
John Gotty, the last godfather of the New York mafia Gambino family

author:Joe Barbaro
John Gotty, the last godfather of the New York mafia Gambino family

John Gotty was 16 years old

Early life

John Gotty was born on October 27, 1940, in an Italian-American enclave in the Bronx, whose ancestors came from San Giuseppe Vevoiano, province of Naples. He was the fifth of thirteen children of John Joseph Gaudí and his wife Philomena (Fanny), and John and his four brothers later became members of the Gambino family; Because of John's imprisonment, Eugene Gotty was previously accepted as a member of John. Peter Gotty was accepted as a member in 1988 under John's leadership, while Richard Gautí was discovered by the police in 2002 when the head of the family's branch was discovered. The fifth, Vincent, was not accepted until 2002. Emperor Gao grew up in poverty. His father worked as a day worker every five minutes and was addicted to gambling. John Gotty resented his father's inability as an adult to support his family. At school, Gaudí had a history of truancy and bullying of other classmates, eventually dropping out of Franklin K. Lane High School at the age of 16. Emperor Gaudí has been involved in the street gangs of the New York City mafia since he was 12 years old. When he was 14 years old, he tried to steal a cement mixer from a construction site, only to accidentally fall off and smash his toes. The injury led to his lifelong limp. After leaving school, he threw himself into a mafia-related gang called the Fulton-Rockwell Boys. There, he met and became acquainted with Angelo Ruggero and Wilfred Johnson, nicknamed "The Willie Boys". These people were later well-known members of the Gambino family. In 1958, Emperor Gaud also met his future wife, Vittoria di Giorgio. In 1961, John and his wife had their first child, a daughter named Angel, and they married on March 1, 1962. They later had four children, another daughter (Victoria) and three sons (John, Frank and Peter). Emperor Gao tried to get a legal job in 1962 as a crushing mechanic in a coat factory and as an assistant truck driver. However, Jiangshan is easy to change his nature, and he still can't help but do something criminal, and by 1966, he has been sentenced to prison twice.

