
Boy on the train

author:Little lark cat

In the winter of 2015, I went south from Jinan to Guangzhou. At that time, I was still sitting on the green-skinned train, but unfortunately I didn't buy a ticket, and I could only stand when I entered the carriage, with many people and many feet, and I was crowded in front of and behind. I squeezed hard into a looser position, and sitting in front of me was a big boy, bright eyes and teeth, clean and plain, and long eyelashes, and I remembered him at once.

Boy on the train

After waiting for the car to swing for a while, the boy seemed to notice me, tapped me, said sit for a while, squeeze together, and then squeeze me out most of the place with the people inside. Okay, thanks! I sat down, I was so tired! The clothes touched together, and the boy seemed to be a little restrained, rubbing his hands and staring at the air in front of him.

After a while, I saw that the car was very quiet, so I took out a snack to share with everyone to eat together. Opposite is a young couple, just in their early 20s, from Jiangxi. They also took out snacks to share with us, and the boy began not to pick them up, and I shoved them into his hands, and he ate them together.

Boy on the train

Then I proposed that we all play poker together, so everyone talked more and more, and they had fun all the way. The boy was also much more cheerful, saying that he was from Sichuan, had just graduated, worked in Beijing, and this time he was on a business trip to Changsha and would have to stay for a while. He said he liked his current company and looked forward to settling down in Beijing in the future. When he spoke, his eyes were like light.

Boom, boom. The train was still walking slowly, but I felt like it was running fast. The twilight outside the window is sinking, and the sky is blue. The rolling hills were covered with snow, and against the background of the sky, it seemed a little blue. The setting sun was like blood, reflecting the surrounding clouds, the boy's eyes just flashed in a red color, and the long eyelashes curved upwards.

Boy on the train

I was a little tired, my clothes were not thick enough, and I curled up against my seat and gradually fell asleep. I don't know how long I slept, I felt warm and furry in my ears, and when I looked again, it turned out to be the brim of the boy's hat. I was draped in the boy's coat and was leaning on his shoulder. I asked him, are you cold? Not cold! Well. I fell asleep again.

When we were about to get out of the car, we added WeChat. In the months that followed, we seemed to have endless topics, from school to the workplace, from food to travel, from the past to the future.

Boy on the train

But whenever we talk about emotions, the atmosphere becomes cold, and I'm not sure if he feels the same way about me, or whether the difficulties that lie thousands of miles apart in the future can be overcome. And he never said. At that time, I was lonely and arrogant, and I decided not to take the initiative.

Later, I changed jobs, got busy, and the whole person's heart was also full. We chatted less and less, so much so that we didn't connect for a while.

Spring goes to autumn, sunset and moonrise. Sporadically, he saw the cheering in his circle of friends and the figure of hard work; later, it was lamenting that "it is not easy to drift north"; then there was a ticket to return to his hometown for development; finally, there was only a horizontal line left in the circle of friends.

I thought, maybe he has deleted my WeChat. Perhaps, he doesn't remember me, just like he forgot his dream of taking root in Beijing.

I'm sure he deleted me, but still have to give it a try. Send a message first, hesitate for a long time, send a "are you okay" past.

Strangely enough

No red exclamation points!


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