
The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

author:At the forefront of film and television

There is a saying: There is a dream that is the most beautiful, and hope follows. Although there are sweet and sour in the process of dream practice, in the end, whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because of the dream. The movie "Million Dollar Baby" is the work of director Clint Eastwood in 2004, Eastwood's films often rely on the tension of the actors to express the film, the background soundtrack is very small, often making the general audience feel dull, but I think the director's skills are really very strong, somehow such a film that almost all start by talking, but it can catch my taste buds! Every time I watch a movie, I almost get more and more fascinated by it (this film won four awards at the 77th Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, and Best Supporting Actor).

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

Clint Eastwood was both a director and an actor in the film, for which he won the Best Picture Award and the Best Director Award at the 77th Academy Awards

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

Director Clint Eastwood and actor Hilary Swank

The plot of the film revolves around three characters, one is Maggie (Hillary Swank), who has a dream of boxing, after turning 30 years old, still has the dream of breaking through the sky in the boxing world, so she comes to the boxing ring run by Frankie (Clint Eastwood) and ShiK (Morgan Freeman), Maggie wants Frankie to become her boxing coach so that she can become a good boxer; Frankie's initial attitude is to refuse to be thousands of miles away, for training female boxers. Not at all interested, but in the case of Maggie's payment, Frankie had to train her halfway and half-push, just when Maggie was going to touch the cloud of dreams, she paid a terrible price, and finally chose to "commit suicide" to come to her own life, and the director also hopes to convey to the audience through the film: whether the dream can be realized in the end, you will become great because of the dream.

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

The three stars in the movie "Million Dollar Baby" are Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, and Morgan Freeman

There are many movies about boxing, such as the Rocky series, The Gladiator, The Warriors, Guild Wars... Wait, and The Million Dollar Baby movie is one of my favorite movies in the genre. The good point of the movie is that the script is very solid and the actors' profound acting skills, although the plot is flat and direct, but the portrayal of the role is very delicate, the background of the three key characters is very deep, although the boxing part is not as wonderful as "Warrior", but this is not the focus of this film, "dream" is the focus of this movie, careful taste will find that the director really made this movie very meticulous, and the rhythm of this movie is also very good, worthy of the big director to shoot the masterpiece.

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

Stallone starred in the classic movie "Rocky"

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

The Gladiator film starring Batman Christian Bell and Mark Wahlberg

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

The movie "Warrior" about brotherhood

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

The movie "Guild Wars" starring Zhang Jiahui and Peng Yuyan

The plot of the movie "Million Dollar Baby" can be divided into two parts, and the first half is really very inspirational. Maggie went from a waitress struggling to survive at the bottom of society, step by step approaching the glory of the world boxing champion, originally returning home at night and only eating the leftover steak used by customers, and later being able to buy a house for the poor family, which let us see the hard work and talent plus the good teacher, the dream will come quickly and quickly.

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

Hillary Swank played Maggie in the film, for which she won Best Actress at the 77th Academy Awards

But after Maggie is attacked by the darkness, the plot takes a sharp turn, and at the moment when she is about to touch the clouds, she falls from the sky and falls into the deep valley. Just a little bit, she can complete her dream, just like that, she can make a name for herself, win the world championship, fly back to the United States with Frankie with the trophy and Eddie (Morgan Freeman) hugging each other in the boxing ring.

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

Hillary Swank in the film, and Morgan Freeman won the 77th Academy Awards for Best Supporting Actor for this supporting role

Many times, the gap between regret and success is only a few centimeters and a few seconds, which makes people lament that this distance is obviously so small, but how it is like a continent separating dreams from reality. The reality is cruel, but the reality in Maggie is too cruel, cruel to bear; lonely she strives to pursue her only dream, because if she gives up going home, it is nothing, and the dream is just ahead, even if it is common in the world to fall, but how can heaven not even give her the opportunity to get up.

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

Stills from the movie "Million Dollar Baby"

In this world, to be honest, if you compare "working tirelessly to achieve your dreams" with "working tirelessly but not succeeding", the latter will probably be more overwhelming than the former. So success is not easy, very, very difficult. No matter how desperate and determined you are, it will always be only a few people who really fulfill their dreams. But the question is, for the sake of that little possibility, are we willing to fight that time? Do we have the courage to run forward desperately for the sake of distant dreams?

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

Stills from the movie Million Dollar Baby by Hilary Swank

Still like Maggie's family, like most people, choose to stop behind a solid stone, spend a life ordinary, watch the precious life slowly pass from the body, but can only think at the last moment of the eyes how they did not hug the dream well, let the life end with regret, and the so-called regret is like Maggie to live for the dream and die, or mediocre and comfortable to live a life, like a gust of wind blowing lightly, without leaving any force in the air.

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

The audience can see that the director combines the character relationship very cleverly, and the above-mentioned mentor-apprentice relationship between Frankie and Maggie is a mentor-apprentice relationship between the coach and the boxer, which actually describes the shortcomings and complements of a father-daughter relationship between them in a deeper way. Maggie's father died early, Frankie's daughter left him unknown, the two met, Maggie asked Frankie to take her as an apprentice, Frankie asked: Do I know you? Or did I meet your mom? Maggie replied: "I'm not sure about this..., although it seems to be a joke scene, but it has potentially laid out the subtle emotions between them, and then when Frankie answers Maggie's inquiry about his daughter's profession, Frankie says deeply: She is an athlete..., I don't know now.... At the end of the speech, Frankie stared at Maggie, and this exchange was even more self-evident.