John Gotty, the last godfather of the New York mafia Gambino family

John Gotty as an adult

In the days of the Gambino family's struggle

Peripheral members (English as Assistant, that is, partner, the mafia to people who do things together without officially joining them, in fact, it means informal members, there are a lot of such people doing things for the mafia, here I think it is more appropriate to call peripheral members) Gotty's criminal career began when he became a peripheral member of Carmen-Fatico. This Fatico became the head of the Gambino family after the murder of Albert Anastasia (it was an event within the family's power struggle that year, more complicated, not to be mentioned here, in short, after the death of Albert A generation of godfathers, Carlo Gambino directly to the throne, the Gambino family was founded) John and his brothers Keane and Ruggero at Edelwald Airport (later renamed John F. Kennedy International Airport) did truck robbery. During this time, Emperor Gao made a friend with whom he worked, and this person was Joseph Massino, the future owner of the Bonanno family, whose nicknames were "Black John" and "Crazy Horse". At the same time, Emperor Gauti also met the second head of the Gambino family, Anilo della Croce, known as "Neil". This person can later be said to be very critical to Emperor Gao, and he has done a good job in promoting Emperor Gao's cause of robbing trucks at that airport. In February 1968, united airline employees testified that Emperor Gao had signed the stolen goods; the FBI arrested him shortly after on charges of robbery. Two months later, Emperor Gao, who was still on bail, was arrested for robbery for the third time— this time because of a $50,000 cigarette on a New Jersey turnpike. Later that year, Emperor Gaudí pleaded guilty to a robbery at Northwest Airlines and was sentenced to three years in prison, serving a sentence at the Federal Prison of Louisburgh. Prosecutors dropped charges against him for robbing cigarettes, and Emperor Gaud began serving less than three years in Louisburg. This period of being an airport truck thief, in the movie "Good Falla" (Good Falla) has a very vivid description, although not himself, but also the mafia activities of the same period, interested can see, really can be regarded as a group of bold black guys. Gaudí and Ruggiero were released on bail in 1972 and returned to their old team at the Bergin Fishing and Hunting Club, still working under mafia leader Kamien-Fatico. Upon his return, Emperor Gaud was transferred to manage the underground casino business of the Berkin branch of the Mafia. It is estimated that the underground casino is not easy to manage, and it is also there that he proves that he is an extremely capable executor. Fatico was indicted in 1972 for loan sharking, and on condition of his release, he could not be contacted with known criminal repeat offenders. This prevented him from going back to lead his team for the time being. Although Emperor Gao was not yet a full member of the Mafia, as the Mafia had not received any new full members since 1957, Fatico appointed him acting head of the Birkin branch after Emperor Gao was parole. Arriving at this new position, he began to frequently visit the headquarters of the Second Boss Dellacroce at the Ravenite Social Club to report to the Second Boss on the affairs and activities of his division. Dellacroce himself was a bit fond of Emperor Gao, and during this period, the relationship between the two took it to a higher level and became closer. The reason may be because the two people are very similar in some aspects, and the two people have some violent tendencies, often swear, and are both veteran gamblers. It seems that whether it is in the underworld or the white road, it is crucial to have a good relationship with the leader... In 1973, Carlo Gambino's nephew, Emmanuel Gambino, was kidnapped and murdered. Afterwards, John Gotty, Ruggereau, and Lal-Galione were assigned to annihilate the main suspect in the kidnapping of the boss's nephew, the execution squad of the Irish-American gangster James McBratney. As a result, these buddies were not in business, and their intentions were exposed when they prepared to hijack the Irish buddy at the bar on Staten Island. Emperor Gao was really unambiguous at this time, and he directly took out his gun and shot it without stopping. Although his accomplices managed to stop him, Emperor Gaud was able to beat McBlattney to death on the spot. The hero is dang, but the matter is also big. Because of eyewitnesses at the scene and the internal identification of the police in the Birkin branch, Gaudi was arrested for murder in June 1974. However, the good villain is to organize things and help the boss to get