
My family uses this method to make carrot croquettes, which is depressing and nutritious

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
My family uses this method to make carrot croquettes, which is depressing and nutritious

Arowana olive oil is just not the same! The same ingredients are fried in different oils with slightly different aromas, olive oil is crispy, mellow ... In the past, I have always used Arowana brand corn oil, but this time I bought an olive oil series, which is simply too mellow! Natural plant-derived oils, rich in flavor, rich in a variety of active nutrients, olive polyphenols, oryzanol, fish squalene, phytosterols; Add 25% extra virgin olive oil, 23% sunflower oil, 22% corn oil, 20% flaxseed oil, 10% rice oil, all natural plant essences! Eat healthier! I am a native of southern Fujian, due to customs and other reasons, there are many festivals, as long as the New Year's Festival home to do a variety of fried food, meat rolls, meatballs and vegetable balls vegetarian meat, and as a vegetarian, my favorite must be carrot balls ...


2 carrots

Flour 160g

Corn starch 40 g

2 eggs

A pinch of salt

Chicken essence a little

A little spice powder

Cumin powder a little

Thirteen incense a little

Pepper a little

Celery to taste

My family uses this method to make carrot croquettes, which is depressing and nutritious

1: Rub the carrots into thin strips and chop them, put them in a basin and add the finely chopped celery

My family uses this method to make carrot croquettes, which is depressing and nutritious

2: Add salt, thirteen spices, cumin powder and pepper

My family uses this method to make carrot croquettes, which is depressing and nutritious

3: Beat in two eggs

My family uses this method to make carrot croquettes, which is depressing and nutritious

4: Add flour and corn starch

My family uses this method to make carrot croquettes, which is depressing and nutritious

5: Stir into a paste, divide into small balls and fry them in a pan

My family uses this method to make carrot croquettes, which is depressing and nutritious

6: Fry until the surface is golden brown and then fish out the oil control

My family uses this method to make carrot croquettes, which is depressing and nutritious

7, too fragrant visually very crisp look

My family uses this method to make carrot croquettes, which is depressing and nutritious

8, sure crispy on the outside and tender on the inside

My family uses this method to make carrot croquettes, which is depressing and nutritious

9. You can eat one plate at a time

My family uses this method to make carrot croquettes, which is depressing and nutritious

10, love this dish of fried food

My family uses this method to make carrot croquettes, which is depressing and nutritious

11: Carrot dumplings

After the carrot is rubbed into silk, then cut into fine, stirred into a paste and let it sit for too long, it will come out of the water, this is normal, then add the right amount of flour to go in, when frying is not recommended to use high heat, so it is easy to fry over the head but the burnt taste is too strong.

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