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

A dialogue between a master and an apprentice in the movie "Million Dollar Baby"

The "father-daughter relationship" between the two is depicted in the film as extremely touching, watching Frankie smile proudly in order to guide Maggie like his daughter, and then see Maggie's achievements, so that the development of the final story makes Frankie's deep sorrow appear. And the only person in Maggie's life who said "I love you" to her was her father, and after his father's death, Frankie filled the gap in her heart in a timely manner; a car scene, Maggie: Frankie, I don't have anyone anymore.... Frankie replied, "You still have me." The transformation from a mentor-apprentice relationship to a rare and valuable family affection makes the audience deeply moved.

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

In the movie, when Maggie successfully challenges the British championship, she finally has to face Billie the Blue Bear, who is known for her despicableness. Maggie, who originally had the advantage, knocked her down and caused her cervical vertebrae to break when her opponent was surprised. Maggie's life changed color overnight, millions of boxers became paralyzed patients in bed, and her favorite boxing became the most distant dream.

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" was seriously injured and paralyzed after being hacked

Maggie strives to leave a beautiful page for her survival, and now she is left with only the idea of death, and she pleads with Frankie to draw a end to her life. Frankie, on the other hand, was caught in a war between heaven and man, and asked the priest with doubts about what he thought, and the priest only said that by assisting others to commit suicide, the heart would be lost, and this move would be in a situation of no return. But Frankie's heart had long since been lost, and seeing his disciple paralyzed on his hospital bed, there was very little he could do.

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

Frank, played by Clint Eastwood, prays in church

After Maggie is rescued by biting her tongue and committing suicide, Frankie learns that Maggie does not want to continue to live as a living dead, and has to help her fulfill her last wish. Before Frankie injects the drug, he explains to Maggie that Mo Cuishle means: My baby, my child. Frankie treats Maggie like his own daughter, caring for her growth and transformation. But now, just as his own daughter was far away from him, Frankie's beloved boxing baby would be at the mercy of fate.

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

In the movie, Maggie chooses to bite her tongue and kill herself

The price of Maggie's dream is to gamble with her life and risk her own brilliant life. Despite her many disappointments, she tried her best to live her life. Whether it's as a waitress to pay for training or to take care of her widowed family, she breaks through life in the way she thinks is right. Many athletes or lovers of extreme sports do not gamble their lives to complete their hidden dreams.

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

In contrast, there are also many people who have not made a fight for their dreams and live in a fog. So much so that later I recall that I have achieved those achievements, but it is lackluster, such a life seems to avoid danger, but it also proves that I am a dreamless life.

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

A life with a dream is often not achieved smoothly, and even you have to risk the cost of losing your life to taste the fruits of success and victory. Although Maggie's life is at the cost of her life as a dream, she did her best to show herself when she lived, and finally she faced death with no regrets!

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

I watched this movie to the end of the tears, sad that Maggie did not get better, and gave the hateful blue bear Billy a fatal left hook punch, but the wound became more and more serious, and finally had to be amputated.... It's hard to feel that Maggie's family is so exaggerated and ruthless, and when her mother put a pen in her mouth and asked her to sign, I was sad no, what kind of affection is this? The most touching thing is not the flesh-and-blood affection, but the father-daughter relationship between Frankie and Maggie, and the two have subtle emotional flows in their speech and actions. In Frankie, Maggie finds her long-lost father's love, and her presence soothes Frankie's pain in losing his daughter, though some of the guilt can never be shaken off.

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

Maggie's family in the movie

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

Don't let them take away my dignity, don't let me lie here with nothing to do... Maggie's last words of begging for death in a hospital bed, although angry, touched people's hearts. She had seen landscapes she had never seen before, had been to places she had never thought, and died, what a pity!

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

Maggie after being seriously injured

At the end of her life, Maggie still insists on the stubbornness characteristic of boxers: when danger is approaching, she has to go forward, she does not want to live in nothing, and chooses to face death. The living and the dead, who loses and who wins? Is it safe to live without dreams?

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

Which is regret when you have tried bravely and failed, or have you never taken a risk in order to keep your body intact? I don't know, if it were me, what choice would I make? In the face of choices, I will bravely step into the unknown and meet the unknown challenges in life, so that there will be no regrets in the dreams of life!

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

Overall, the movie "Million Dollar Baby" combines dreams and pain, inspirational enough but also heartbreaking, let us see the beautiful possibility of "not giving up to get close to the dream", and tell us that real life also has the cruel irreversibility of "as long as there is a little mistake, you may lose everything".

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

Hillary Swank as Maggie

Just when I thought the movie would end in a totally dim light, the dangerous boy came back, the stupid boy who didn't give up from beginning to end, and his appearance lit up the atmosphere at the end of the film, even if he was stupid and stupid, so what? I don't laugh at him because he has dreams, and he works hard for them, no matter how far away they are.

The movie "Million Dollar Baby" Regardless of whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream and live for the dream and die not a father and daughter, just like a father and daughter bet everything for the dream, including the life dream conclusion without regrets:

Desperate to pursue a dream that only you can see, it may end up being a void; but if you don't even have the courage to dream because you are afraid of failure, then isn't there only a few empty years left in life from birth to death? The process of moving towards the dream is the highlight of life, along the way there may be rugged mud, but there will also be a japanese wind and beautiful scenery. Although Maggie's struggle was arduous, she also enriched the original monotonous and obscure life, and received the love of Frankie's father, and at the moment of retiring from the stage of life, Maggie should have no regrets, after all, she had already lived once. Whether the dream can be realized or not, you are great because you have a dream, and the most praiseworthy thing is not the ultimate success and glory, but the courage to dream and chase dreams, so the story of "Million Dollar Baby" is so touching and precious.

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