angry, and the top cannot leave such a hero alone. At that time, the mafia was strong, and it basically allowed the witnesses who should appear, the witnesses who should not appear could not appear in court, or the jury could only hear testimony in their favor. In short, all kinds of magical envoys have created a favorable situation for Emperor Gao. However, the court will not let him easily get away with it. With the help of lawyer Roy Cohen, he was offered a plea bargain and was only given a four-year sentence for attempted homicide in an attack. Captain Gao di was released in July 1977 after two years in prison. As a great contributor to the sacrifice of the organization, he deservedly officially entered the Gambino family, and came under the command of Paul Castellano, immediately replacing Fatico as the head of the Birkin group. He and his men were directly accountable to Dellacroce, and it was Castellallano who gave Dellacroce a concession so that he could continue to be in charge. (Anillo can be said to be the well-deserved elder of the Gambino family, carlo Gambino was still alive, originally after the death of the old godfather he was expected to take over as the boss, but paul preempted, so it is well known that the relationship between the two is not good) Since then, the High Emperor has been regarded as a proud protégé of Dellaroce. Under The Emperor's management, the Birkin Group became the most profitable of the several teams under Dellacroce. As for himself, in addition to sharing the income from his subordinates, Gao Di also ran his own loan shark business, and at the same time had a job that he had never worked, a salesman for a pipeline company. This ridiculous job was actually a condition for his parole, which was to find a legitimate formal job. However, with the power of Emperor Gao, it is not easy to find a legal job, and no one dares to force him to really go to work anyway, so he hangs up a name to avoid harassment by law enforcement departments. According to unconfirmed FBI informants, Emperor Gao also funded the drug trade during this period. In other words, this period can be said to be the period of gaodi's career rise. Emperor Gao would try to avoid his family from participating in his criminal career, except for his son John Angelo Gaudi, commonly known as John Gauti II, who became a mafia peripheral in 1982. On March 8, 1980, Gotty's youngest son, 12-year-old Frank Gaudí, was accidentally crushed to death by a neighbor and friend of their family, John Favara, riding a scooter. Although Frank's death was confirmed as an accident, Favara subsequently received death threats. When he went to Gao Di's house to apologize, he was beaten with a baseball bat by Gao Di's wife Victoria. Eventually, on July 28, 1980, he was kidnapped and disappeared completely, and police speculated he had been killed. Although the Gaudi family had gone on vacation to Florida the previous week, John Gaudi was presumed to have ordered Favara's killing. (Here to add, after emperor Gao's death, after investigation, it was finally found that Favara was killed by people directed by Emperor Gao, and his body was destroyed by strong acid, which was very cruel... Two more incidents occurred during emperor Gao's two years as head of the Birkin group, and he was prosecuted twice after emperor became the boss of the Gambino family. In September 1984, Emperor Gaud had a verbal altercation with refrigerator repairman Romual Piecyk at a bar and was subsequently charged with assault and robbery. Personal analysis estimates that the law enforcement department deliberately found him unhappy after Emperor Gao became the boss, looking for some old rotten grain, which is actually a bar fight, assault crime? Of course, Emperor Gao beat that brother, is it difficult to let Emperor Gao be beaten by a repairman? robbery? Is it difficult to be the boss of the Emperor Gao and a repairman's bar after a fight and rob people's wallets by the way? How many dollars can you have? Of course, it is normal for the high emperor of the underworld to encounter such a lawsuit, and it can even be said that he is to blame himself, and the law enforcement department is also performing his duties, who let you be the underworld!? Another incident was in 1985, when he was indicted along with Dellacroce over an extortion case with several members of the Birkin Group. The indictment by U.S. Assistant Attorney General Diane Jacarrollon, who is in charge of the case, also revealed that Gotty's friend "Willie Boy" Johnson, one of his co-defendants, has been an FBI informant. No matter when this "Willie Boy" starts to be an informant, the sinister nature of human nature is fully revealed here, who can guarantee who is a true friend, who will betray you...

