
In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

author:Xiao Wu on the countryside

Friends, hello everyone, I am Xiao Wu, today for you to share the whole process of Hunan Xinhua local tradition with stone grinding tofu, from grinding beans to finished tofu out, see how you fight tofu there, will not look at it will hit tofu, hurry up and learn.

Step 1 Peel and grind the soybeans

Take the soybeans grown at home, grind them with stone, so that they are peeled, and the soybeans will also be broken into several pieces, and the back will be slightly tender and white when grinding tofu, and the key is that it will be easier when grinding tofu.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Step 2 Sweeping

After the soybeans are ground, use a sorghum broom to sweep them all clean and pack them with a dustpan.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Step 3 Peel the soybeans

After grinding the soybeans, use a sieve to remove the skins of the soybeans. The skin is used to feed the pigs, and the crushed soybeans and flour are used to make tofu. Then soak in a bucket, Xiao Wujia to beat a table of tofu to use 5 pounds of soybeans, a bucket put 5 pounds of soybeans, soaked in the same water. Usually soaked for one night, soaked the night before, and started grinding tofu the next morning.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Step 4 Grind the tofu

Soybeans soaked overnight, now it's time to grind into soy milk. First use a container to place under the stone mill and then continue.

Two people to operate, one scooping soybeans, one hand pushing stone grinding, this is all hard work, two people keep pushing, a table of tofu takes about 25-30 minutes to grind.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Step 5 Clean up the soy milk

After grinding the soy milk, use a spoon to pull the soy milk into the wooden barrel, followed by some boiling water to rinse it from above.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Step 6 Bring water to a boil

Boiling water Xiao Wu family is a table of tofu grinding about half of the time to start burning, a table of tofu to burn a bucket of water, with this white bucket.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Boiling water

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Step 7 Boil the soy milk in boiling water

Use a scoop to open the water and pour it into a wooden bucket filled with soy milk, then close the lid and blanch the soy milk for about 10 minutes, during which time you should stir it with a spoon.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Step 8 Filter the tofu residue

After the soy milk is blanched for about 10 minutes, it is time to filter the tofu residue. Use a bamboo shelf, hang on the beam where the pot is located, and then connect a slightly thinner cloth (we call it a bag) below, and after connecting it, it resembles the shape of a bag, and some people directly use a bag to filter it.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Scoop the soy milk into this bag with a scoop, scoop about three scoops at a time, according to your own situation. Then shake the bag, and the soy milk water will flow down into the big iron pot.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

The water does not flow automatically, you have to squeeze it with your hands, squeeze the soy milk water dry, and then take the tofu residue away and put it into the barrel until it is finished.

Step 9 Bring soy milk to a boil

Re-heat the soy milk to a boil. At this time, we must take a good look at it, and as soon as it is opened thoroughly, the lid will be lifted immediately, or it will run out and waste it, and this is based on experience, and the gas around the pot will be opened.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Step 10 Prepare the cast

Plaster can be used raw or cooked. In the past, my mother used raw, with a whip to beat, but the amount is not easy to control, sometimes more and less. Now they are all cooked, and table by table. A table and a bag can be done, when buying, there is a write on how many pounds of soybeans can be beaten by a bag.

The plaster is diluted with warm boiling water and ready to be there, and the soy milk is about to be put when it is opened.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Step 11 Beat soy milk

After the soy milk is boiled, it is beaten out in a bucket and packed. Generally, there are two large barrels of soy milk on a table. The white soy milk is so pleasant.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Step 12 Solidification

Prepare a clean clay jar, pour the prepared gypsum water into the cylinder, lift the cylinder, shake it until the plaster can walk around the jar, and then two people carry a bucket each, lift it up and pour it into the cylinder together, use chopsticks to draw a cross from the middle, cover the lid, and observe the water.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Step 13 Enter the box

After the water clears and the tofu solidifies into pieces, you can put on the tofu box.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Scoop it into the prepared tofu box with a scoop, and at the bottom of the box is a bag, that is, the kind of baggage that squeezes the tofu residue on it.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Step 14: Pack the baggage

When you're done scooping it all, cover the bag.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu
In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Step 15 Cover the plank with pressurized water

Cover a tofu box board, press it by hand, let it flow some water out, and then slowly press out the water by weighting something on the board. Stone, wood.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

The Xiao Wu family is generally pressed with stones. Press for more than 2 hours.

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Step 16 The tofu is baked

In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu
In rural Hunan, the whole process of beating tofu with stone grinding is used in traditional ancient methods, from soybeans to white tofu

Look at the finished product, beautiful no

The above is the tofu made by the traditional production method of xiaowujia Hunan Xinhua rural area with stone grinding and grinding tofu.

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