
Gastronomy Chapter 6 - Roasted sweet potatoes


Roasted white potatoes, also known as roasted sweet potatoes, simmered sweet potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, is one of the Chinese street food, with a long history, especially in winter. In the past, street vendors used firewood to simmer sweet potatoes in large round iron barrels, and then replaced them with charcoal with more durable firepower. When eating, eat while hot, otherwise after it is cold, the baked sweet potatoes will become hard. Like another snack "dried sweet potato". In Hong Kong, there are also roasted sweet potatoes sold all year round, purple heart sweet potatoes in winter, and yellow sweet potatoes the rest of the time.

Gastronomy Chapter 6 - Roasted sweet potatoes

Baked sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in fiber, which can increase the volume of feces, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, clean up the mucus, gas and spoilage stuck in the intestinal lumen, excrete toxic substances and carcinogens in the feces, keep the stool open, improve the digestive tract environment, and prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases.

Gastronomic taboos:

Sweet potatoes have a lot of sugar, the body can not absorb it for a while, and the remaining part stays in the intestine and is easy to ferment, making the abdomen uncomfortable. Chinese medicine believes that those who wetly obstruct the spleen and stomach and stagnate should eat sweet potatoes with caution.

Gastronomy Chapter 6 - Roasted sweet potatoes

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