John Gotty, the last godfather of the New York mafia Gambino family

Gotty, who is in his prime

Take over the Gambino family

As she developed, Gauti soon became dissatisfied with the leadership of her boss, Paulo Castellano. He thinks the new boss is too isolated and greedy. In fact, this is not an individual phenomenon, and many other family members, too, do not like Paul Castellano as a person. The reason is that Castellano really lacks the recognition of the public within the family, especially those who usually run street activities, although they also pay the money on time, but they have no respect for him. In another way, Paul just lacks a mass base, so the more grassroots he is, the more disgusted he is, especially annello de la Croce and Gauti, who are big guys who have come up from the bottom, and they are even more difficult to deal with Paul. Of course, Emperor Gao also had an element of economic interest in it; He clashed with Castellano over the issue of Gauty's share of the robbery at Kennedy Airport. There were also rumors that Gaudí would expand his business into the drug trade, but this lucrative business was explicitly banned by Castellano. In August 1983, Rujero and Keane Gaudi were arrested on suspicion of *****, the main evidence being recordings obtained from a bugging device in Ruggero's home. Castellano wanted a copy of the recording because he had made it clear to the official members of the family who was in the drug business who would die. Rugello, of course, refused him, and then Paul threatened to demote himself to the rank of Emperor. In 1984, the killer of the Gambino family, Roy M. For the crimes of DeMeo's men, Castellano was implicated in a case of a fraud manipulation and bribery organization and was arrested. The following year he received a second indictment for his role on the U.S. Mafia Committee. Because Thomas Gambino, the eldest son of the old godfather Carlo Gambino, was not there, and faced with the possibility of life imprisonment, Castellano had to arrange for John Gauty and his closest subordinate, Thomas Bilotti, to be the acting family boss. Gauti, of course, could not be honest at this point, so he began plotting with some disgruntled Gambino family members, Sammy Gordy. Gravano, Frank M. DeCicco, Robert A. DiBernardo and Joseph Armone (whom they collectively called "fists") overthrew Castellano's leadership, insisting that although the boss was now doing nothing, Castellano would eventually try to kill him. The conspirator was also supported by an impending boss from the other families of the Mafia Committee, and the Gambino family's military master, Joseph N. Gallo, became his accomplice. Castellano was not unlucky either, as his old rival, Dellacroce, died of cancer on December 2, 1985, and Castellano immediately revised his succession plan: appointed Bilotti (the proud of Paul's) as the second in command of the family, thomas gambino as the sole acting boss, and systematically divided Gauti's men. Gautie was naturally enraged, and Castellallano refused to attend Dellacroce's memorial service. You say that Paul may really feel that Annello's opportunity has come as soon as he leaves, and he will not say anything, and he will not attend the funeral of others, after all, he is an old comrade for so many years, and it is too cold to do so. You know, Anilo's men and friends basically make up most of the family, and there are many opponents like Gauty who are themselves resentful of him. All in all, the time and place were favorable, and Emperor Gao was determined to kill his boss. The aforementioned Gauty's party, DeCicco, leaked to Gauty that he had met him on December 16, 1985, with Castellano and some other Gambino members at the Sparks Steakhouse in New York, and Gauty decided to seize the opportunity. On the evening of the meeting, when the boss Paul and the second boss (that is, The Bilotti) arrived at the steakhouse, they were ambushed by Gauti and killed on the spot by the Assassins. Gaudí and Gravano sat in his car and saw the entire ambush with their own eyes. It is conceivable that Gaudy would have driven away afterwards with certain satisfaction. Days after the murder, Gotty was appointed to join a three-member committee to temporarily run the entire family until a new boss was elected. The trio also includes DeCicco, a fellow party member of Gallo and Gaudí. The meeting also announced that an internal investigation into Castellano's murder was well under way. However, it is already an open secret that Gauty is actually a real acting boss without a name. Almost all of the family leaders knew that he had been behind the attack. On January 15, 1986, at a meeting attended by 20 family leaders (capo, captain), he was officially announced as the new boss of the Gambino family. He appointed his accomplice DeCicco as the new second in command, while retaining Gallo as a military division.


