
The negative boy left school alone late at night The Handan traffic patrol escorted him home

author:Hebei News Network

Hebei News Network News (correspondents Miao Wenjin and Jiang Liping) At about 10 p.m. on November 7, when the night patrol police patrol of the Qiu County Brigade of the Handan Traffic Patrol Detachment Xinmatou Town Squadron patrolled to 172 kilometers of National Highway 514, they found a boy in school uniform walking alone on the side of the road. At this time, the night is quiet, there are no pedestrians on the road, which is the most common time for large freight and engineering vehicles, which is very dangerous.

Out of concern for the safety of the child, the police immediately stopped at the side of the road and asked the boy why he was walking alone, and the boy bowed his head and did not speak. When asked if he had an awkward relationship with his family and left home, the boy burst into tears. The police repeatedly asked where the boy's family lived, and the boy said that his family lived in Fudong Village. It is about 12 km from here. The police were afraid that the family would not be able to find the child in a hurry, so they let the child get into the police car and send him to the epidemic checkpoint in Fudong Village, and the village cadres contacted the boy's parents.

It turned out that the boy was a student of a middle school, saying that he was homesick, could not sleep at school, and wanted his family to take him home, but his parents did not agree, so he took leave and walked back. The police hope that parents will take the time to pay more attention to their children's ideological dynamics and living habits, and parents are deeply touched by the police to help them send their children back.

The Handan Traffic Patrol Police warmly reminds that parents should communicate with their children more, give their children more care and love, and avoid children running away from home due to scolding, encountering traffic and other dangers, and bringing adverse effects and consequences to children, families and society.

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