
It's winter, so eat more hot carrot beef soup

author:Remember Lu Jun

Carrot beef soup is a dish, the main ingredients are carrots, tendons, dates, ginger, etc., rich in nutrients. It has the effect of activating blood and eyesight, antioxidant and anti-wrinkle. In winter, if you can come to a bowl of hot carrot beef soup, you will definitely feel very warm.

It's winter, so eat more hot carrot beef soup

For me, the biggest pleasure of winter is a bunch of people gathered together, everyone eating hot dishes, chatting about the day, the atmosphere is warm, winter is not cold.

1 Wash the beef and cut into strips and set aside;

2 Wash the carrots and cut into chunks for later;

3. Blanch the beef and then scoop it up and set aside;

4 After bringing the water to a boil, add beef, carrots, dates and ginger slices, simmer for 1.5 hours, then add seasonings to taste.

It's winter, so eat more hot carrot beef soup

The sweetness of carrots and the aroma of beef are mixed together. Seasoning does not need to put more, add some salt and oil, a bite down ah, that is no need to say it, in addition to the nutrition is also particularly rich, rich in carotene and high calcium. For the cold winter, if you can come to a bowl of hot carrot beef soup, hey, absolutely

It's winter, so eat more hot carrot beef soup

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