John Gotty, the last godfather of the New York mafia Gambino family

Gotty, who became the boss

Boss Gambino -

Identified as the most likely assassin of Paulo Castellano and becoming Castellano's successor, John Gauty rose to fame in 1986. The Gambino family, which Gauty took over, was considered the most powerful American mafia family at the time, with about $500 million in annual revenue. In The Second Boss, Gravano estimates that during gauty's years as boss, he had an annual income of no less than $5 million a year, possibly even between $10 million and $12 million. In order to be able to protect himself legally, Emperor Gao forbade members of the Gambino family from accepting any form of plea bargain (that is, a kind of confessional and lenient litigation transaction, and if he confessed, the judge would be lenient) to prevent others from learning about the existence of their organization. Emperor Gao has been trying to maintain his amiable public image in order to suppress the media's long-standing portrayal of him as a ruthless thug. He is said to offer coffee to FBI agents who are following him. "The Teflon Don" ("The Teflon Don") Gotty's latest fame has at least one positive impact; Remember the case of the bar fight with the repairman, where Romual Piecyk decided not to testify against Gotty, and in March 1986 began testifying that "I can't remember who attacked me". The case was dismissed in a timely manner, with the New York Post summing up the lawsuit under the headline "I Forgotti!" (Ironic Gaudy, originally meant "I forgot the bird ~" disassembled the meaning and "I am Gauty") On April 3, 1986, Gaudy's second-in-command, Frank Gaudy DeCicco was killed. He was on a visit to a die-hard Finch james F. Kennedy of Castellano. Failla was killed in his car. The bombing struck the head of the luchesser family, his roommate, Victor Amuso and Anthony Casso did it, and they were ordered from bosses Anthony Coraro and Vincent Higant. They want to avenge Them by killing the heirs of Castellano and Bilotti; Emperor Gaudí had also planned to visit Failla that day, but it was later canceled, and as a result, a soldier who was riding with DeCicco was mistaken for the boss and the bomb was detonated. The bomb had long been banned by the American Mafia, and out of consideration it would harm innocent people, the Gambino family initially suspected that Zips had done it (this was a Sicilian mafia working in the United States). Zips is also known for using bombs. Following the bombing, Judge Eugene Nixon began presiding over Gauty's extortion case, which was rescheduled, but Gauty's parole application was dismissed because he was suspected of threatening witness Piecyk (the repairman). Although temporarily unable to get out of the detention center, Gaudy asked Sammy from prison. Gravano ordered to kill Robert DiBernardo's command; The reason is that DiBernardo and Rugero have been fighting to succeed Frank Roujero before. Location of DeCicco. It wasn't until Ruggerro sued Di Bernardo for trying to challenge Gauti's leadership that the dispute came to an end. Sadly, at the same time, Ruggero was also being prosecuted and his bail application was withdrawn for his "nasty behavior" at the pre-trial hearing. The seat could not be empty, and Gauti was also more depressed at this time, so he had to promote Joseph Armone is the second in command. The jury selection process for gauty's fraud trial began again in August 1986, and Coty naturally began to work hard to get more people in her favor on the jury. At this juncture, a man named George Pep, a friend of Westies boss Bosco Radonjich, was chosen to serve on the jury; The guy contacted Gravano through Radonjich Pep and agreed to sell it for $60,000 as a jury vote. Pep's trick allowed Gaudy to at least be sure before he went back to court, and if the jury's opinion would differ, the trial would be pending, and he could rest assured. In his opening statement at the Sept. 25 trial, Gotty's defense lawyer, Bruce Cutler, refused to acknowledge the existence of gambino's criminal family, saying the entire job of the government was motivated by personal grievances against Gauty. His main defense strategy was to question the credibility of Jacarolone's witnesses during the indictment by discussing the criminal exploits before they were converted into witnesses. In Gaudy's defense, Cutler also makes it hilarious that Matthew Treena, a bank robber who wants to be a prosecution witness, says that Jacarolone offered him drugs and her underwear in exchange for his testimony; Treyner's testimony was dismissed by Judge Nixon as "utterly unbelievable" after interrogation and convicted of false testimony and could no longer testify. Although the jury began deliberating mainly on the conviction of Emperor Gao. But the aforementioned Pep, who offered to acquit Gaudí, did not until later the rest of the jury began to fear that their safety would be threatened. On March 13, 1987, a jury acquitted Gaudí and his co-suspects. Five years later, Pep was found to have obstructed justice for his actions in the trial. In previous mafia trials, such successes have rarely been achieved. So after Emperor Gao's acquittal, his reputation grew even greater, with the media calling him the "Godfather of tumblers" (or "Godfather of the Protective Shield"), saying that he could keep all crimes from being committed.

