
Inheriting a good family style Continue the red bloodline (9) | Fan Zhongyun: a lifetime of worry and then fun A thousand years of honest and frugal family style

author:Siping micro-report
Inheriting a good family style Continue the red bloodline (9) | Fan Zhongyun: a lifetime of worry and then fun A thousand years of honest and frugal family style

Fan Zhongyan: A lifetime of worry and then happiness A thousand years of honest and frugal family style

Inheriting a good family style Continue the red bloodline (9) | Fan Zhongyun: a lifetime of worry and then fun A thousand years of honest and frugal family style

Introduction to Fan's House Rules

Fan Zhongyan (989-1052), a native of Wu County, Suzhou, was a politician, military strategist, writer, and educator of the Northern Song Dynasty, with the post of "Wenzheng", who successively served as Xinghua County Commander, Secretarial Cabinet School Administrator, Chen Zhou Tongjue, Suzhou Zhizhou, Shaanxi Jingluo Appeasement and Solicitation Deputy Envoy, and later officials to participate in the governor's affairs (deputy prime minister), and there is a "Fan Wenzheng Gongji" passed down. The idea of "worrying first and then enjoying" advocated by him and the festival of benevolent people and heroes are the glorious spiritual wealth in the history of Chinese civilization.

Fan Zhongyan ruled his family very strictly, personally fixed the "Sixty-one Character Family Rules" and "Yizhuang Rules", and specially wrote the "Book of Commandments" to educate his own children. According to his teachings, the descendants have formed the "Hundred Character Inscription of Fan Wenzheng's Public Family Training", which teaches children and grandchildren to cultivate their hearts and cultivate themselves, accumulate virtue and do good deeds, and teach the clans to live in harmony and support each other.

The Fan clan of Luojiang County respectfully abides by the ancestral precepts, constantly improves, and melts Fan Zhongyan's family and country feelings of "worrying first and then enjoying" and the benevolent and self-disciplined discipline of "humility and self-discipline" into the daily norms of the clan, and thus formulates 13 "Fan Family Rules", 10 "New Ding Clan Rules" and 8 "Fan's Traditional Family Style", the content of which involves the education of descendants, marriage and funeral, etiquette and honesty, industrial management, charity, reward and punishment assessment, etc., requiring that "all my Fan clan people, the above virtues must be passed on from generation to generation." To maintain and carry forward my fan's long-standing good style.".

There are four characteristics of Fan's family rules and family style: First, they are generous to people, advocating the principle of filial piety to their parents, brothers' courtesy, and diligence and frugality; second, they are rewarded and punished, and those who contribute to the family are rewarded, and otherwise punished; the third is to stress fairness, and the management of tenants is fair and selfless, not to arbitrarily deduct, and it is strictly forbidden to enrich themselves; fourth, to benefit the neighbors, and to "raise funds well" for the clansmen and villagers in difficulty.


Excerpt from Fan's family rules

Ambition: the world's worries and worries, the world's happiness and happiness.

——Excerpt from "Yueyang Lou"

Read the books of the sages diligently, and respect the teacher as a dear relative.

——Excerpt from "Fan Wenzheng Gongjia Training Hundred Character Inscription"

And read the words, pure heart and clean deeds, in order to establish a reputation for life. When you see a big festival, you don't have to argue about the merits, and take a small name to attract great regrets.

——Excerpt from Fan Zhongyan's Book of Commandments

Filial piety should be done diligently, loyalty and courage should show sincerity; brothers help each other, and compassion is not transitory.

Good Neighbors: Etiquette and righteousness do not be careless, and let Dun be a good neighbor. Respect the elderly and cherish the young, and pity the widows and the poor.

In the township and foreign relatives, such as the poor and the poor, or in the face of hunger and hunger, they cannot survive, and the houses are together, that is, they measure and help in the rice of The Yoshida.

——Excerpt from Fan Zhongyan's "Rules of Righteousness"

Frugality: Humble and honest, never shy of pride. The words and papers must be discarded, and they must be repaid.

Only frugality can help incorruptibility, but forgiveness can become virtuous.

- History of song. Biography of Fan Chunren

Innocent official: The capital master rarely returns, and whenever he sees a good place, he must think about trouble. The old man has experienced many storms, but he can endure poverty, so he is spared from disaster.

Obey the rules: follow the rules of nature, cherish the living.

Li Zhen can carry things, and suppleness can bear the heavens.

——Excerpt from the Fan Family Compound Xiangtang Yanglian

Comments: Family style is passed down from generation to generation, and Huize never stops

Fan's family rules and family style have four characteristics: one is to be generous to people, the second is to reward and punish, the third is to stress justice, and the fourth is to benefit the four neighbors. The family style clearly stipulates: All my Fan clan people, the above virtues must be passed on from generation to generation, in order to maintain and carry forward the fan family style that has a long history.

Fan Zhongyan's family style has been truly inherited in Luojiang County, and in more than 100 years, Fan's descendants have continuously improved and formulated 13 "Fan Family Rules", 10 "New Ding Family Rules" and 8 "Fan Traditional Family Style", which involve children's and grandchildren's education, marriage and funeral, etiquette and honesty, industrial management, charity and charity, reward and punishment assessment. The descendants of the Fan family have been practicing it for generations, and for many years, the Fan family has rarely heard of violations of law and discipline.

Under the influence of such an excellent family style, Fan's descendants have passed on their poetry and talents, and in this vein of Luojiang County, there are Fan Yingshi, the pioneer of the democratic revolution who became friends with Marshal Chen Yi, and the two sisters of the Fan family, who first participated in the "Yellow River Chorus".

The Fan family style was not only passed down in the family, but also influenced this land. Each of the 127 villages in Luojiang County established a Civic Ethics Association 10 years ago to help those in need. Two years ago, the first neighborhood villagers' mutual aid association was established in Sichuan Province, which is in line with Fan Zhongyan's early purpose of founding "Fan's Yizhuang" and the Fan family's family style of asking for "hui si neighbors".

Inheriting a good family style Continue the red bloodline (9) | Fan Zhongyun: a lifetime of worry and then fun A thousand years of honest and frugal family style
Inheriting a good family style Continue the red bloodline (9) | Fan Zhongyun: a lifetime of worry and then fun A thousand years of honest and frugal family style

Contributed by: Party History Research Office of the Municipal Party Committee

Inheriting a good family style Continue the red bloodline (9) | Fan Zhongyun: a lifetime of worry and then fun A thousand years of honest and frugal family style

Editor: Cui Luwei Guo Yuqian

Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Xuezhi Producer: Zhuang Li

Siping Daily New Media Center

Inheriting a good family style Continue the red bloodline (9) | Fan Zhongyun: a lifetime of worry and then fun A thousand years of honest and frugal family style
Inheriting a good family style Continue the red bloodline (9) | Fan Zhongyun: a lifetime of worry and then fun A thousand years of honest and frugal family style
Inheriting a good family style Continue the red bloodline (9) | Fan Zhongyun: a lifetime of worry and then fun A thousand years of honest and frugal family style

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