early


Last night, when the child was sleeping, I couldn't coax it well. I made an excuse to go to the bathroom and let the child sleep by himself.

I sneaked back into the room, and she was about to fall asleep. I was so happy that I crept into bed, and as soon as she saw me, she woke up.

A little angry and kept pushing me. I didn't know where she was going to push me, leaning closer to the end of the bed. Still not satisfied, she ripped open the mosquito net and pushed me out.

It turned out that she was going to kick me out of the room. I went out, thinking she was going to cry, but I didn't expect that the sound of playing with toys in her room came, and soon it was quiet. When I looked back, she was asleep on her own!

She put herself to sleep and didn't need me at all. I became superfluous!

I was really surprised, she wasn't even two years old! How small emotions are so much!

Last night, I was kicked out of the room by my daughter, and the female eldest did not stay, it was too early


I thought a lot last night, about the child's sleep, I really missed too much.

The last thing a child needs is to sleep shaking. But we, as parents, can't hear our children crying the most, so we can let our children quiet down and be willing to do anything.

To form good sleep habits, a fixed falling asleep ritual is necessary. Often it is that we adults want to sleep, so we drive the child back to the room, which is to force the child to sleep, which will inevitably cause the child's dissatisfaction.

It is necessary to turn off the lights to sleep, and when the lights are turned on, the child wants to continue to play and does not want to sleep at all. Stay up until the physical exertion is exhausted, and adults and children are hard.

Finally, I would like to say that you can read more picture books, tell children the story of sleep, and guide children to fall asleep on their own. Don't be filled with resistance and fear of sleep.

Last night, I was kicked out of the room by my daughter, and the female eldest did not stay, it was too early

My daughter kicked me out of the room last night, which really made me angry and funny. The good anger is that she thinks a lot carefully, and the funny thing is that she is not afraid to stay alone.

I hope she develops the good habit of falling asleep on her own, frees my hands, and achieves sleep freedom!

Last night, I was kicked out of the room by my daughter, and the female eldest did not stay, it was too early

I am @ Mann Mom Parenting Science Parenting, all the way forward, thank you for your attention, progress together ~

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