John Gotty, the last godfather of the New York mafia Gambino family

Brightly dressed Gotty

——Reorganization of forces——

Although Emperor Gao himself escaped the fate of being convicted, his colleagues were not so lucky. The other two, also in the management of the Gambino family, armone and gallo, were charged with fraud in 1986 and convicted together in December 1987. Before the two were convicted, Emperor Gao allowed Gallo to retire and promote Sammy S. Gravano came to fill his place while leaving Frank Scott in jail while Armone was in prison. Locascio acted as acting second in command. The Gambino family eventually managed the jury for the two trials, rendering the trials null and void. When the terminally ill Rujero was released in 1989, Gaudi refused to contact him because he felt that Gambino's misfortune was caused by Rujero. According to Gravano, Emperor Gao had also considered killing Rujero. After Rugero finally died, Gravano said, "I dragged him to the funeral." Despite Gravano's advice that it was not needed, from January 1988 Gautti asked his captains (capos) to meet him once a week at the Ravenite Social Club. Gauty's brother, Keane Gauty, saw the move as just a risky move to satisfy Gauty's vanity. The FBI did indeed begin eavesdropping on Gaudí and his men on the grounds of "secret association." The FBI also eavesdropped on the Ravenite Club, but failed to obtain any high-quality recordings that would prove their crimes. In addition, in 1988 Gauti, Higante, the new owner of the Luchese family, Victor Amuso attended the first meeting of the Mafia Committee after it was tried. The theme of this conference is to address one of the previous things. In 1986, Lucesse II was killed by the head of the second luces, Antoni Casso, the head of the unauthorized Gambino family, Mickey C. Paradiso was assassinated. The following year, the FBI warned Emperor Gao that they had overheard Louis Manna, a genovese warlord, discussing another assassination of Gauty and his brother Keane. In order to avoid unnecessary war, the leaders of the three families decided to meet with each other, confirm that neither of them meant to attack each other, and agree that the three parties should "communicate better." Several family chiefs also agreed to allow Victor Orina, the acting boss of the Colombo family, to join the committee. But because Higant was worried about giving Gauti the majority in the committee, he prevented Gaudí's allies, Bonanno and Joseph Masinowes, from rejoining. Still, in 1988 Gaudí was able to take control of the DeCavalcante crime family in New Jersey, and according to Anthony Rothorn, an informant from Captain DeCavalcante, Gaudi took many members of the Gambino family to his father's memorial service to "show off force" and forced their boss, John W. Rodton, to "show off force." Riggi agreed to obey the orders of the Gambino family. DeCavalcantes remained in the Gambino family's sphere of influence until Gauti went to prison. Gotty's son, John Gauty II, became a full member of the Gambino family on Christmas Eve 1988. According to Michael M. Thompson, a veteran member who joined the Gambino family that same night, Di Leonardo said gravano presided over the joining ceremony to avoid giving the impression of nepotism. John Gauti II was soon promoted to captain (capo) after joining the family. — Assault acquitted — On the night of January 23, 1989, John Gauty was arrested outside the Ravenite Club and charged with directing the 1986 attack on union official John O'Connor. O'Connor, the leader of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters in America. This person is also estimated to be a tyrant in the industry, and he himself has been prosecuted for extortion. He was attacked because he felt that a restaurant with ties to the Gambino family ignored and boycotted him, and he directed the attack on the restaurant. This dude is also, playing the mighty wind and smashing the field does not look at the right place, Gambino that can be provoked. Gambino then sent Westie to kill him, but O'Connor was injured and had to ask for official help. To link Gaudy to the case, the state prosecutor claimed that Gaudy had declared about O'Connor to "kill him," along with james McElroy's testimony. Emperor Gao paid $100,000 in bail and was later acquitted.

After watching so much, I really feel that the US FBI is not easy, thinking about all kinds of laws and regulations. It is no wonder that since Gauti has become the leader of the largest family, he must have attracted much attention, coupled with internal and external troubles, the last godfather should also have a headache. The FBI and Gauty also counted all kinds of tricks, of course, the state apparatus won the victory, and the latter small part is mainly about how high and low are convicted and how to move in prison, as well as being attacked in prison, entanglement with the Aryan Brotherhood, etc., in short, Gauty has passed the peak of life and begun to decline, along with the entire Gambino family. So the legal battles and the like in the back are not much to say

John Gotty, the last godfather of the New York mafia Gambino family

In prison, Gotty, with a haggard and aging appearance, lives up to the courage of that year

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